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1964-1968, Volume XXI
Near East Region

Department of State
Washington, DC

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Index P-S

Index A-H | Index I-O | Index T-Z

Pachachi, Adnan M., 184, 365, 377-380, 383-384
Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 14
Padelford, Edward A., 227n, 450n, 537n
Page, Howard, 13-14, 17
Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza, Shah of Iran, 25, 28, 165, 335, 396

Iranian claim to Bahrain, 264, 266, 268, 305, 323-324, 332, 418-419, 423
Iraq-Iran relations, 357-358
Iraqi view of, 359
Iraq-UAR unity declaration, 338-339, 349
Kurdish dispute, 349, 353
Kuwait-Iran relations, 418, 420
Messages to and from Johnson, 268-271
Persian Gulf states, 207, 271, 287
Security of Iran, 350n
South Arabia, 155, 210-211, 215, 221-222, 233
UAR control of South Arabia, 194
UAR-Iranian relations, 353-354
UAR view of, 518
U.S. defense role in Persian Gulf, 311
U.S. policy toward UAR, 17, 19

With Faisal, proposed, 260, 267-270, 278, 314
Kuwait, Nov., 1968, 332
Saudi Arabia, 314-316, 323-325, 595, 611
United States, Aug. 1967, 221-222

Pakistan, 28, 70, 71, 73, 99, 259, 260n, 296, 300, 349, 351, 353, 519, 554, 693, 792, 795, 798
Palestine (see also Refugees), 1n, 334, 391, 412, 420-421, 558, 589-591
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 31, 46
Palmer, Stephen E., Jr., 191
Paolozzi, Gabriel J., 187n
Parker, Richard B., 708n, 726, 773n, 785n, 962n
Parkhurst, George, 13-14, 17
Peace Corps, 221, 239, 263, 277
Perim Island, 232
Perrone (Italy), 876n
Perry, John M., 253
Persian Gulf, 520, 691

British-U.S. talks, 120, 313-321
Joint policing, 259
Soviet desire for access, 282, 296
Soviet naval visits, 296, 300
U.S. defense role, 300-301, 311-312

Persian Gulf states (see also individual countries):

British role, 27, 120, 279

As arms supplier, 280, 298
Political relationships, 275-276, 279
Troop increases, 165
U.S. position, 57, 142, 227, 275-276, 279, 282

British withdrawal, 110

Kuwaiti position, 412
Saudi position, 265-266, 521, 592
U.S. position, 207-208, 256-258, 260-261, 272-273, 283-284, 289, 291, 590

Communism, 494
Federation of Arab Amirates formation, 286-288, 313-320, 324, 419-420
Internal security, 274
Iranian role, 72, 259, 271, 274, 287
Iranian-Saudi competition, 275
Iraqi role, 274, 284
Nationalism, 84
Oil revenues, 207
Outlook, 206-208, 281-283
Regional cooperation, 259, 266-268, 270-271, 273-274, 282, 300, 413n
Saudi role, 230, 245, 274, 519
Soviet influence, 275
Soviet Union, relations with, 33, 137, 207, 299
Strategic importance, 282
Syrian role, 284
UAR role, 284
UN membership, 280
UN role, 121-122
U.S. arms sales, 292-293, 298-299, 303-304
U.S. role in, 189-191, 208, 277-278, 283, 422-423

Pharaon, Rashad:

Iranian-Saudi relations, 266-268
Persian Gulf states, 265-266
U.S. economic aid to Jordan, 577
U.S.-Saudi relations, 527, 532, 541-544, 567, 574, 599
Yemen, 725n, 758-759, 761

Kuwaiti coalition government proposal, 765, 767, 771-772, 773n, 774, 792n
Saudi aid to Royalists, 844
Saudi conditions for settlement, 339n
Saudi Arabia, relations with, 880n
U.S. role as intermediary, 808, 816-817, 819-820

Philippines, 467, 690
Phosgene gas, 835-836
Pirasteh (Iran), 364
Placke, James A., 411n
Poison gas, 225-226, 679, 793, 799-800, 818, 834-837, 842-843, 845
Poland, 186, 669
Polaris submarines, 113
Popper, David H., 608n, 846n
Pratt, James W., 861n
Proctor, Carolyn J., 735n
Project Rest Stop, 115
Public Law 480:

Aid to Iraq, 334, 364
Aid to UAR, 16, 38, 169, 531, 542-543, 685, , 740, 748 727, 809
Aid to Yemen, 698, 716, 757

Qabus bin Said, Sultan of Oman, 262-263
Qadi, Gen., 617
Qahtan. See Shaabi, Qahtan al-.
Qasimi, Shaikh of Sharjah, 313
Qassim, Gen. Abdul Karim, 335, 342, 366
Qatar, 121, 122, 207, 263, 274, 281, 282, 284, 412, 540
Quimby, Thomas H. E., 114n
Quinn, Charles, 136n, 277n, 393n, 395n, 400n, 427, 430n, 449n, 460n, 491n, 537n, 538n, 583n, 643n, 682n, 748n, 792n

Rabin, Yitzhak, 47
Raborn, Adm. William F., Jr., 482
Radio KOL Israel, 568
Radio Mecca, 439
Ramsey, Henry C., 393n, 395n
Rand Corporation, 59
Ras al Khaimah, 206n, 286
Rashad, Abdul Qawi, 306n, 329n
Rashid, Shaikh of Dubai, 287, 313
Rattray, Alexander, 482n
Raxman, Abdul, 837
Ray, Robert, 463
Raytheon Company, 491-492, 504-506, 510, 548, 554, 802-803
Razzaq, Aref Abd al-, 382
RCA Company, 539
Read, Benjamin H., 130, 139-140, 368n, 372, 522n, 587, 613, 653-654
Red Sea, 495, 498
Reed, John J., 71n, 273
Refugees (see also Palestine), 17, 45-47, 365, 392, 582-583, 587n
Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD), 73
Reis, Herbert K., 305n
Research Memorandum RNA-3, 261-263
Riad, Mahmoud, 45, 129n, 167-169, 638-639, 641, 643, 646-647, 665, 708, 746, 780, 816, 821-822, 824-825, 829, 830n
Riad, Mohamed, 780
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 282
Rice, 752-753
Richmond, Maj. Gen., 311
Rielly, John E., 352n
Roberts, Goronwy, 229-230, 244, 264
Roberts Mission, 265
Robinson, Col. William B., 135n, 136n, 643n
Rockefeller, Nelson, 535
Rockwell, Stuart W., 60, 69, 259n, 269n, 273, 280n, 305n, 306n, 307n, 309n, 313, 315-316, 319, 389, 400n
USS Roosevelt, 103n
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 424, 498, 595, 597
Roosevelt, Kermit, 456-457
Root, John F., 34n, 534n, 782n, 853n
Rostow, Eugene, 29, 252n, 276, 306, 378-380, 405n, 560n, 608n, 839n, 842n, 865n, 862n
Rostow, Walt W., 368n, 796n, 814n, 834n

Arabian Peninsula, 193
Faisal visit to Washington, June 1966, 511-512, 517-523, 527, 530, 532
Hare mission, 813
Iran, 271
Iraq, 370-372, 377, 387-388
Israeli borders, 562, 582
Joint policing of Persian Gulf, 259
Jordan, 588n
Kuwait, 401n
Near East, 44, 58, 59n, 408-409
Persian Gulf states, 275
Saudi-Iranian relations, 268-270
Saudi-U.S. relations, 582-585, 587, 595-596
South Arabia, 174, 210-211, 235, 248
South Yemen, 285, 294
Yemen, 295, 800, 803, 824, 826, 832n, 841, 851, 856

Rowan, Carl, 443, 454, 482
Roy, J. Stapleton, 876n
Ruaini, Muhammad al-, 777n
Ruchti, James R., 301
Rusk, Dean, 197, 556n, 738n

Arab-Israeli conflict, 585, 609-611
Arab-U.S. relations, 38
Bahrain, 331-332
British defense role in the Near East, 25
CENTO Ministerial meetings, 4n, 19, 27
Communism, 497, 761-762
Indian Ocean carrier task force visit, 89n, 90
Indian Ocean islands, 87, 91-92
Iran, 350n
Iraq, 336, 342n, 370-371, 377-378, 380, 389
Kurdish dispute, 343-344, 352-353, 365, 386
Jordan, 513
Kuwait, 409-410
Muscat and Oman, 261
Near East, 25, 662
Persian Gulf states, 244, 258-259, 281, 286
Saudi Arabia:

UAR military action against, 685-686, 705, 789-790
United Arab Republic, relations with, 131-132, 662, 710, 734-735
United States, relations with, 433-436, 444, 483, 498, 522-523, 530-531, 560, 651, 670, 689, 758
U.S. arms sales, 486-487, 501, 581-582, 588-589
U.S. security commitment, 513

South Arabia, 130-135, 183-184, 202, 232-233, 239
South Yemen, 248-250, 307
United Arab Republic, 671, 719, 760

Arrest of AID officials, 829-830
British air combat role, 503
British-U.S. policy disagreements, 134, 618-619, 632, 635, 657-658, 660-661
Coalition government in, 764-765
Expulsion of AID mission, 826
Haradh conference, 755-756
Hare mission, 814
Jidda agreement, 718-719, 733-734, 754
Kuwaiti mediation efforts, 780, 801
Political situation, 849
Saudi-U.S. talks, 668-670, 726-728, 730-734, 758, 762-765, 782
South Yemen, relations with, 307
UAR-U.S. talks, 728-730
United States, relations with, 859-860
UN resolution on British air strikes, 623-627
U.S. covert operations, 841
U.S. economic aid, 769, 770n
U.S. policy, 810
YAR-U.S. talks, 754-757, 778

Russell, H. Earle, Jr., 1n, 165n, 169n, 698-699, 700n, 725n, 734n

Saadabad Pact, 28
Sabah, Amir Abdullah al-Salim al-, 390-391
Sabah, Amir Sabah al-Salim al-, 331-332, 402-405, 407, 414-423, 421, 757
Sabah, Shaikh Sabah al-Ahmed al-Jabir al-, 314, 331, 391, 392, 400n, 401-403, 406-410, 415, 417, 419, 421-423, 757-758, 770, 773, 801-802, 805n
Sabbagh, Isa, 426, 496, 523, 527, 530, 532, 731, 761
Sabetta (Italy), 876
Sabri, Ali, 18, 675, 682
Sabri, Gen., 370-371
Sacksteder, Frederick H., Jr., 187n
Sadat, Anwar, 493, 637, 670, 728-730, 734-738, 755
Said, Ahmad Abdu, 870-873
Sa'id bin Taymur al Bu Sa'id, Sultan, 231, 262-263
Salalah, 124, 165
Saleh Nasser, 831-832
Sallal, Field Marshal Abdullah al-, 131

Exclusion from power, 664, 723, 755, 871
Jidda agreement, 714
Meeting with King Saud, 120
Political situation in Yemen, 638, 676, 698, 775, 777n, 779, 849-850
Saudi-YAR relations, 821n
UAR military withdrawal from Yemen, 840
UAR-Yemen federation, 617, 647
U.S. economic aid to Yemen, 788
Visits to Communist countries, 127, 732

Sallam, Muhammad, 781-782
Salmon, William C., 189n
Sandys, Duncan, 170, 620, 624, 629, 642n
Saqqaf, Sayyid Omar, 469n

Communism, 508-509, 537n
Israeli-UAR relations, 600
Jerusalem, 610
Kuwaiti mediation efforts in Yemen, 804
PRC UN representation issue, 581-582
Six-Day War, 559
South Yemen, 325, 326n
UAR military action against Saudi Arabia, 706
UAR-Saudi relations, 118-119, 508n, 609-610, 797
UN Yemen Observation Mission, 613, 643n, 644
U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 461n, 474-475, 477, 486-487, 581
U.S.-Saudi relations, 599

Attack on U.S. Consulate, 557n
Exit visas, 559-560
Faisal-Johnson messages, 424, 426, 474, 558n, 579
Prince Sultan's visit to Washington, 493n

U.S.-UAR relations, 719
Visit to Washington, May 1964, 432-436, 444, 446
Yemen, 698

Hamid al-Din issue, 772n
Jidda agreement, 718-719, 739, 847n
Kuwaiti mediation efforts, 774n
Pakistani mediation role, 798
Party of God movement, 681
Saudi military reinvolvement, 656
Saudi-U.S. talks, 668-670, 758, 760, 782
U.S. role as intermediary, 614, 808, 813

Saud ibn Abd al-Aziz, King, 120, 439, 457 498, 512-513, 553

Relinquishing of power, 6, 436n, 454
Visit to Yemen, 821-823, 825

Saudi Arabia (see also Faisal-Nasser talks; Saudi Arabia and Saudi subheadings under other subjects), 435

Abu Dhabi, relations with, 267
Arab boycott, 538-539
Bahrain, relations with, 189, 264-265
Border disputes, 470
British defense of, 503, 687, 711
British military aid:

Aircraft, 429, 460-461, 465, 484, 489, 501-502
Arms sales, 298, 429, 449-450, 460
Police training, 455
Radar, 487n, 491-492
Saudi position, 476, 486
Surface-to-air missiles, 449-450, 460-461, 465
U.S. position, 487-488, 504

Chemical warfare in Yemen, 846
Communist threat, 185-186, 443, 497
Desalting, 470-471, 549, 563, 728
Dhahran air facilities, 177, 203, 446-448, 451-453, 480, 571
Eastern Province, 119
Economic development, 6, 434, 440, 459, 470-471, 511, 523, 540-541, 549
Education, 524
Foreign policy, 542
French arms sales, 429, 461-462, 464-465, 476, 486, 510
German arms sales, 510
Health care, 524
Internal defense, 437-444, 454, 482-483, 612
Iran, relations with, 245, 611
Iranian claim to Bahrain, 266-270, 278, 287-288, 314, 323-324

Median line, 259, 273, 287, 312, 315, 413n, 470

Iraq, relations with, 546, 559, 877-878
Israeli threat to, 512-513
Jerusalem status, 583, 587n, 590, 597, 599, 601, 603-604, 609
Joint defense package, 487-488, 491-492, 510
Jordan, relations with, 546
Kuwait, relations with, 415
Lebanon, relations with, 36
Military situation:

Air defenses on Yemen border, 467, 480, 802-803
Attack on Hawk battery, possible, 554
SAM missile protection of urban areas, 505

Muscat and Oman, relations with, 120, 123, 262, 470
Nationalism in, 8
Naval survey, 606-607
Oil concession offers, 463
Political situation, 119, 284

Overthrow of government, 440, 548
Social and political reforms, 521-526, 551, 564, 592
Strength of government, 118, 132, 437, 482, 669
Subversives, roundup of, 577, 791
Support for monarchy, 142, 454
Tribal support for government, 564

Red Sea shipping blockade, 204
Regional cooperation, 259, 266-268, 300, 519, 526, 528-529, 554
Six-Day War, 404, 578
South Arabian sultanates, relations with, 158
Soviet policy toward, 518
Soviet Union, relations with, 33, 545-546
Swedish arms sales, 429
Swiss arms sales, 429, 510
Syria, relations with, 558
Terrorism, 553
Tripartite plot to divide, 653, 655-656
Trucial States, relations with, 267
UAR military action against, 513

JCS position, 687-688
Najran bombing report, 550, 553, 783, 789
Overflights/bombings, 481, 650n, 652-653, 655-657, 659, 704, 789-790, 792-799
Saudi position, 505-507, 655, 657, 685, 704-705, 748n
Soviet position, 34
U.S. military response, 514, 705-708, 710-713, 720-721, 748-749, 794-795, 802-803
U.S. position, 519, 527, 656, 677, 682-684, 686, 700-701, 748-749, 785

United Arab Republic, relations with (see also UAR military action against above):

Arab League role as intermediary in, 614
Breaking of, 520
Deterioration of, 510
Improvements in, 118-119, 438, 443
Propaganda from Cairo, effect on, 119, 126n, 267
Resumption of, 6, 618
Rivalry in, 549-550
Saudi position, 435, 692-693
Six-Day War and, 558-550
Strait of Tiran crisis, 555
UAR emissary, 748, 751
UAR position, 46, 168, 725n, 729-730, 744, 750, 751
UAR subversion, 438, 440, 454
U.S. position, 46, 131-132, 508n, 519, 540, 725-728, 734-735, 751, 785, 797, 803-805
U.S. role as intermediary, 614, 630, 637n, 692-693, 737, 743-745
YAR position, 698

United Kingdom, relations with, 438, 684, 786n
United States, relations with, 43, 292, 304, 613

Arab-Israeli conflict, 563, 568-572, 582-587, 589-590, 598-603, 605, 612
Attack on U.S. Consulate, 557, 563n
Defense agreement, 171
Deterioration, 520, 560, 562, 591, 609-610
Exit visas, 559-560
Military cooperation, 446-448, 451-453
Navy/Air Force visits, 482-483, 504, 592 Oil, 297, 573-574
Persian Gulf role for United States, 283
Saudi position, 536, 541-542, 558, 560n, 556-561
U.S. position, 432-433, 457-459, 498, 514-517, 521-522, 534-537, 541-544

U.S. economic aid:

Agriculture specialists, 482, 549
Desalting plant, 470-471, 549, 563, 728
Education, 438-439, 455, 592
Labor administration, 441-442, 455
Media development, 439, 549, 563
Mineral exploration, 549
Youth activities, 442-443

U.S. investment, 517-518, 548
U.S. military aid:

Aircraft under Air Defense Survey, 427-431, 439, 441, 449, 461462, 464-470, 473, 475, 478, 480-481, 485-492, 504-507, 549-550
British position, 429-430
Civic action program, 441
Cost of equipment, 475-476, 485, 489-490, 548-549
Credit for military sales, 441
Freezing of, 581-582, 584n, 589n
Israeli position, 480
Military base construction, 475, 549, 563
Mobile Training Teams, 440-441
Naval survey, 607
Offensive weapons, 429
Police and intelligence agencies, 440, 541, 572n, 583-584
Radar, 462, 465-466, 468-469, 583
Saudi position, 705-707
Spare parts, 583-584
Surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), 425, 449-451, 464-466, 468, 470, 480, 486, 487n, 489-492, 504-507, 802-803
Tanks, 605-606
UAR position, 699
Use of U.S. equipment in Yemen, 464

U.S. military forces:

Aircraft, 615, 705-707, 710-712
Combined training exercise, 483, 713
Evacuation of U.S. citizens, 721
Hawk missile batteries, 506, 511, 802-803
Mapping mission in the Persian Gulf, 712
Naval visits, 551, 705-711
Rifle team exercise, 709, 713
Technical experts, 797n, 802
U.S. position, 551, 706-709, 711

U.S. Military Training Mission, 438-445, 447, 455, 462, 469, 472-473, 475, 510, 537-539, 548, 549, 551, 563, 572n, 583, 588, 593-594, 605n, 606, 684
U.S. policy toward, 438, 514-517, 589-593
U.S. security commitment, 39, 290, 501, 505, 507-508, 512-514, 526, 546-554, 670, 685, 687-688
U.S. security interests, 213
White Army, 119, 455
Yemen, relations with, 308, 321, 854, 872-873, 879-881

Saunders, Harold H., 269n, 405n, 407n

Arabian Peninsula, 187
Hare mission, 813-814
Kuwait, 414, 417
Near East, 44-48, 58-61
Persian Gulf states, 273, 275-276
Saudi Arabia, 552, 596
South Arabia, 174-175, 183, 209, 222, 235-236, 242
UAR-U.S. relations, 194
Yemen, 645-646, 800, 824, 851-852, 856-857

Scandinavia, 225-226
Schwartz, Harry H., 242, 273, 292-293, 301, 412, 414, 593
Scott, David, 189n, 277n
Scranton, William, 420, 611-612
Seelye, Talcott W., 118, 123, 124, 125, 126n, 128n, 135n, 136n, 230-231, 390n, 433, 444n, 481n, 483, 485-486, 488n, 491n, 589n, 614n, 616, 618, 630n, 640n, 641n, 643n, 646n, 704-707, 710-712, 717n, 773n
Senafir Island, 612
Senate, U.S., 581
Seventh Fleet, 90
Seychelles, 85-86, 88, 93, 96
Shaabi, Faisal al-, 330
Shaabi, Qahtan al-, 239, 247, 253-255, 277, 278n, 292, 302-303, 308-309, 868
Shackleton, Lord, 201n, 202
Shah of Iran. See Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza.
Shahari (Yemen), 702
Shale oil, 2, 14, 42-43, 67
Shali, Abd al-Fattah al-, 385
Shami, Ahmad, 741, 844, 860
Sharjah, 163, 165, 177, 206n, 286
Sharm al-Shaikh, 612
Sharqi, al-, Shaikh of Fujeira, 313
Shatti, Ibrahim, 404
Shoaib, M., 19
Shullaw, J. Harold, 281n, 501n, 660n
Shuqayri, Ahmad al-, 702-703
Sibley, Brig. Gen., 175n, 183, 187, 209, 242, 707n
Sieverts, Frank A., 834-837, 842n
Simmons, William L, 780
Sinaan Abu Luhum, 724
Sinai, 566, 612
Singapore, 89, 99, 101, 144
Sipes, John W., 430n
Sirri, Mohsin al-, 640-641, 665
Siscoe, Frank G., 49
Sisco, Joseph J., 172n, 223, 225-226, 279, 598-599, 630n, 700n, 797n, 877
Six-Day War, 1967 (see also Arab-Israeli conflict; under United Nations Security Council resolutions), 68, 839

Arab world, effect on, 81-82, 253, 580
Cease-fire, 402, 404, 561
Iraqi response, 381-384
Israeli withdrawal, Arab demands for, 569-572, 574, 579-580, 582-583, 587n, 595, 597
Kuwait-U.S. relations and, 401-405, 407-409, 411-412, 416
Oil embargo, 48
Palestinian refugees, 582-583
Saudi position, 402, 558-559, 561-562, 567-572, 576-580, 597
Saudi-U.S. relations during, 556-661
Soviet position, 383, 568, 604
Suez Canal, 229, 251, 582
UAR claim of U.S. participation, 401n, 408, 557, 559, 561, 564-566, 568, 571, 838
UAR provocations, 568
UN resolution, 404, 410
U.S. arms moratorium in the Near East, 572n, 581-582, 584n, 589n, 591
U.S. strategy in the Near East, effect on, 50

Sixth Fleet, 80, 557, 561, 564, 672
Sloan, Frank K., 87, 94, 118, 122, 429n
Smith, Bromley K., 556n, 627n, 814n
Smith, Matthew D., Jr., 4n
Sober, Sidney, 32n, 70, 71n, 74n, 173n, 175n, 183, 187, 209, 222, 228, 237n, 272n, 273, 281n, 299n, 301, 412n, 414, 583n
Solbert, Peter, 443, 454, 466, 712
Somalia, 54, 57-58, 131, 203, 733, 838n, 881
Sommer, Mary J., 187n, 189n, 201n, 234n
Sonne, C. Melvin, Jr., 589n
Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, 223, 864n
South Africa, 103n, 104
South Arabia (see also Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen (FLOSY); National Liberation Front (NLF); South Yemen), 520

Aden base:

British position, 151, 154, 159-160
Evacuation, 25, 95, 162-163
Importance of, 120, 125, 131
Iranian position, 155
Kuwaiti role in defense, 147
London Conference, 1964, 151
Military significance, 203-204, 208, 213, 238
Saudi position, 435-436
South Arabian position, 146
UAR position, 154, 163
UN call for removal, 150, 153n
U.S. position, 135, 137, 144-145, 155, 177

Astronauts recovery of, 176
British military and economic aid, 163, 215-217, 220, 226n, 234, 239-240, 243
British-NLF talks in Geneva, 243, 247n, 248
British policy toward, 139, 354, 529
British-UAR relations over, 136-138
British withdrawal:

British position, 184, 188, 191-193
Revised timetable, 202-203, 232-233
Saudi position, 230-231, 244, 521
Soviet position, 34
U.S. position, 152-153, 183-184, 198-199

Communism, 494, 602, 611
Constitution, suspension of,148-151, 154
Crater uprising, 220
Demilitarization of border, 634, 665-666
Dhala tribe, 135
Eastern Europe military and economic aid, 241
Ethiopia, relations with, 214
Ethnic composition, 144, 157, 220
Federation, formation of, 150, 157
Fragmentation, 179
Hadhrami Bedouin Legion, 215-217
Hone-Bell Report, 216
Independence, 25, 137, 145-146, 147, 149, 154, 199-200, 202-203, 215-217, 235-236, 248, 566, 745, 845
Indonesia, relations with, 158
Internal security, 143-145, 156
Iran, relations with, 214, 236
Israeli policy toward, 47, 214
Khormaksar Airfield, 203
Kuwaiti role, 184, 398
Organization for the Liberation of the Occupied South (OLOS), 150, 159
Outlook, 156-161, 177-178, 211-215, 237-241
Peace Corps volunteers, 221, 239, 277
Political situation:

British position, 124, 154-155, 201-202
Coalition government, 201-202, 209, 212, 217-218, 235
Post-independence government, 242-243
Saudi position, 242
U.S. position, 156-159, 161, 177-178, 209, 212, 217-218, 235

PRC role, 179, 241
Radfan, 140
Red Sea shipping blockade, 201, 205
Saudi role, 158, 178-180, 184, 236, 445, 519, 522n, 523, 529-530
South Arabian League (SAL), 224
Soviet actions, 178-180, 185
Soviet influence, 127, 205, 209, 604
Soviet military and economic aid, 241
Soviet military bases, 180-181, 204
Soviet Union, relations with, 33, 182, 236
Terrorism, 44, 143, 145, 147-149, 151-152, 154-155, 161, 218-219, 246
UAR actions in:

Bahraini position, 189
Bombing of Nuqub well, 169-170, 182, 194, 174, 205, 213, 214
Possible takeover, 46, 48, 211-212
Propaganda campaign, 126, 127, 171, 182, 205
Subversion, 130, 133, 160, 178
Terrorism, 218
Training of dissidents, 193, 195, 641
U.S. position, 169-170, 197n, 210-211, 214-215, 221

UAR policy toward, 140-142, 675, 740, 745-746, 755, 774-776, 782, 809
UAR withdrawal from Yemen, 241
Unitary state, 151, 154
United States, relations with, 226-228, 234, 238-239, 243
UN membership, 200, 202
UN Special Mission:

Appointment, 188n
British position, 223
FLOSY boycott, 196, 224
Report, 245-246
U.S. position, 172-173, 212, 215, 217, 220

U.S.-British security guarantees, 170, 171, 173-174, 187, 188, 197, 204-206, 225
U.S. economic and military aid, 182, 204-205, 223-225
U.S. military interests, 175-177
U.S. policy toward, 57, 128, 190, 220-222, 241-242, 691, 733, 833
YAR intervention, 139, 178, 618, 648-649, 665, 666, 694

Border demarcation, 132
Relations with, 236, 618-619, 647-649, 665, 696-698
Union with, 145, 154, 157, 160, 229

South Arabian Broadcasting Service, 836
South Arabian League (SAL), 224, 302
South Asia, 20-23
Southeast Asia, 111, 258, 276, 494, 528, 627, 689-691
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 76, 111
Southern Gulf. See Persian Gulf states.
South Yemen, People's Republic of (see also Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen (FLOSY); National Liberation Front (NLF); South Arabia):

British economic aid, 251, 255-256, 295
Economic situation, 251-252
Independence, 248, 284, 590
Internal conflicts, 227, 285-286, 293-295, 301-303
Kuwaiti economic aid, 326
NLF leadership, 262
PRC economic and military aid to, 251, 255, 321
Saudi aid to dissidents, 326, 592
Saudi economic aid, 251, 295
Saudi recognition, 254-255
South Arabian League (SAL), 302
Soviet economic and military aid, 251, 255, 321
Soviet Union, relations with, 250, 257-258, 300, 419
UN membership, 249
U.S. economic and military aid, 254-255, 277, 295, 330-331
U.S. recognition, 248-250
U.S. role as scapegoat, 302, 306-307, 309-310, 327-331
Yemen, relations with, 307-308, 321, 868, 874

Soviet Union (see also Soviet Union and Soviet subheadings under other subjects), 409

Bahrain, relations with, 324
British withdrawal from East of Suez, 110-112
Chief Intelligence Directorate (GRU), 21
China, People's Republic, relations with, 22, 297, 434
Committee for State Security (KGB), 21
Covert operations, 21-22
Eastern Europe, relations with, 297
Iran, relations with, 17, 19, 57, 296, 518, 604
Iraq, relations with, 320, 366-367, 387, 518
Israel, relations with, 34
Jordan, relations with, 6
Kuwait, relations with, 186, 282, 320, 413, 415-416
Oil, 42-43
Persian Gulf states, relations with, 33, 137, 207, 299
Saudi Arabia, relations with, 33, 545-546
South Arabia, relations with, 33, 180-182, 204, 236
South Yemen, relations with, 250, 257-258, 300, 419
Syria, relations with, 514, 517
Turkey, relations with, 604
United Arab Republic, relations with, 32, 52, 64, 180
United States, relations with, 736

Sowayel, Ibrahim al-, 483, 496, 527, 532, 561, 581, 596, 598, 685-686, 718, 731, 761
Spain, 467
Spain, James W., 28n, 162, 790n
Speares, Denis, 162
Special Group (CI) meetings, 553

May 28, 1964, 443-444
Dec. 3, 1964, 454-455
Aug. 5, 1965, 482-483

Special National Intelligence Estimate, SNIE 10-2-65, 20-23
Special State-Defense Study Group, 112
Spinelli, Pier P., 119, 133, 630, 632, 648, 649n, 650, 652
Springsteen, George S., 627n
Stabler, Wells, 534n, 860n
Stein, Robert A., 71n
Sterner, Michael, 256n, 274n, 538n, 583n, 728, 736
Stevenson, Adlai E., 623-627, 645
Stewart, Michael N.F., 153, 155, 199n
Stewart, (Robert) Michael Maitland, 19, 25, 27, 71n, 165-166, 484, 666-667
Stino (UAR), 15
Stoddart, Jonathan D., 162, 360n, 450n, 487n, 491n, 655n, 707n
Stoessel, Walter J., 243n
Stokes, Donald, 484
Stolz, Walter, 264-265
Stolzfus, William A., Jr., 606-607
Stookey, Robert W., 589n, 738n
Story, H. G., 264
Strait of Tiran, 378-380, 555, 575, 610
Straits of Hormuz, 262
Strategic Island Concept, 111
Streator, Edward J., 685n
Strickland, Brig. Gen. Eugene L., 712-713
Strong, Robert C., 222, 333-334, 336, 340-341, 348-350, 355-356, 359-360, 362-363, 368, 372, 373, 383-384
Sudan, 8n, 15-16, 54, 203, 578, 664-665, 762, 764, 795, 848, 849
Suez Canal, 1, 16-17, 65, 68, 85, 157, 177, 198, 204, 229, 251, 582, 599, 604, 620, 629, 845
Suez crisis, 1956, 378-379, 565, 583
Sukarno, 89
Suleiman, Ali Haidar, 333
Sultan ibn Abdul-Aziz, Prince:

Arab boycott, 538-539
British arms sales to Saudi Arabia, 491n
British defense of Saudi Arabia, 712
Communism, 731-734
Soviet-Saudi relations, 545
UAR military actions against Saudi Arabia, 704-707, 710-711, 748-749
UAR-Saudi relations, 692, 744
U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 475-478

Air defenses, 427-428, 461-462, 464, 466-469, 473, 485-486, 487n, 488-491, 504-507, 549-550
Construction agreement, 475
Naval survey, 607
Tanks, 606
Transport planes, 470
Vehicles, 537-539, 549

U.S.-Saudi relations, 563n, 707, 735
Visits to Washington, 493-500, 527, 532, 726-728, 731-735, 738
Yemen, 692, 731-734, 736, 758-760, 841n, 874, 875

Sumatra, 89
Switzerland, 510
Symmes, Harrison M., 28n, 32n, 148n, 149n, 165n, 169n, 352n, 356n, 360n, 398n, 460n, 469n, 487n, 491n, 499n, 501n, 503n, 512n, 534n, 537n, 630n, 649n, 655n, 658n, 660n, 716n, 720n, 722n, 725n, 738n, 741n, 760n, 782n

Jidda Agreement, 718-719
Kuwait, 396-397
Saudi Arabia, 472n, 484, 486, 516
South Arabia, 162, 164
Syria, 4, 5, 14, 26, 28, 530, 539

Communism, 494, 508-509, 602, 611
Conservative Ba'athist takeover, 433-435
Iraq, relations with, 42, 320-321, 387, 434
Jordan, relations with, 36, 321, 434
Khartoum Summit Conference, 848n
Kurdish separatism, 385
Muscat and Oman, relations with, 262
Political instability, 8, 33, 81, 719
Saudi Arabia, relations with, 558
Six-Day War, 561, 575-576, 577
Soviet influence, 30, 33, 52, 63
Soviet policy toward, 518
Soviet Union, relations with, 514, 517
United Arab Republic, relations with, 434
U.S. policy toward, 3, 541
Yemen, role in, 849

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