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1964-1968, Volume XXI
Near East Region

Department of State
Washington, DC

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Index I-O

Index A-H | Index P-S | Index T-Z

Ignatius, Paul R., 108, 113-114
Ile des Roches, 85-86, 95
Imam Badr, 544, 617, 647, 664, 714, 825, 879, 881
USS Independence, 103n
India, 21, 28, 70, 91, 99, 296, 300, 351, 353, 647-648, 693, 752-753
Indian Ocean, 83, 84-86, 89-90, 99-100
Indian Ocean islands (see also British Indian Ocean Territories (BIOT); Chagos Archipelago; Diego Garcia; other individual islands):

Military facilities, development, 83, 86-89, 91-98, 100-104, 107-109, 176

Indian Ocean Task Force, 90n
Indonesia, 89, 91, 158, 530
Instrument Landing System (ILS), 451-453
Intelligence collection, 111, 440
Interdepartmental Regional Group for Near East and South Asia:

Faisal visit, June, 1966, 514-517
IRG/NEA 66-34, 181
IRG/NEA 66-35, 181-183, 237
IRG/NEA 66-38, 185-187, 366
IRG/NEA 67-18, 208-209, 221
IRG/NEA 67-24, 220-222, 242
IRG/NEA 67-47, 241-242
IRG/NEA 68-6, 272
IRG/NEA 68-7, 272
IRG/NEA 68-8, 272-273, 282, 290n, 413n
IRG/NEA 68-21, 412-414
IRG/NEA 68-24, 299
IRG/NEA 68-27, 299-301
U.S. security commitment to Saudi Arabia, 552-554

Interior, U.S. Department of, 470, 728
International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), 58-59, 283, 521, 523, 528
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), 254, 770, 800, 834-837, 842-843
International Court of Justice (ICJ), 305-306, 379
Investment Guarantee Agreement:
Iraqi, 365, 369, 375
Kuwaiti, 394
Iran (see also Iran and Iranian subheadings under other subjects), 30, 99

Arab minority, 19, 349, 516
British arms sales, 298, 399
British troop increases in the Persian Gulf, 165
CENTO role, 71, 73
Communists in, 22
Evolutionary change in, 335
Foreign policy of, 350
Iraq, relations with, 345, 349, 350, 352n, 356-358, 359, 364, 373 389
Islamic Alliance, membership in, 28n, 726
Israel, relations with, 338
Kurdish separatism, 7, 344, 352
Kuwait, relations with, 287-288, 321, 415, 418, 420
Oil embargo, 1
Oil production, 42, 230
Regional cooperation, 259, 266-268, 270-271, 300, 519, 554
Saudi Arabia, relations with, 245, 611

Iranian claim to Bahrain, 266-268, 287-288, 323-324
Median line, 259, 273, 287, 312, 315, 413n, 470
Shah visit with Faisal, cancellation, 260, 267-270, 278, 287

SAVAK, 348, 385
Shiites in, 338, 357
South Arabia, relations with, 214, 236
Soviet role in Yemen, 863
Soviet Union, relations with, 17, 19, 57, 296, 518, 604
Trucial States, relations with, 313, 419
United Arab Republic, relations with, 266, 353-354
United Kingdom, relations with, 72, 288, 305-306, 313-315, 358
United States, relations with, 43, 283, 292, 361

U.S. economic aid, 57, 72
U.S. military aid, 17, 57, 297, 304, 450, 467
U.S. military operations through, 88, 92
U.S. security policy toward, 51, 53, 213

White revolution, 335
Yemen, relations with, 852

Iraq (see also Iraq and Iraqi subheadings under other subjects):

Agrarian reform, 335
Arab Foreign Ministers meeting, June, 1967, 401n, 402
Arab union plan, 1963, 5
Boycott of U.S. goods, 386
British military aid, 361
British-U.S. talks, 320-321
China, People's Republic of, relations with, 320
Communism, 366-367, 374, 494, 508, 611
Coups, 24, 362-363, 387-388, 549
Economic situation, 26
France, relations with, 320
Investment Guarantee Agreement, ratification, 365, 369, 375
Iran, relations with, 345, 349, 350, 352n, 356-358, 359, 364, 373, 389
Jordan, relations with, 321, 335, 387
Kurdish dispute, 334, 343-344, 363-364

Autonomy, 676n
British position, 355
Cease-fire, Feb. 1964, 7, 334n, 335, 340
Economic impact of, 355
Iranian role, 345-346, 348-352, 355-356
Israeli role, 355-356, 385
Kurdish office in the United States, 350n
Pesh Murga, 340
Plot to overthrow government, 345
Relocation of Arab tribes, 340
Resumption of hostilities, 384-386, 387n
Settlement, 340, 346-347, 355, 362, 364, 366, 372, 384-386, 388
U.S. aid for Kurds, 337, 347-348
U.S. position, 355-356

Kuwait, relations with, 121
Military buildup, 318
Muscat and Oman, relations with, 262
Oil production levels, 42
Oil settlement, 373, 375
Partition of Saudi Arabia by, 653
Political situation, 4, 8, 10, 81, 335, 353, 375, 719
Saudi Arabia, relations with, 546, 559, 877-878
Shatt al-Arab, 357-358, 364
Shiites in, 364
Six-Day War, 575
Soviet influence, 30, 33
Soviet military aid, 34, 366
Soviet naval visits, 296, 416
Soviet Union, relations with, 320, 366-367, 387, 518
Strait of Tiran blockade, 378-380
Syria, relations with, 42, 320-321, 387, 434
UAR troops in, 339
United Arab Republic, relations with, 367, 646
Unity declaration, 338-339, 349
United Kingdom, relations with, 320-321, 366, 381
United States, relations with, 299, 359-360, 368, 381, 386
U.S. economic aid:

Agricultural development, 370
Dam construction, 369
Education, 342, 353-354, 367
Food, 334, 364, 367
Kurdish receipt of, 337, 347-348
Reconstruction in Northern Iraq, 364-365, 369, 372, 375
Technical assistance, 375

U.S. military aid, 342, 349, 360-361, 367
Water development, 59

Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC), 321, 335, 373
Iryani, Qadi Abd al-Rahman al-, 672, 674, 741, 850n, 875-876, 879
'Isa, Shaikh of Bahrain, 286-287, 314, 323-325, 332
Isham, Heyward, 414n
Isik, Hasan, 19
Islam, 28, 36, 540, 542, 544, 731, 790
Islamic Alliance, 28-29, 35, 726
Israel (see also Arab-Israeli conflict; Jerusalem; Six-Day War, 1967; Zionism; Israel and Israeli subheadings under other subjects):

Arab acceptance, 8, 31
Arab nationalism and, 371
Borders, 562-563, 575-576, 582-583
British support, 633
Desalting, 24
French military aid, 56
Gas masks, 843
Holy sites, 604, 610
Iran, relations with, 338
Jerusalem, status, 609
Kuwaiti policy toward, 392
Nuclear capabilities, 3, 56, 746
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, 44-45
Political situation, 24
Red Sea shipping blockade, 204
Saudi policy, 562, 570-571
South Arabian shipping, interdiction by, 201, 250
Soviet influence, 602-603
Soviet Union, relations with, 34
Strait of Tiran blockade, 378-380, 555, 575, 610
Terrorism, 47, 82
UAR military intervention in Yemen, 692
UN censure, 567-571, 575
United Arab Republic, relations with, 132, 600, 647, 762
United States, relations with, 297, 598
U.S. economic aid to, 384, 663, 839
U.S. military aid, 24, 30, 381, 398, 465, 480, 533, 609, 746, 881
U.S. policy toward, 333, 411, 633
U.S. security commitment, 39, 44, 52, 609n

Italy, 135n, 136n, 307, 838n, 845, 854-855, 858, 868, 875-877, 879
Ivory Coast, 623n

Jaghman, Yahya, 672, 694, 853-854, 858-861, 866, 880-881
Jaifi (Yemen), 638, 646, 672
Jalil, Brig. Adnan Abd al-, 362
Jamil, Nuri, 381
Japan, 41, 66-67, 409
Jarring, Gunnar, 260, 586, 597, 600, 605, 608-610
Jarring Mission, 253, 260, 584-587, 599, 604
Javits, Jacob, 197
Jenkins, Roy, 487
Jernegan, John D., 1n, 4n, 118-119, 122, 123-124, 126n, 128n, 136n, 336n, 337n, 342-343, 350n, 351, 390n, 395n, 429n, 443, 444n, 458n, 469n, 613n, 614n, 618-619, 630n, 641n, 643n, 644n 686n
Jerusalem, 583, 587n, 590, 597, 599, 601, 603-604, 609, 612
Jessup, Peter, 800
Jidda Agreement, Aug. 1965. See under Yemen.
Johnson, Joseph, 12, 365
Johnson, Lyndon B.:

Casablanca summit, 23
Indian Ocean, 89, 90n
Indian Ocean islands, 91
Iraq, 359, 368-371, 374, 376-378
Israeli borders, 562, 582-583
Kuwait, 394, 405-409, 414-421

To Aref, 368-370
From Barzani, 372
To Emir Sabah of Kuwait, 405-406
To and from Faisal, 424-426, 444-446, 458-459, 469-470, 472-474, 477-479, 493n, 496-501, 556-558, 562, 565, 579-580, 582-583, 585-587 613, 615, 650-654, 670, 735
From Hussein, 582
From Imam Badr, 617
To and from Nasser, 3, 743
To and from the Shah, 268-271

Near East, 3, 44-48, 69
Persian Gulf states, 271, 276, 419-420
Political and social reforms, 521-526
Refugees, 46-47, 582
Saudi Arabia:

Faisal visit to Washington, June 1966, 509n, 511, 516-530, 532-534
Iran, relations with, 268-270
Prince Khalid U.S. visit, 595-598
Saqqaf U.S. visit, 432-433
Prince Sultan U.S. visit, 493-494, 496-497, 499-500
UAR, relations with, 710
UAR military action against, 705, 709
United States, relations with, 584, 599-600, 605, 670, 689, 734-735, 758
U.S. arms sales, 472, 480, 588
U.S. security commitment, 547, 552, 670
U.S. withdrawal of aircraft, 615

Six-Day War, 569, 582
South Arabia, 210-211, 248
South Yemen, 331
UAR-U.S. relations, 728-729
U.S. security commitments in the Near East, 39
Vietnam war, 710, 767
Visit to Saudi Arabia, proposed, 534

Attack and expulsion of AID mission, 826, 832n
British-U.S. policy differences, 634-635, 662
Bunker Agreement, 613
Hare mission, 814
Saudi military reinvolvement, 657-659, 663, 701
Saudi-U.S. talks, 726
UAR-Saudi agreement, 714
UN resolution on British air strikes, 623-628
U.S. covert operations, 841

Johnson, U. Alexis, 87n, 334-335, 720
Johnston Plan, 24
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS):

Indian Ocean islands, 87n, 92, 94, 102, 105-107, 109-112

JCSM-188-63, 688
JCSM-904-64, 451-453
JCSM-295-65, 687-688, 713
JCSM-392-65, 105
JCSM-281-67, 203-206, 238
JCSM-420-67, 105-107
JCSM-226-68, 109-112
JCSM-380-68, 298-299

Persian Gulf states, 298-299
Saudi Arabia, 427n, 451-453, 554
South Arabia, 175-177, 203-206, 208
UAR-Saudi conflict, 712-713, 720
Yemen, 687-688, 713

Jones, Betty-Jane, 305n, 414n
Jones, Curtis F., 9, 136n, 170-171, 173n, 197n, 200, 337n, 338n, 444n
Jones, William G., 621n, 630n, 686n
Jordan, Col. Amos A., Jr., 183, 187, 209
Jordan (see also Jordan and Jordanian subheadings under other subjects):

Arab boycott, 539
British arms sales, 484, 487n
Communist threat, 187, 366-367, 508, 597, 612
Fatah actions against, 322
Iraq, relations with, 321, 335, 387
Israeli military action against, 38, 553
Jerusalem, status of, 510
Kuwaiti economic aid, 849
Libyan economic aid, 849
Military buildup, 14
Nationalism, 8
Partition of Saudi Arabia by, 653
Political situation, 75, 80-81, 335, 663
Red Sea shipping blockade, 204
Regional cooperation, 554
Saudi Arabia, relations with, 546
Saudi economic aid, 849
Six-Day war, 576, 577-578, 597-601, 603, 608
Soviet military aid to, 35, 588n, 602, 734
Soviet policy toward, 518
Soviet Union, relations with, 6
Syria, relations with, 36, 321, 434
UAR, relations with, 35, 46, 559, 597
Unified Arab Command troops in, 24
U.S.-British talks, 10
U.S. economic aid to, 40, 392, 564, 577
U.S. military aid, 480, 553-554

Aircraft, 734
Saudi position, 489, 577
UAR overflights and, 803
U.S. position, 40, 533

U.S. policy toward, 5-6
U.S. security commitment, 39-40, 260, 608

Jordan Waters issue, 1n, 2, 4, 8, 24, 30, 59, 390, 433, 633, 635, 691
Josephson, J. J., 323-325
Judd, Thomas M., 83n, 126n, 128n, 130, 136n, 145n, 148n, 165n, 169n, 172n, 173n, 196n, 199n, 338n, 351n, 390n, 398n, 400n, 449n, 460n, 487n, 491n, 503n, 534n, 630n, 636n, 640n, 641n, 664n, 666n, 682n, 694n, 748n, 784n, 792n
Junior, Lewis D., 605n
Juzaylan, Abdullah, 828

Kagnew Station, 54, 57-58, 113
Kaissouni, Abdel Moneim, 740, 746, 752-753
Kamaran Island, 232
Kamel, Mostafa, 129n, 481, 631, 643, 644n, 673, 698-699, 708n, 728, 730, 736, 737n, 747, 780, 792-795, 802, 821, 823, 828, 831n
Kashmir, 28, 693
Kassem, Gen. Abdul Karim, 335, 342, 366
Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 65n, 71n, 74, 80, 194, 199n, 215, 252n, 269n, 327n, 406-407, 565n, 792-794, 802, 804, 815, 839n, 858, 859n
Kebir, Gen., 702
Keeny, Spurgeon, 800
Kennedy, John F., 2, 16, 39, 170n, 173, 197n, 336, 354, 424, 439, 507, 513-514, 615n, 634, 652, 508n, 513, 533, 535, 547, 553, 809
Kent, Robert W., 716n
Kent, Sherman, 678
Kenya, 159, 203-204
Khalaf, Kadhim, 343, 351n
Khalid ibn Abdul-Aziz, Prince, 567, 569, 595-598, 651, 689
Khalifah ibn Salman al-Khalifah, Shaikh, 189-191
Khameri, Abdullah al-, 247n
Khan, Yacub, 342n, 343
Khouli, Hassan Sabri al-:

Nasser-Faisal talks, 699
UAR military action against Saudi Arabia, 481, 686, 708
UAR propaganda campaign against South Arabia, 126n
U.S.-UAR relations, 746, 776, 779n
Yemen, 643, 645, 785n

Hamid ad-Din issue, 771-772, 773n
Jidda agreement, 725n, 726n
Kuwaiti mediation efforts, 758, 763n, 774, 786
Saudi-UAR relations over, 167, 738
U.S. role as intermediary, 805, 814n

Khrushchev, Nikita S., 127, 433-434, 444-447, 638, 651
Khuzistan, 19, 349, 516
Kierman, Frank A., 49
Killick, John E., 9-12, 118, 618
Kinsolving, Lucien L., 356n, 360n, 365n, 372n
Kirn, Rear Adm. L. J., 688
Kitchen, Jeffrey, 87-89, 94, 98, 100n, 153, 155
Kohler, Foy D., 841
Komer, Robert W., 2-3, 23, 444n, 458n, 499n, 707n

Indian Ocean, 83, 89, 99-100
Indian Ocean islands, 92, 98
Saudi Arabia, 482-483, 615, 709

Prince Sultan visit to Washington, 493, 496-498, 500n
U.S. arms sales, 471-472, 480-481

UAR-U.S. relations, 24

Saudi military reinvolvement, 657-658, 659n, 661-664
Soviet role, 861
UN resolution on British air strikes, 626
UNYOM, ending of, 657
U.S.-British policy disagreements, 620, 632-636

Komorowski, Raymond A., 49
Korea, People's Democratic Republic of, 331
Korea, Republic of, 467
Korn, David A., 149n, 173n, 396, 400n, 406n, 484, 486, 501n, 503n, 507n, 512n, 534n, 538n, 718, 720n, 741n, 748n, 769n, 771n, 787n, 789n, 792n, 802n, 827n
Koumanelis, Steve, 393n
Kraft, Joseph, 2
Kurdistan (see also Kurdish dispute under Iraq), 344, 353
Kuria Muria Islands, 232, 249-250
Kuss, Henry J., 398n
Kuwait (see also Kuwait and Kuwaiti subheadings under other subjects):

British arms sales, 298-299, 318, 393, 395, 398-401, 414, 416
British defense role, 25, 120-121, 146-147, 164-165, 317-318
British treaty of June 1961, 121-122, 390-391
Communist threat, 185-186
Czechoslovakia, relations with, 186
Economic strength, 6
Eximbank loan for refinery, 228
Investment Guarantee Agreement, 394
Iran, relations with, 287-288, 321, 415, 418, 420
Iranian claim to Bahrain, 314
Iraq, relations with, 121
Modernization, 142
Oil production, 396-397
Peacekeeping role in Yemen, 764
Poland, relations with, 186
Political stability, 257, 274
Regional cooperation, 267, 519
Saudi Arabia, relations with, 415
Saudi-UAR relations, 751
Soviet arms sales, 412-413, 611
Soviet Union, relations with, 186, 282, 320, 413, 415-416
Subversion in, 284
United Arab Republic, relations with, 18, 121-122, 207, 404, 651
United States, relations with, 43, 299, 303-304

Consular Agreement, 394
Naval visits, 282, 416
Oil embargo, 401n, 402-404
Six-Day War, effect of, 401-405, 407-412
Visit of Amir, 417-423
Visit of Foreign Minister, 406-407

UN membership, 121, 320, 390, 413
UN role, 324, 332
U.S. arms sales, 292-293, 298-299, 303-304, 393, 398-399, 412-414, 416
U.S. role in defense, 390, 418, 423
Yemen settlement conference, 664

Kuwait National Petroleum Company, 228, 407


Aden Trade Union Congress (PSP-ATUC), 147, 155, 157
Foreign workers on Diego Garcia, 115-116
Histadrut, 24
In Saudi Arabia, 441-442, 455

Laingen, L. Bruce, 797n
Lang, William, 97n
Latin America, 226, 610
Lauppi, Dr., 837
Lavery, Ed, 323
Law, Elston, 12, 14, 18, 397
Lawton, John, 835
Lay, Ray, 264-265, 323-324
Leahy, Gen., 469, 506-507
Leyland Motors, 484
Lebanon (see also Lebanon and Lebanese subheadings under other subjects), 35, 36

British arms sales, 487n
Communist presence, 366-367, 508
Instability, 80
Saudi-UAR relations, 751
Six-Day War, 576
Soviet policy toward, 518
Unified Arab Command troops in, 14, 24
U.S. missile sales, 398

Leddy, John M., 100n
Lee, Guy A., 162, 395n
Lejeune, Michael, 59
Lewis, William H., 49
Lewisite, 837
Liapis, Stephen, 827-828, 832
Libya, 1, 8, 10, 11, 17, 38, 42, 58, 65, 130, 132, 324, 435, 452, 620, 629, 633, 635, 762, 764
Liebesny, Herbert J., 839n
Lindsay, John, 535-536
Lockheed, 428, 431, 471-472, 475-476, 488-492, 510
Looram, Matthew J., 28n, 243n, 827n
Lord, Winston, 83n
Luqman, Abdul Muhsin, 330

MacCracken, John G., 862n
Macmillan, Harold, 638
Macomber, William, 183, 187, 515, 770, 782
Maechling, Charles, Jr., 443, 454, 482
Maghreb (see also Algeria; Morocco; North Africa; Tunisia), 8n, 26n
Mahjoub, Mohamed Ahmad, 576, 578, 848-849, 860-861
Majid, Abd al-Aziz, 689
Makkawi (South Arabia), 154, 170, 201-202
Makki, Hassan, 761, 853-854
Malaysia, 84, 89, 663
Maldive Islands, 88, 92, 95
Mali, 541, 544
Malik, Gen., 607
Malik Ismail, Abdul, 254
Man, M.C.G., 230-231, 504-505
Mann, Thomas C., 354-355, 491n
Mansouri (Saudi), 538n, 539
Mao Tse-tung, 528
March, Col., 71n
Marks, Leonard H., 482
Martin, Noel, 162
Masaud (Saudi), 567
Masirah Island, 124, 165, 177, 233
Mason, Edward, 16
Masri, al- (UAR), 196n
Mas'ud, Mohammad, 637, 704, 710-711

Najran bombing report, 783
Six-Day War, 574, 579
South Yemen, 326
U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 485-486, 488

Chemical warfare, 846
Kuwaiti mediation efforts, 773n
Saudi economic aid, 717n
Saudi influence with Royalists, 260n, 867n
Soviet role, 863n
YAR-Saudi relations, 875n
Mauritius, 88, 93, 96, 98, 115

McAfee, William, 831n
McChrystal, Col. Herbert J., 280n
McClanahan, Grant V., 13, 149n, 716n
McClelland, Walter M., 311-312, 389 McClintock, David W., 227n
McCloskey, Robert J., 148n, 277n, 537n, 779n, 846n
McCone, John A., 8n, 443, 454-455
McDonald, Gen., 62
McDonnell, James P., 309n
McElhiney, Thomas W., 454
McKinnon, Col., 136n
McNamara, Robert S., 25, 90

Indian Ocean islands, 94, 96n, 101, 103, 108-109
Iran, 399
Iraq, 374
Persian Gulf, 296
Saudi Arabia:

British aircraft sales to, 484
United States, relations with, 498, 758
U.S. military aid, 466-469, 475-476, 478, 480n, 481, 485-490, 537, 549

Yemen, 841

McNaughton, John T., 94-96, 101-103
McPherson, Maj. Gen. John B., 112
Meade, Frazier, 646n
Mediterranean region, 57, 61
Mekong River development, 521
Menemencioglu, Turgut, 72
Merino, Lt. Col. Robert F., 589n, 606
Meyer, Armin, 1, 266, 269, 270-271, 305n, 306n, 311, 357-358, 423
Meyers, Howard, 83n, 87n, 162, 360n, 395n, 398n, 487n, 501n, 503n, 748n
Michaud, Michael A. G., 827n
Military Air Transport Service (MATS), 16, 452
Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG), 594
Military Assistance Program (MAP):

Kuwait, 395
Saudi Arabia, 548, 551, 593-594
South Arabia, 221, 238-239

Miller, Edward F., 49
Mishal, Prince, 557n
Mofti, Shamsuddin, 347-348
Mohamed ibn-Faisal, Prince, 456, 470, 555
Mohammad, Masud, 346
Mohieddine, Zakaria, 719
Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 282
Moody, C. G., Jr., 444, 455, 483
Moore, George C., 32n, 145n, 146n, 148n, 165n, 169n, 172n, 189n, 393n, 395n, 429n, 430n, 449n, 450n, 458n, 460n, 464n, 469n, 481n, 483n, 484n, 487n, 491n, 499n, 501n, 534n, 538n, 543n, 613n, 636n, 648n, 649n, 655n, 658n, 660n, 664n, 666n, 672n, 681n, 682n, 685n, 686n, 694n, 697n, 700n, 707n, 715n, 716n, 722n, 725n, 738n, 741n, 760n, 768n, 776n, 777n, 779n, 781n, 782n, 783n, 784n, 786n, 790n, 792n, 797n, 801n, 802n, 804n

Arabian Peninsula, 187
Jidda agreement, 723-724
Near East, 9, 49
Saudi Arabia, 527, 532
Saudi-U.S. talks on Yemen, 731, 761
South Arabia, 153, 162, 183, 209, 496
Morocco, 26n

French military aid, 57
Role in Yemen, 764, 795, 848
UN resolution on British air strikes, 622, 623n
UN resolution on South Arabia, 134
U.S. military aid, 573

Morgan, Capt., 607
Moses, Henry, 19
Moslawi (Iraq), 362
Mossadegh, Muhammad, 42
Muhammad, Masud, 340-341
Muhi-al-Din, Zakaria, 146
Munassir, Qasim, 860
Murphy, Capt., 273
Murphy, Richard W., 427, 477n, 479
Murray, Ronald M., 79n, 280n, 301
Muscat and Oman:

Border with Abu Dhabi, 123
British military bases, 124
Ceding of Kuria Murias to, 232, 249-250
Communist threat, 186
Instability, 274
Iraq, relations with, 262
Oil resources, 262-263
Outlook, 261-263
Rebels in, 124
Saudi Arabia, relations with, 120, 123, 262, 470
Soviet role, 262
Syria, relations with, 262
Trucial Oman Scouts, 316-318
UN involvement, 124
United Arab Republic, relations with, 262
United Kingdom, relations with, 123-124, 284
United States, relations with, 124, 263, 282-283, 319

Mustard gas, 835, 837
Mutlaq (Saudi), 427

Napalm, 360
Nasser, Ali, 226n
Nasser, Gamal Abdel (see also Faisal- Nasser talks):

Arabian Peninsula, 141
Arab Socialist movement, 28
Arab Tripartite Committee, 866
Arab unity, 31
Arms control, 3
British-UAR relations, 136-138, 637-639
British view of, 11-12, 130, 632-633, 635, 661
Communism, 32, 494-495
Health of, 322, 639
India, rice exports to, 752-753
Iran, 19
Iranian view of, 353-354
Iraq, 338, 345-347
Iraqi view of, 353, 358, 371
Israel, 746
Jordan-Israel settlement, 577, 598-599
Jordanian view of, 46
Kuwait, 121-122, 207, 404
Libya, foreign bases in, 17, 130, 132, 620

To Faisal, 559
To and from Johnson, 3, 743

Near East, 3, 25, 662
Oil, 11
Overthrow, 35
Palestinian refugees, 582
Persian Gulf states, 207
Saudi Arabia:

Dhahran airfield, 448
Faisal visit to Washington, June 1966, 518
United States, relations with, 511

Saudi-UAR relations, 118-120, 658

Breaking of, 520
Saudi position, 692-693
UAR military action, 519, 527, 682, 700, 710, 791, 795
UAR position, 750
UAR subversion, 454
U.S. position, 131-132, 519, 751, 785, 797

Saudi view of, 46, 447, 525, 559, 612, 742n, 762-763, 766, 809
Six-Day War, 77, 408, 559, 561, 597
South Arabia, 164, 745-746, 752

Aden base, 145, 154, 159, 163, 166
British occupation, 128, 130, 136-138, 142
Soviet pressures against, 127
Training of dissidents, 193
UAR actions, 169, 236
Soviet military aid to UAR, 34

Soviet military installations in UAR, 760

Anti-American, 733
Attack on Saudi Arabia, threatened, 507-508
Attacks on Faisal, 734, 747-748, 750
Against British in South Arabia, 128, 130, 136-138
Foreign bases in Libya, 17, 130, 132, 620
Port Said, 1964, 15, 18
Withdrawal from Yemen, 745

Strait of Tiran blockade, 378-379, 610
Suez Canal, 582
Suez crisis, 1956, 378-379
U.S.-UAR relations, 45-48, 134, 210, 470, 671-672, 691, 733
U.S. economic aid to UAR, 24, 519, 752-753, 817
U.S. view of, 8, 18, 525

Arrest of AID officials, 832n
British air strikes on Yemen, 624
Jidda agreement, 500, 715, 718-719, 723-724, 726n, 729, 732-734, 738-739, 741, 750, 806n
Kuwaiti mediation efforts, 763-766, 770-771
Problems and prospects in, 674-678
Resignation of al-Amri government, 777
Saudi position, 578, 669, 758-759
Saudi military reinvolvement, 656n
Settlement, 619
UAR military intervention, 34, 633
UAR withdrawal, 184-185, 644, 697, 737, 784, 852
UNYOM dissolution, 648n
U.S. role as intermediary, 743-745, 804, 806-807, 814, 816, 822
U.S.-UAR talks, 632n
Visit, 646

National Intelligence Estimates:

NIE 30-64, 141-142
NIE 36-64, 8-9
NIE 10-2-65, 60
NIE 30-1-66, 177-179, 181
NIE 36-66, 26-27
NIE 36.6-66, 540-541
NIE 30-1-67, 206-208
NIE 30-2-68, 81-82

National Liberation Front (South Arabia), 147, 150

Actions against, 301-303
Adeni view of, 160
Arab National Movement connection, 219
Army conflict with radicals, 393-295
British view of, 155, 216
Conflict with FLOSY, 224, 246
South Yemen army support, 248
Split within, 285-286
UAR abandonment, 218
UAR organization, 680
United States, relations with, 247
U.S. view, 196n, 212, 235-236

National Security Action Memoranda:

NSAM 277, 720
NSAM 289, 90
NSAM 341, 516, 553

National Security Council, 48, 69, 209, 572
Naval Facilities Engineering Command, 115
Navy, U.S., 98, 102
Nawwaf, Prince, 599
Near East:

Arms control, 3, 34, 44, 55-56
British defense role, 25, 27
British-Iranian differences, 229-230
British-U.S. differences, 663
Communist threat, 20-23, 494-500, 508-509, 537, 544
Czech arms sales, 63
French role, 57
IBRD role, 58-59
Japanese role, 69
Nasser activities, 662
Nuclear-free zone, 34
Oil embargo, effect on, 2
PRC influence, 69n, 494-495
Radical-moderate split, 518-520
Saudi objectives, 520
Soviet influence, 69n, 76-78, 494-495, 515, 544
Soviet policy, 29-34, 50-52, 75, 80, 408-409, 518-519
Termination of Western base rights, 9
Territorial integrity of states, 555-556, 562-563, 565, 569-570
UAR-U.S. talks, 803-804
U.S. arms sales moratorium, 572n, 581-582, 584n, 589n, 591
U.S. military intervention, 44
U.S. naval forces expansion, 80, 551-552
U.S. overflights, 94
U.S. policy toward, 2-5, 29-31, 44-48, 49-58, 60-61, 68-70, 74-81, 336 423
U.S. security commitments, 39-41
U.S. technical aid, 56
U.S. use of force, 170n, 173, 197n, 507, 513
Western European role, 53, 61, 69

Nelson, Stuart, 12
Nervene gas, 837
Nes, David G., 772, 773n, 806-807, 813n, 814n, 815n, 822, 824-825, 829n, 830n, 831
Netherlands, 66
Neuman, Robert H., 247n, 289n, 301
Newton, David G., 264, 323, 605n
New Zealand, 174
Nichols, Col. Willard A., 49
Nigeria, 42, 124
Niner, Arthur M., 253
Nitze, Paul H., 79-80, 103-105, 113-114, 293, 303-304
Nixon, Richard M., 415, 420, 611-612
North Africa, 20-23, 49-58, 53, 57, 60-61, 74
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 42, 52, 64, 76, 240
Northrop, 393, 428, 475-477
North Sea, 42
Norway, 134, 467
Nowfel, Camille, 331, 417, 596
Nuclear free zones, 34
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), 44-45
Nuclear power, 2, 14, 42-43
Nuclear weapons:

Arab development, 56
Chinese development, 84
Israeli development, 3, 56, 746
UAR inspection on U.S. ships, 16-17

Nu'man, Ahmed Mohammed, 638, 672, 694-697, 698n, 716n, 756, 854, 872, 875

O'Grady, Adm. James W., 114n

In Abu Dhabi, 123
Aden refinery, 163
British position, 11, 131, 146
Embargo on U.S. and U.K., 1-2, 48, 65, 68, 213, 401n, 402-404, 573-574, 578, 579, 591
Importance of Near East reserves, 41-43, 228, 284, 290
Industry issues in the Near East, 12-19
Iraqi settlement with IPC, 335, 363, 375
Mid-Persian Gulf discoveries of, 259
Nationalization, 9, 27, 67
North Sea reserves, 42
Production levels, 14, 27, 230, 396-397
Profits, 66
Saudi concession offers, 463
Producers, 207, 258
South Arabian influence in Near East on, 205, 212-213
Soviet production, 42
Terrorism against British interests, 159
Western interests, 65-68

Oliver, John, 264
Oman. See Muscat and Oman.
O'Neill, W. Paul, Jr., 100n
Operation Hard Surface, 447, 513, 547, 551, 553, 615n, 669, 706, 794
Organization of African Unity (OAU) Heads of State Meeting, Cairo, July 1964, 648n
Organization for European Cooperation and Development (OECD), 1
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 1, 15
Ortona, Egidio, 854, 865
Orwat, Maj. Gen. J. S., 62, 79-81, 114n
Osman, Dr., 372n
Oulashin, Eric E., 83n
Owen, Garry, 12

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