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1964-1968, Volume XXI
Near East Region

Department of State
Washington, DC

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Index T-Z

Index A-H | Index I-O | Index P-S

Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN), 452-453
Tait, Susan T., 842n
Talabani, Jalal, 385
Talbot, Phillips, 87n, 345n, 621n, 646n, 682n

Iraq, 333-334, 336
Kuwait, 391-392
Near East, 14-15
Oil issues, 13, 19
Saudi Arabia:

British arms sales, 449
Desalting, 471
United Arab Republic, relations with, 131-133, 478
United States, relations with, 433, 670
U.S. arms sales, 464, 469-470, 472n, 473n

South Arabia, 130, 145-146
United Arab Republic, 16-18, 470

British-U.S. policy difference, 634
British-U.S. talks, 666-667
UAR domination of YAR government, 672-673, 678-680
UAR-Saudi agreement, Aug. 1965, 715
UAR withdrawal, 631, 643, 698
United Arab Republic, relations with, 647
U.S. economic aid, 698
U.S. peacemaking efforts, 664-665

Talib, Naji, 342n, 343-344, 348-350, 363-364
Tanganyika, 88, 91-92
Tanzania, 111
Tapline, 573
Tar sands, 2, 42-43, 67
Tavoulareas, William P., 12, 14, 18-19
Taylor, Col., 427
Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 443
Taylor, Rufus, 81n
Taylor, Rush W., Jr., 306n, 854n
Tell, Wasfi, 46, 187n
Terrorism, 44, 47, 82, 143, 145, 147-149, 151-152, 154-155, 159, 161, 207, 218-219, 246, 553
Thacher, Nicholas G., 456-457, 477n
Thailand, 467
Thanayyan, Abdulla, 456
Thant, U, 123, 124, 172, 175, 176n, 184, 379-380, 408-409, 568, 622, 625n, 643n, 645, 648-650, 652, 654, 657, 700, 705, 711, 757n, 798-799
Thieberger (DOD), 400n, 538n
USS Thomas, 504
Thomson, George, 146, 199n, 200, 229, 244
Thompson, George R., 589n
Thompson, Herbert B., 405n
Thompson, Llewellyn, 720
Thornton, Thomas P., 864n
303 Committee, 841
Tiger, M. Gordon, 469n
Tinay (UNTAB), 702
Tiran Island, 612
Tito, Josip Broz, 699
Toliver, Col., 427
Tomkins, Edward E., 223, 313
Toon, Malcolm, 32n, 281n
Toumanoff, Vladimir, 864n
Treaty of Sanaa, 647-648, 666
Trench, Nigel, 162
Tripartite Declaration, 1950, 190
Tron, Rene A., 845n
Trucial States (see also Persian Gulf states; individual sheikhdoms), 122, 207

British economic aid, 123
Communist threat, 186, 611
Federation, 121, 123, 282, 284
Federation of Arab Amirates, 286
Financing of British troops, 266
Instability, 262, 274
Iran, relations with, 313, 419
Saudi Arabia, relations with, 267
Saudi Arabian annexation of, possible, 540
United States, relations with, 283

Truman, Harry S, 507, 512, 546-547
Tubby, Robert W., 834-835
Tucker, Frank M., 469n
Tunisia, 26n, 38, 57, 566
Turkey, 22, 24, 30, 51, 53, 57, 71-73, 78, 88, 92, 259, 260n, 344, 352, 361, 467, 554, 604
Turner, Brooke, 117
Tyler, William R., 87n

Umm al Qaiwain, 206n, 286
Unified Arab Command, 1n, 5, 14, 15, 24, 341
United Arab Republic (UAR) (see also Faisal-Nasser talks; United Arab Republic and UAR subheadings under other subjects):
Arab boycott, 539
Arab Development Bank, 530
Arab union plan, 1963, 5
Aswan Dam, 434, 445, 629, 635
Communism, 494, 509, 602
Economic situation, 16, 26, 719
Federation of Arab Amirates, relations with, 319
India, rice exports to, 752-753
Iran, relations with, 266, 353-354
Iraq, relations with, 338-339, 349, 367, 646
Islamic Alliance, 28
Israel, relations with, 132, 577-578, 599, 600, 603, 608, 647
Jordan, relations with, 35, 46, 559, 597
Kuwait, relations with, 18, 207, 212-211, 404, 651
Kuwaiti economic aid, 16, 849
Libyan economic aid, 849
Moslem Brotherhood, 35-36
Muscat and Oman, relations with, 262
Political instability, 75, 81, 435, 741, 744-746, 751-752, 784
PRC economic aid, 16
Saudi economic aid to, 605, 849
Saudi Arabia, relations with:

Arab League role as intermediary, 614
Faisal-Nasser talks, 707-708
Resumption, 6, 618
U.S. role as intermediary, 614, 630

Sinai water development, 59
Six-Day War, 575-576
Soviet economic and military aid, 16, 77, 434, 445, 542, 686
Soviet fishing base at Ra's Banas, 447
Soviet military installations in, 171, 732, 760
Soviet policy toward, 518
Soviet Union, relations with, 32, 52, 64, 180
Strait of Tiran blockade, 378-380, 610
Suez crisis, 1956, 378-379, 384
Syria, relations with, 434
United Kingdom, relations with, 131, 134, 136-138, 637-639
United States, relations with, 18, 47, 134, 166, 354, 420-421, 493, 525, 691, 699, 671-672, 708, 719

Attack on U.S. library, 15, 691
Deterioration, 35-36, 45-46
Diplomatic immunity for AID mission, 833
Occupation of Taiz AID buildings, 832
Odell case, 699
Restoration, 48
Talbot visit, 470
U.S. as scapegoat, 775-776
U.S. Near East policy and, 3

U.S. economic aid, 18-19, 77, 425, 529, 669, 839

British position, 638-639
Cutoff, 13, 35-36, 519
Development loans, 16, 691-692
Export licenses, 699
Salhia project, 646
Soviet position, 32-33
UAR position, 24

U.S. food aid, 16, 38, 194, 531, 542-543, 692-694, 740, 748, 793-794

P.L. 480 agreement, 691, 699, 809
Rice, 752-753
Saudi position, 531, 685, 694, 727, 809, 817
UAR actions in South Arabia and, 169
Wheat, 171, 531, 685
Withdrawal of UAR request, 811-812

U.S. military aid, 629
U.S. overflights, 16, 803
U.S. policy toward, 11, 17, 19, 54
Withdrawal from Yemen, effect of, 435, 741, 744-746, 751-752, 784
Yemen as member of UAR, 617, 647, 675

United Kingdom (UK) (see also British and U.K. subheadings under other subjects), 168, 411

Chemical warfare in Yemen, 846
Covert operations, 632-633
Defense Review, 25, 96
Defense White Paper, 162, 166-167
Iran, relations with, 72, 288, 305-306, 313-315, 358
Iraq, relations with, 320-321, 366, 381
Kuwait treaty of June 1961, 121-122, 390-391
London Conference on Aden, 1964, 151
Muscat and Oman, relations with, 123-124, 284
Near East oil, reliance on, 66
Oil embargo, 48, 573n
Oil talks with the U.S., June 1963, 1n
Persian Gulf talks with the U.S., Apr. 1963, 120
South Arabia, relations with, 226n, 234
United Arab Republic, relations with, 131, 134, 136-138, 637-639
U.S. subsidies for military projects, 96-98
Withdrawal from East of Suez, 110, 162n, 411, 519
Yemen, relations with, 128-129, 146-147, 229, 445, 594-597, 640-642, 781

United Nations (see also UN Special Mission under South Arabia; UN Yemen Observation Mission under Yemen; United Nations headings and subheadings):

Bahraini membership, 287
British-Yemeni talks, 641-642
Committee of Twenty-four, 123, 135-136, 139, 150, 152, 172-173, 184, 188n, 245
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 872

World Food Program, 770

ICRC report on chemical warfare in Yemen, 843
Peacekeeping efforts, 40
Persian Gulf states, 121-122
PRC membership, 331, 581-582
Saudi support, 425
South Arabia, role in, 164, 172-173, 175, 182
UAR attack on Saudi Arabia, 684, 687, 708, 711, 792n
UAR display of U.S. arms, 701-702
UN Commission for Aden, 184
UN Truce Supervisory Organization (UNTSO), 561
YAR request for action, 768, 777
Yemen, role in, 722, 756-757

United Nations Charter, 305, 378-379, 579
United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF), 378, 568, 647, 798
United Nations General Assembly:

Chemical warfare, 225
Colonialism, 96
Diego Garcia military facilities, 117
Resolution 194, 1948, 392, 583
Resolution 1237 (ES-III), 1958, 37
Resolution 1949 (XVIII), 1963, 150-152, 154, 168
Resolution 2023 (XX), 1965, 153n
Resolution 2183 (XXI), 1966, 188n
South Arabia, 149-153, 181
Third Committee, 225
Two-China policy, 392
Yemen, 782

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), 17, 38, 365
United Nations Security Council, 550

British air strikes on Yemen, 136n, 139, 621-628
Iranian claims to Bahrain, 305-306, 423
Jerusalem, 603
Six-Day War, 558, 568, 597, 602

Resolution 242, 410, 584-586, 597, 602, 604-605
Soviet resolution, 404, 561
U.S. resolution, 404, 561

South Arabia, 131, 134, 135-136, 148, 175n, 641
UAR military actions against Saudi Arabia, 705, 798
UAR use of chemical warfare, 799

United States Geological Survey (USGS), 470
United States Information Agency (USIA), 64, 515-516
United States Information Service (USIS), 17, 439, 564
Urwick, Alan, 223, 232-233, 313, 321
Uthman (YAR), 672

Vance, Cyrus, 68, 104, 443, 454
Van Nort, Leighton, 189n
Vanli (Kurd), 350n, 351
Vaughn, Col., 492
Venezuela, 1, 625
Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 604, 691, 728
Vietnam, Republic of, 104, 691
Vietnam war, 25, 42, 44, 46, 360, 363, 505, 528, 595, 598, 624, 691, 710, 728, 767
Vinci, Piero, 858
Voice of America, 564
Vonier, John W., 411n

Wagner, Joseph J., 50
Wahba, Hafiz, 131, 133
Walker, Peter C., 782n
Wall-Grad, 115
Walsh, John P., 4n, 252n, 342n, 343, 668
Warburton, Anne, 223
Warnke, Paul C., 292-293, 296-297
Warren, George L., 430n, 450n, 491n, 537n, 538n, 682n, 707n
Weathersby, William H., 739
Wehmeyer, Donald A., 280n, 305n, 414, 538n, 555n, 741n
West Aden Protectorate, 150, 157n, 158
Westfall, William B., 50
Wheat, 171, 531, 542, 685
Wheeler, Gen. Earle G., 79, 81, 206, 303, 454-455, 482
Wheeler, Joseph J., 242, 301, 414
Wheelock, John T., 783n
White, Alfred D., 787n
Wilford, Michael, 313, 319
Williams, G. Mennen, 87n, 443
Williams, Maurice, 209, 273
Wilson, Col., 605n
Wilson, Harold, 110, 170, 211, 215, 274-276, 279, 286
Wilson, Thomas W., 234
Wix, Col., 605n
Wolf, Joseph J., 256n, 400n, 414, 593n
Wolle, William D., 12n, 13, 196n, 337n, 463n, 678
Wood, Robert B., 83n
World Bank. See International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).
World Food Program (WFP), 770
World War II, 527, 693
Wrampelmeier, Brooks, 327n, 330n, 609n
Wriggins, W. Howard, 183, 187, 193-194, 527, 532, 796n, 803-804
Wright, Sir Denis, 305-306, 313
Wright, Patrick R. H., 9, 118, 130

Yahia, Lt. Gen. Tahir, 333-334, 364, 385
Yamani, Shaykh Ahmad Zaki, 463n, 573
Yaqub, Mustafa, 701n
Yassine (Yemen), 837
Yemen (see also YAR, Yemen, and Yemeni subheadings under other subjects), 520

Alexandria Agreement, 1964, 692, 731
Algerian military intervention, 845, 849
Anti-Americanism, 775-776, 779, 824
Arab role, 698, 717, 763
Belgian mercenaries, 860
British air combat role, 501-503, 623-628
British mercenaries, 139-140, 554, 618
British policy, 869-870
British-U.S. policy differences, 130-134, 618-620, 629, 632-636, 657-658, 660-662, 687
Bunker Agreement:

Failure, 675, 692, 761, 798
Saudi position, 425, 613, 652-654, 706, 731, 758, 798, 809
UN role, 650
U.S. position, 6, 669, 761
U.S. security commitment to Saudi Arabia, 513
YAR position, 757

Cease-fire agreement, Erkowit, Nov. 1964, 665, 670, 675, 783
Coalition government:

British position, 666-667
Kuwaiti proposals, 763-767, 774
Republican-Royalist ratio in, 732, 738, 739n, 740n, 763n, 764, 767, 771n, 780
Saudi position, 666, 668, 671
UAR position, 690
U.S. position, 677-678

Communism, 436, 497, 532, 544, 602
Czech role, 669
France, relations with, 696
French mercenaries, 554, 860, 866
Hamid al-Din family:

Coalition role, 677-678
Exclusion, 723, 729, 732, 738n, 774n, 868
Kuwaiti view of, 801n
Royalist view of, 616
Saudi support, 696, 759, 763-764, 766-767, 786n, 872, 875-876, 878
UAR view of, 679, 726n, 729, 732, 780, 784, 786, 848
U.S. view of, 631, 738, 741, 771-772
YAR view of, 696, 754-756, 778, 866, 871-872, 881

Haradh conference, Dec. 1965, 675-676, 722-725

Erkowit agreement on holding, 665-666
Failure, 720, 724, 729, 755-756, 808
Jidda agreement on holding, 714n, 715
Resumption, 754
Saudi position, 671, 690, 732, 758, 764
Selection of delegates, 718
UAR position, 673n, 729-730
U.S. position, 716-717, 724-725, 727, 757
YAR position, 722-724, 755-756

Hare mission (see also U.S. role as intermediary below):

Saudi position, 808-813, 816-820
Terms of reference, 814-817, 819-821, 823
UAR position, 806, 821, 825
U.S. position, 807-808, 813-814, 822-825

Imamate, 616, 618-619, 631, 668, 703, 730
Iran, relations with, 852
Iraqi mediation role, 848
Italian mediation role, 838n, 845, 854-855, 858, 868, 875-877, 879
Jidda Agreement, Aug. 1965:

Saudi position, 718-719, 725n, 732-733, 758, 763-764, 847
UAR position, 726n, 729-730, 732, 740n, 750-751, 806n, 847
U.S. position, 500, 714, 716-717, 720-721, 725-726, 727, 733-734, 738-741
YAR position, 715, 716n, 723-724, 754, 756

Joint Arab force, 664
Jordanian mediation role, 679
Khamr Conference, May 1965, 695-697, 756
Khartoum agreement, 862, 865, 869n
Kuwaiti mediation role, 36, 504, 521, 543, 757, 758, 760, 763-767, 770-774, 778, 780, 783, 785-786, 790n, 791-792, 795, 796n, 798, 799n, 801, 803-805
Kuwaiti supervision of plebiscite, 764
Lebanese mediation role, 566, 791
Libyan supervision of plebiscite, 764
Migrant workers in Aden from, 144, 157
Military situation (see also UAR military intervention below), 321, 866-867
Moroccan mediation role, 764, 795, 848
National reconciliation conference, 864
Pakistani mediation role, 792, 795, 798
Partition, 252
Polish role, 669
Political situation, 295, 638, 850-851, 877-878

Anti-UAR faction, 768-770, 775
Coup of Nov. 1967, 850-852
Government reorganization, 849-850
Nu'man-Sallal conflict, 695-698
Occupied South ministry, dropping of, 695
Party of God movement, 678-681
Purge of leftists, Sept. 1968, 879
Resignation and arrest of al-Amri government, 777-779
Shafai-Zaidi conflict, 616, 778
YAR ministers, resignation of, 671-672

PRC role in, 542, 669, 703, 719, 755, 788, 853

Arms purchases, 133
British aid, 131, 134, 870
Collusion with UAR troops, 131
Coup of Nov. 1967, 851-852
Factionalism among, 295, 321, 867-868
Iranian aid, 349
Resumption of warfare, 784-785, 791, 793, 816-817
Saudi aid, 12, 425, 433, 505, 547, 654, 664, 684, 690, 692-693, 700, 702-703, 705, 706, 714n, 722, 727, 749, 791, 793, 811-812, 818, 839n, 840-841, 843-844, 852, 853, 859, 868-869, 874-875
Saudi influence, 260n, 308, 867n
South Arabian arms shipments, 125-126
UAR bombing of access to Khamr, 697
U.S. aid, reports of, 859-861, 865

Saudi Arabia, relations with, 308, 321, 445-446, 821-823, 825, 854, 868, 872-873, 875n, 879-881
Saudi economic aid, 665, 717n, 737n, 768n, 769
Saudi military involvement:

British position, 667
Saudi position, 543-544, 650n, 652-653, 657, 660-662
Use of U.S. equipment, 464
U.S. position, 498, 592, 655-656, 658-659, 661-664
YAR position, 701

Saudi policy toward, 478-479, 578
Saudi-UAR conflict over, 511, 698-699, 700-701, 725-726, 790-799
Saudi-U.S. talks, 493, 495, 497-498, 500, 668-670, 689-694, 726-728, 730-734, 758-765, 782, 816-820
South Arabia, relations with, 132, 236, 618-619, 647-649, 665, 696-698
South Arabia, union with, 145, 154, 157, 160, 229, 321
South Arabia border dispute:

British air attack on Harib fort, 151, 620, 623, 629-630, 635
British-Yemeni talks, 640-642, 645
Demilitarization, 634, 665-666
UN resolution, 132, 139, 621-628

South Yemen, relations with, 307-308, 321, 703, 874
Soviet involvement, 127, 131, 262, 861-862, 877:

Air combat, 856, 858n, 861-862, 864
Naval base agreement, 732
Saudi position, 262, 604, 611, 669, 671, 727, 862-865
UAR position, 633-634, 862-863
U.S. position, 33, 142, 520, 590, 775, 788, 857, 861-863, 868-869
YAR position, 647, 755, 777-778, 872

Soviet military and economic aid, 252n, 542, 732, 855-856, 868
Sudanese mediation role, 578, 764, 795, 848
Syrian role, 866, 869
Tunisian mediation role, 566
UAR, federation with, 617, 647, 675
UAR economic aid, 542, 665
UAR military intervention, 10-11, 675, 680, 692, 697

Arms stockpiles, 748n
Chemical warfare, 225-226, 679, 793, 799-800, 818, 834-837, 842-843, 845-846
Offensive in northern Yemen, 650n, 657
Royalist position, 616-617
Saudi position, 145, 473-474, 652, 680, 689-690
Tank intrusion into Saudi Arabia, 759
Troop levels, 4, 710, 748-749
U.S. position, 11, 472, 680, 709, 774-776
YAR position, 676, 679-680, 763, 781

UAR withdrawal, 717, 850

British withdrawal and, 732-733, 745-746
Saudi position, 668, 725, 759, 762-763, 839n
Six-Day War as motive for, 77, 839-840
South Arabia, effect on, 241, 248
UAR army and, 435, 719, 741, 744-746, 751-752, 784
UAR position, 145, 517, 644,
719, 726, 736-737, 747, 784, 852
UAR-Saudi agreement, 714-715
U.S. position, 184-185, 522, 542, 631, 643-644, 786-787, 845
YAR position, 697, 754-755

UN Yemen Observation Mission (UNYOM):

Creation, 799
Dissolution, 648n, 650, 657
Extension, 133, 134, 613, 630-632, 636, 643-645, 649n
Investigation of Saudi charges of UAR invasion, 654
Replacement for, 648-650

United Kingdom, relations with, 128-129, 146, 147, 229, 445, 640-642, 694-697, 781
United States, relations with, 541-542, 544, 695, 881

Airplane held by YAR, 853-854, 866, 868, 872
Arrest of AID officials, 827-832
Attack and burning of AID mission in Taiz, 824, 826-827, 838-839, 853-854
Embassy move to Sanaa, 787n
Breaking of, 838-839
YAR desire for resumption, 853-855, 870-871, 873

U.S. covert operations, 841, 843
U.S. military and economic aid, 716n, 757, 768-770, 878

Famine relief, 769-770
Mocha port dredging, 788
P.L. 480 aid, 698, 716, 757
Road paving, 781-782, 788
Sanaa water project, 769-770, 787
Scholarships, 757, 880-881
Taiz Municipal water system, 757, 769
Taiz Technical Institute, 787

U.S. policy toward, 3, 15, 30, 190, 391, 424-425, 470, 630-632, 638-639
U.S. role as intermediary (see also Hare mission above), 630, 637n, 656, 664-665, 692-693, 743-745, 761, 795-798, 803-805

Saudi request, 614
UAR position, 737, 806
YAR request, 871, 873, 874

Yemen Arab Republic Government:

Anti-UAR group, 769-770, 775
Factionalism, 295, 321
Federation with UAR, 617, 647, 675
Inflammatory statements by leaders, 760-761
Peacemaking efforts, 664-665
Saudi view of, 532
UAR domination, 671-673, 678-681
UAR-imposed Constitution, 646
UAR-Saudi agreement, Aug. 1965, 715
UAR view of, 638

Yugoslavia, 18

Zabarah, Ahmed, 616
Zahedi, Ardeshir, 71n, 389
Za'id, Shaikh of Abu Dhabi, 287, 313, 317
Zaki, Hasan, 348-349
Zanzibar, 532
Zimmerman, Capt., 183, 748n
Zionism, 45, 47, 517-518, 535-536, 579-580, 591, 603, 612
Zubairi (Yemeni), 678-679, 681
Zuckert, Eugene, 96-97

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