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1964-1968, Volume XXI
Near East Region

Department of State
Washington, DC

flag bar Index A-H

Index I-O | Index P-S | Index T-Z

Abdul Aziz, Mustafa, 746
Abdul Rahman ibn Yahya, Prince, 616-617
Abid Shaikh, Shaikh, 593
Abu Dhabi, 122, 123, 193, 206n, 267, 280, 282, 286-287, 317, 318, 319, 412
Ackland, Anthony, 118
Ackley, Gardner, 870
Adams, J. Wesley, 351n, 443
Adams, Gen. Paul D., 83, 86, 88, 92, 446-448, 451-453, 475
Addington, Gen. J. S., 589n
Adeel, Omar A. H., 172n
Aden. See under South Arabia.
Aden Radio, 171, 667
Adham, Kamal al-, 254, 772
Afghanistan, 519
Africa, 16, 92, 94-95, 111, 519, 542
Afro-Asian Conference, Algiers, 692
Agency for International Development (AID), 581

Arrest of AID officials in Yemen, 827-831
Attack on Taiz mission, 824, 826-827, 838-839, 853-854
Diplomatic immunity for mission in UAR, 833
Saudi Arabia, 444, 482, 515, 517
South Arabia, 182, 192, 238
Salhia Project (UAR), 646
Taiz Technical Institute, 787
Technical aid, 58, 72
Yemen projects, 757, 768, 769-770, 781-782, 787, 788

Ahdab, Ibrahim Hussayn el-, 368n
Ahmad, Ibrahim, 346
Ahmad, Shaikh Khalid al-, 406
Ahmar, al- (YAR), 672, 840
Ahnumi (YAR), 828
Aini, Muhsin al-, 756, 777-778, 850n, 853

British-Yemeni relations, 642, 694-695
Jidda agreement, 715, 723-724
Political situation in Yemen, 672, 695-697, 770
Saudi support of Royalists, 664, 754-756, 772, 859
South Arabia, 665
Soviet role in Yemen, 864
UAR-Saudi agreement on Yemen, 715
UAR-Yemeni relations, 646-647, 664, 672-673, 678-681, 733
UN mission in Yemen, 648-650
U.S. economic aid to Yemen, 757, 769-770
U.S.-Yemeni relations, 754, 859-860, 880
Visit to North Africa, 854-855, 859

Air Force, U.S., 97, 102-103
Air India, 330
Airwork, Ltd., 510, 554
Ajman, 206n, 286
Akins, James E., 264, 323, 346, 373n, 573n
Al-Aksa Mosque, 590
Alba, Col., 222
Aldabra military facilities, 58, 86, 88, 92, 95, 97, 100, 102-103, 105, 109, 110, 203-204
Alexander, Capt. Raymond W., 49
Alexandria Agreement, 1964, 692, 731
Algeria, 15-16, 26n, 42, 52, 54, 57, 63-64, 66n, 575, 577, 611, 845, 849
Ali, Baba, 333
Ali, Jabir, 394, 415
Ali Reza, Mohammad, 707, 710, 725n, 734, 738n
Allawi, Mahmud, 189-190
Allen, Arthur B., 589n
Allen, Denis, 313-322
Allen, Roger, 162-165, 169
Allied Electrical Industries, 510
Amer, Field Marshal
Abdel Hakim, 637, 673n, 674, 692, 699, 729, 821, 830-831
Amitay, Morris J., 28n
Amri, Gen. Hassan al-, 308, 321, 617, 681n, 701, 760, 769, 777, 854-855, 875, 879
Anderson, Robert, 845n
Anglo-Turkish Border Convention of 1914, 647n
Ansary, Hushang, 259, 306, 389
Anthis, Maj. Gen. Rollen H., 443, 482
Apollo project, 176
Aqrawi, Shawqat, 337, 346
Arab-American Oil Co. (ARAMCO), 14, 123, 186, 297, 438, 443, 463, 518, 548, 573-574, 608n
Arab Development Bank, 521, 530
Arab Foreign Ministers meeting, Kuwait, June 1967, 401n, 402, 407
Arabian Gulf. See Persian Gulf.
Arabian Peninsula (see also Persian Gulf states; individual countries in the Arabian Peninsula), 99, 193-194

British troop withdrawals, 148
British-U.S. cooperation, 429n, 656n, 661
Communist threat, 497
Multinational naval task force, 228-229
Outlook, 141-142
PRC influence, 142, 175
Saudi role, 540-541
Soviet influence, 142, 175, 205, 238, 289-290
UAR role, 289
U.S. naval visits, 482-483
U.S. security concerns, 228-229, 289-291, 299-301

Arabian Sea littoral, 289-291, 299-301
Arab-Israeli conflict (see also Six-Day War; Refugees; Zionism), 582-583, 839

Iraqi position, 365-366
Israeli withdrawal, Arab demands for, 569-572, 574, 579-580, 582-583, 587n, 595, 597
Oil embargo, 1, 68
Palestinian refugees, return of, 582-583, 587n
Saudi position, 568-572, 582-585, 598-603, 605, 608-612, 809
South Arabia, effect on, 219
Soviet position, 32-34, 52
Strait of Tiran crisis, 378, 555
Suez Canal role in, 229, 251, 582, 599
Syrian position, 33
UN Special Representative, 584-586
U.S. position, 26, 53-54, 57, 75, 210, 334-336

Arab League, 287, 435, 614, 617, 685, 722, 763, 757, 817
Arab National Movement (ANM), 219, 272, 287
Arab Summit Conferences:

Cairo, Jan. 1964, 1n, 3-4, 118, 438
Alexandria, Sept. 1964, 654-655, 657, 660n, 663, 690
Casablanca, 1965, 23-24, 728
Algiers, Mar. 1966, 734
Khartoum, Aug.-Sept. 1967, 574-577, 579-580, 591, 599-600, 848, 853
Rabat, Jan. 1968, 253, 590

Arab Tripartite Committee, 277, 857-858, 860-861, 864-869, 878
Arab region (see also Near East), 8-9, 26-27, 30, 32-34, 36, 38, 43, 53, 54, 57, 81-82, 225, 297, 408, 559, 563, 580
Arab unity, 5, 8, 28-31, 33-37, 45, 81-82, 185, 219, 272, 287, 338-339, 371, 391, 412, 434, 651
Aram, Abbas, 4n, 19, 27, 229, 352n, 365
Aref, Field Marshal Abdul Salam Muhammad, 24, 333-334, 338-339, 358, 435
Aref, Lt. Gen. Abdul Rahman Muhammad, 359-360, 362n, 368-371, 373-376, 382, 387-388, 576, 578
Arms control (see also Nuclear weapons development), 3, 34, 44, 55-56
Ascension Island, 88, 92, 95
Asian Development Bank, 521
Asnag, Abdallah al-, 154, 157, 159, 170, 196, 201n, 309, 671
Astronauts, recovery of, 176
Aswan Dam, 434, 445, 629, 635
Ateeqi, Abd al-Rahman Salem al-, 331-332, 394n, 396-397, 417
Atherton, Alfred L., 32n, 187, 365n, 414, 507n, 599, 608n, 740n, 748n, 754, 782n, 879n
Atlantic Richfield, 254
Attar, Mohammad Said, 871, 880
Ausland, John C., 301
Austin, Granville S., 183, 209, 215n, 222, 281n, 307n, 865n
Australia, 88, 92-93, 95, 99, 135n, 136n
Ayub Khan, Mohammad, 798
Azhari, Ismail al-, 849
Azam, Omar, 456
Azerbaijan, 19
Aziz, Mustafa Abdul, 746
Azzam Pasha, 123

Bab al-Mandeb, 201n, 250
Backlund, E. Randall, 605n
Badeau, John S., 129n, 614n, 632n, 637-639, 746
Bader, George W., 114n
Baghdad Pact. See Central Treaty Organization (CENTO).
Baharoon, Zein, 145-146

British military bases, 163, 165, 186, 319
British security commitment, 231, 318
Communist threat, 186
Federation, question of, 121, 284, 286-288, 320
Independence, 282-283, 287
Instability, 262, 274
Iranian claims to, 259, 264, 266-269, 286-288, 305-306, 313, 323-324, 331-332, 418-419, 422-423
Local government, 122, 317
Regional cooperation, 266
Saudi Arabia, relations with, 189, 264-265
Soviet Union, relations with, 324
Subversion and terrorism, 207, 272, 284
UN membership, 287
United States, relations with, 264-265, 280-283, 323-324
U.S. military bases, 113, 177, 318-319

Bahran, Yahya, 702
Bakr, Maj. Gen. Ahmed Hasan al-, 387n
Ball, George W., 127, 165-166, 598-601, 603-605, 614, 626, 628n, 682n, 877
Ball, Thomas, 71n, 330n
Barbour, Robert E., 534n
Barger, Thomas C., 12, 14, 17-18
Baroody, Jamil, 496, 668, 798, 837
Barringer, Philip E., 114n, 222
Barzani, Luqman al-, 337
Barzani, Masoud, 347-348
Barzani, Mulla Mustafa, 337n, 340, 344, 346, 347-348, 350n, 363, 372, 384-385, 387n
Batmanglidj, Hushang, 389
Bator, Francis M., 99-100
Battle, Lucius D., 71n, 227n, 247n, 252n, 269n, 280n, 289n, 309n, 405n, 556n, 560n, 561n, 573n, 807n, 814n, 829n, 831n, 834n, 839n, 846n, 860n, 861n, 862n, 864n, 869n

Iraq, 320
Jordan, 553-554
Kuwait, 413-414
Nasser's health, 322
Oil, 65n
Persian Gulf states, 244-245, 256-258, 273, 279, 281-283, 301, 314-320
Saudi Arabia, 552, 554, 596-598, 686n, 783n, 794n
South Arabia, 167-168, 200-203, 209, 215-217, 222-225, 242, 745-746, 752
South Yemen, 301, 307-308
UAR rice exports to India, 752-753
UAR-U.S. relations, 15, 699, 752-573
U.S. strategy in Near East, 60-62, 69-70, 74-76
Yemen, 742-746, 749-753, 785n, 849-850

Chemical warfare, 225
Kuwaiti mediation efforts, 763n
Saudi support of Royalists, 858-859
Soviet role, 856
UAR-Saudi Arabia relations over, 683n, 714, 740n
United States, relations with, 826, 838-839, 854-855
U.S. role as intermediary, 795-796, 798n, 803-804, 806-808, 822

Bazzaz, Abdul Rahman al-, 352-355, 358, 362, 363n, 364
Beaumont, Richard, 223-225
Beeley, Harold, 131, 134, 641
Beihan, Sharif, 200, 251
Belk, Sam, 626
Bell, David, 59, 443-444, 454, 482
Belousovitch, Igor N., 32n
Ben-Gurion, David, 24
Bennsky, George M., 13, 394n, 463n, 543n, 790n, 792n, 797n, 801n
Benz, John, 696, 768
Bergus, Donald C., 32n, 34n, 38n, 194, 196n, 209, 769n, 771n, 776n, 782n, 784n, 786n, 804n, 807n, 814n, 822n, 829n, 831n, 839n
Bernucci (Italy), 868, 875, 876n, 879n
Beswick, Lord, 163, 170
Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 4n, 27
Bishara, Sayyid, 402, 773n, 786n
Black, Eugene, 560, 746
Blackiston, Slator C., Jr., 1n
Blake, James J., 148n, 672n
Boehm, Edward G., 534n
Boggs, William Dixon, 234n
Bohlen, Charles E., 114n, 282
Bolivia, 444, 622
Boswell, William O., 643
Boumedienne, Houari, 559
Bourguiba, Habib, 31, 686
Bovis, H. Eugene, 28n, 847n
Boycotts, 15, 538-539
Bracken, Katherine W., 338n, 351n
Brazil, 134, 622
Brenchley, T. Frank, 118-120, 121-125, 138n, 162, 169, 191, 449, 642n, 870n
Brewer, William D., 197n, 199n, 201n, 202n, 215n, 226n, 227n, 234n, 237n, 243n, 244n, 245n, 247n, 255n, 256n, 260n, 269n, 274n, 277n, 280n, 281n, 293n, 305n, 306n, 307n, 309n, 327n, 330n, 400n, 405n, 407n, 409n, 414n, 538n, 543n, 555n, 556n, 561n, 565n, 573n, 583n, 608n, 609n, 787n, 789n, 790n, 801n, 807n, 814n, 822n, 827n, 829n, 839n, 842n, 845n, 846n, 849n, 850n, 853n, 854n, 857n, 858n, 860n, 861n, 862n, 864n, 865n, 867n, 869n, 876n, 879n

Arabian Peninsula, 193-194
Bahrain, 264-265, 315-316, 323-325, 331
Iran, 315
Kuwait, 416, 422
Persian Gulf states, 273, 301, 313
Saudi Arabia, 554, 581, 596, 607
South Arabia, 162, 183, 191-193, 209, 221-222, 232, 238, 242
South Yemen, 301-303, 321
U.S. food aid to UAR, 194
Yemen, 321, 838, 871-874, 880-881

British Aircraft Corporation (BAC), 429, 460, 492, 504-506, 510
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 564
British Council, 320
British Indian Ocean Territories (BIOT), (see also Indian Ocean; Indian Ocean islands; individual islands and island groups), 55, 58, 100-101, 106, 114n, 115, 177
British-Indian-Yemeni Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, Feb., 1934, 647-648
Bromide gas, 837
Brookings Institution, 59
Brown, Gen., 62n
Brown, Daniel, 537n, 779n, 846n
Brown, Elizabeth Ann, 149n, 409n, 792n, 797n
Brown, Francis, 162
Brown, George, 181, 183-184, 188, 200-202, 215-216, 219, 232, 250, 252, 256-259
Brown, Winthrop G., 114n
Brubeck, William H., 454
Bruce, David K. E., 169n, 449n, 640n, 642n, 870
Buckle, John F., 222, 241n, 242
Buffum, William B., 135n, 136n, 223, 630n, 643n, 648n, 649n, 797n
Bunche, Ralph, 657, 799
Bundy, McGeorge, 481n, 493n, 560n, 565n, 709n

IBRD, 58-59
Indian Ocean, 83, 89-90
Indian Ocean islands, 92, 98
Israeli borders, 562
Near East, 2, 3n, 58-59
Saudi Arabia, 471, 472n, 480n
South Arabia, 139

Bunker agreement, 613, 653
Saudi military reinvolvement, 661-664
UN resolution on British air strikes, 623-624, 626, 628n
UNYOM renewal, 645
U.S.-British policy differences over, 620, 629, 632, 635-636

Bunker, Ellsworth, 425, 514, 546-547, 652, 669, 675, 679, 692, 796, 804, 809
Bunker Agreement, 1963. See under Yemen.
Bunte, Donald W., 83n, 390n, 393n, 395n, 429n, 430n, 449n, 464n, 466, 469n, 605n, 643n, 682n, 707n
Buraimi dispute, 123, 231
Burdett, William C., 130, 621n
Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) Intelligence Notes:

No. 214, 286-288
No. 488, 387n
No. 709, 384-386
No. 713, 848-849

Burma, 99
Butler, Richard A., 4n, 130-131, 133-135, 623n, 628, 632-635, 642n, 657, 660-661
Buttles, Bruce, 28n, 507n, 534n
Byrd, Col. Billy W., 360n, 398n, 487n, 491n, 501n, 503n, 720n
Byrne, Patricia, 149n

Caccia, Harold, 130, 133
Caglayangil, Ihsan Sabri, 27, 71n
Callebaut (Belgian), 386
CALTEX Oil Company, 189
Campbell, John, 69-70
Campbell, Stephen J., 148n, 149n, 172n, 209, 222, 636n, 640n, 646n, 648n, 655n, 664n, 682n, 694n, 768n, 782n, 797n
Canada, 166, 356
Cape of Good Hope, 205
Carlson, Robert H., 411n
Carrington, Lord, 627
Carter, Alan, 187, 242, 273, 301, 414
Castillo, Capt., 537
Castro, Fidel, 22
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA):

British withdrawal from the Persian Gulf, 272
Intelligence Memoranda:

No. 0797/67, 195
No. 0827/66, 509-511
No. 1368/67, 217-220

Kuwaiti arms purchases, 412-413
Office of Current Intelligence Reports:

No. 0333/64B, 140
No. 0582/68, 283-284
No. 1812/65, 143-145

Saudi Arabia, 482, 509-511, 515, 517
South Arabia, 140, 143-145, 156-161, 178-180, 217-220, 302
Special Memoranda:

No. 9-65, 674-678
No. 26-65, 156-161

UAR use of chemical warfare, 800
UAR view of, 35

Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), 5, 28, 71, 76, 628

British policy toward, 72-73
Kurdish dispute, 348-349
Ministerial Council meetings:

Twelfth, Washington, Apr. 1964, 4-7
Thirteenth, Tehran, Apr. 1965, 19-20, 348
Fourteenth, Ankara, Apr. 1966, 27
Fifteenth, London, Apr. 1968, 71-73

Soviet policy toward, 52
U.S. role, 72-73, 111, 290, 422

Chagos Archipelago (see also British Indian Ocean Territories (BIOT); Diego Garcia; Indian Ocean Islands), 85-86, 88, 91-92, 98, 105, 117
Chase Manhattan Bank, 15, 283
Chehab, Fouad, 1
Chemical warfare, 225-226, 679, 793, 799-800, 818, 834-837, 842-843, 845-846
Cheslaw, Irving G., 71n, 114n, 227n, 244n, 255n, 256n, 260n, 280n,
China, People's Republic of (see also China, People's Republic of and PRC subheadings under other subjects):

British withdrawal from East of Suez, 110-112
Iraq, relations with, 320
Kuwaiti policy toward, 392
Military aid to Fatah, 322
Military intervention in Vietnam, 691
Military threat, 106
Nuclear weapons development, 84
Soviet Union, relations with, 22, 297, 434
UN membership, 331, 581-582
U.S.-Soviet conflict, 52

China, Republic of, 468
Churchill, George T., 189n
Chlorine gas, 837
Christensen, Don T., 613n
Clark, Harlan B., 170, 647, 701-703, 716n, 722n, 761n, 768n
Cleveland, J. Harlan, 64, 130, 132, 621n, 643n, 648-650
Coal, 2, 43
Cobb, Rear Adm. J. O., 107, 299
Coca-Cola Co., 539
Cochran, Col., 538n
Cocos/Keeling Islands, 88, 92-93, 95
Codding, Col., 748
Collyer, Gershon B. O., 184
Committee of Five, 123
Committee of Twenty-four, 123, 135-136, 139, 150, 152, 172-173, 184, 188n, 245
Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), 531
Communications satellites, 98
Communism, 84-86, 525, 603

In Iraq, 366-367, 374, 494, 508, 611
Iraqi view of, 344, 354
Saudi view of, 436, 494-499, 514-515, 518, 528, 530, 603, 661, 762, 812
In South Arabia, 494, 602, 611
In Syria, 494, 508-509, 602, 611
UAR view of, 434, 445
In United Arab Republic, 494, 509, 602
U.S. view of, 500, 508-509, 518-520, 527-528, 761-762
In Yemen, 436, 497, 532, 544, 602

Concord Squadron, 89n, 90n
Conde, Bruce, 861
Congo, Republic of the, 13, 15-16, 673, 685, 691
Cone, Cmdr., 748n
Congress, U.S., 13, 16, 18, 69, 115, 192, 225, 226, 258, 413, 490, 514, 539, 593-594, 609, 787
Constantine, King of Greece, 68
Control Group (CG), 572-573
Coon, Carleton S., Jr., 114n
Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, 470, 549, 563
Cottam, Howard R., 230, 331, 411n, 390, 393, 395n, 400, 401-405, 406n, 409-410, 417, 422, 423, 773n, 786n, 799n, 801, 805n
Covert operations:

Soviet Union, 21-22
United Kingdom, 632-633
United States, 841, 843

Coward, Capt. Asbury, 100
Cramer, Dwight M., 398n
Crawford, David, 162
Crawford, R. S., 130, 133, 449n, 450n
Crawford, Stewart, 231
Critchfield, James H., 61, 68-70, 183, 187, 209, 222, 273, 301, 412-414, 514n, 515-516, 554, 833
Cross, Sam, 301
Cuba, 29, 624, 691
Curran, Robert T., 507n
Cyprus, 21, 28, 30, 68, 127, 165, 663, 692-693
Czechoslovakia, 63, 186

Daddah, Mokhtar Ould, 806
Darby, J. Harold, 395n
Davenport, Robert J., 49
Davies, Rodger P., 1n, 4n, 28n, 34n, 126n, 128n, 136n, 145n, 146n, 148n, 169n, 173n, 175n, 196n, 199n, 226n, 227n, 233n, 244n, 256n, 279n, 280n, 281n, 293n, 325n, 327n, 330n, 336n, 337n, 338n, 342n, 345n, 350n, 351n, 352n, 372n, 373n, 378n, 390n, 393n, 394n, 398n, 405n, 407n, 409n, 422n, 429n, 430n, 444n, 449n, 450n, 458n, 463n, 481n, 483n, 487n, 491n, 499n, 503n, 507n, 512n, 537n, 543n, 561n, 565n, 608n, 609n, 613n, 614n, 630n, 636n, 640n, 641n, 643n, 646n, 664n, 666n, 672n, 681n, 682n, 685n, 686n, 694n, 697n, 700n, 707n, 715n, 716n, 722n, 725n, 738n, 740n, 741n, 748n, 760n, 768n, 771n, 773n, 776n, 783n, 784n, 786n, 792n, 797n, 801n, 839n, 847n, 850n, 857n, 858n, 869n, 874n, 879n

Arabian Peninsula, 118, 187
Bahrain, 323-324
British-U.S. Near East talks, 9-12
Kuwait, 414, 796n
Muscat and Oman, 124
Oil, 11
Persian Gulf states, 273, 301
Saudi Arabia, 118, 120, 464-466, 482, 492, 516, 555, 789-790, 794, 802-803
South Arabia, 125, 130, 162, 183-185, 202, 209, 223
Yemen, 517, 616-617, 796n, 804

Davis, Rear Adm. J. W., 453
Davis, Jeanne W., 627n
Davis, Nathaniel, 856
Davis, Thomas W., Jr., 253, 310n
Day, Arthur R., 854n
Dean, Patrick, 131, 134, 165, 223, 225, 232-233, 244, 256, 399, 484, 502n, 642
Defense, U.S. Department of:

Dhahran airfield, 451
Indian Ocean islands, 83, 87n, 91-92, 100, 300
Kuwaiti arms purchases, 413
Near East, 60-61, 551-552
Saudi Arabia:

Arms purchases, 439, 450-451, 462, 466, 476, 491
Confrontation with UAR, 720
U.S. withdrawal of aircraft in, 615

de Gaulle, Charles, 53, 568, 761
Dehlavi, S. K., 71n
Denmark, 135n, 136n
De Ribbing, Herbert, 123
Desalting, 24, 59, 470-471, 549, 563, 728
Dhalai, Saif Ahmad al-, 254-255, 302, 307, 309-310, 327
Dickman, Francois M., 135n
Diego Garcia (see also British Indian Ocean Territories (BIOT); Chagos Archipelago; Indian Ocean islands), 58, 102, 104

British presence, 109, 114-116
Communications station, 88, 94-95, 101
Mauritian labor, 115-116
Military facilities, 100-101, 103-117, 291, 300
Removal of inhabitants, 116-117
U.S. contingency planning, 204

Din, Zakaria Muhyi al-, 404
Dinsmore, Lee F., 4n, 196, 227n, 244n, 245n, 255n, 258n, 277n, 306n, 336n, 337n, 338n, 342n, 345n, 350n, 351n, 355n, 414, 774-776, 828, 831, 838, 847n, 849n, 853n, 858n, 862n, 864n, 865n, 867n, 874n, 876n
Djibouti, 176
Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., 861
Dominican Republic, 525, 530
Donaldson, Allyn C., 309n
Dorrance, John C., 613n, 641n
Douglas Aircraft, 393, 395, 429-430
Douglas Home, Alec. See Home, Lord.
Doyle, Brig. Gen., 301, 414
Dozier, William B., 876n
Dreiss, Col. E., 491n
Dubai, 122, 165, 206n, 280, 286-287, 317-319
Dubai Defense Force, 317
Dujaili, Hassan, 358
Duke, Angier Biddle, 596
Duncan, Enoch S., 355n, 356, 381-383, 630n
Dunlap, James D., 593n
Dupret (Belgium), 386

Eagleton, William, 226n, 247n, 253-255, 277, 278n, 293n, 327-329
Earle, Ralph, 79-81, 114n, 414
East Aden Protectorate (see also Hadhramaut), 150, 154, 157n, 158, 178
East Africa:

British military involvement, 121
Indian Ocean islands and, 86n, 88, 95, 99
Military operation in, possible, 291n, 452
South Arabian sultanates, relations with, 158
Soviet naval visits, 296, 300

Eastern Arab Command, 321
Eban, Abba, 31, 377, 597, 599, 601, 608
Eden, Anthony, 638
Egerton, Stephen, 223
Egypt. See United Arab Republic (UAR).
Eilts, Hermann F., 269n, 589n

Communist threat in the Near
East, 494-496, 500, 508-509, 537
Israeli borders, 563
Persian Gulf, 260n, 265-266
Saudi Arabia:

Attack on U.S. Consulate, 557
Iran, relations with, 266-268
Soviet Union, relations with, 545-546
UAR military actions against, 508n, 514, 783n, 789, 790n, 792n, 795
United States, relations with, 516, 521-522, 527, 532, 536, 541-544, 558, 560n, 562, 761
U.S. military aid, 504-507, 606, 748n

Six-Day War, 567-572, 574-580, 582-583, 841n
South Yemen, 325n, 326n
Yemen, 742n, 798n, 841n , 877-879

Hare mission, 807n, 808-813, 814n, 816-821
Jidda agreement, 725n, 847n
Kuwaiti mediation efforts, 765-767, 771, 774n, 792n, 798n
Royalist resumption of warfare, 785n
Saudi conditions for settlement, 839n
Saudi-U.S. talks, 758-760
Soviet role, 861, 863n, 869n
UAR-Saudi talks, 747n
UAR troop buildup, 748n
U.S. covert operations, 843
YAR-Saudi relations, 872-873, 879, 880n

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 512-513, 547
Eliot, Theodore L., Jr., 189n, 256n, 259n, 260n, 269n, 273, 280n, 281n, 301, 305n, 373n, 422n, 879n, 962n
Ellison, Ollie B., 148n
Enders, Thomas O., 209
Ensor, Andrew F., 1n, 13, 463n
Erkin, Camal, 4n
Eshkol, Levi, 3n, 24, 47, 210, 597
Ethiopia, 54-55, 57, 95, 113, 117, 203, 213, 467, 594
Evans, Col., 393n, 449n
Evans, Roland, 2
Everett, Christopher, 146, 153, 162, 183-185, 484
Export-Import Bank, 228, 342, 581

Fahd bin Abdul Aziz, Prince, 541, 557n, 593
Faisal ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saud (see also Faisal-Nasser talks) , 272

Arab-Israeli conflict, 568-572, 582-585, 598-603, 605, 612
Arab Tripartite Committee, 866, 868
Attacks on by Nasser, 531, 747-748
Bahrain, 264, 324
British air combat role in Saudi Arabia, 503
British troop increases in the Persian Gulf, 165
Buraimi dispute, 231
Communism, 494-499, 509, 514-515, 518, 528, 530, 532, 611, 762
Dhahran airfield, 451
Economic development in Saudi Arabia, 6, 434, 440, 459, 470-471, 511, 523, 540-541
Federation of Arab Amirates, 287
Iranian-Saudi relations, 266-267, 268n, 323-324, 611
Islamic Alliance, 28, 35
Jews and Zionism, 535-536, 591, 603
Jordan, 734

To and from Johnson, 424-426, 444-446, 458-459, 469-470, 472-474, 477-479, 493n, 496-501, 556-558, 562, 565, 579-580, 582-583, 585-587, 613, 615, 650-654, 670, 735
From Kennedy, 508n, 513, 533, 535, 547
From Nasser, 559

Palestine, 558
Persian Gulf states, 207, 230-231
Political situation in Saudi Arabia, 118, 132, 482, 669:
Political and social reforms, 521-526
Support for monarchy, 142, 454
Roberts Mission, 265
Shah of Iran visit (Nov. 1968), 260, 267-270, 278, 314-316, 323-325
Six-Day War, 567-572
South Arabia, 163, 194, 200, 210, 233, 240
South Yemen, 308, 326n
Soviet-Saudi Arabia relations, 540, 545
UAR military action against Saudi Arabia, 682-684, 705-708, 710-712, 785, 789, 794
UAR-Saudi relations, 267, 510, 518, 540, 549-550

Talks with Nasser, 459, 483, 580, 675, 683-685, 699, 707, 710, 713, 714-715, 718, 792n
UAR position, 35, 168, 725n, 729-730, 744
U.S. position, 46, 519, 797, 803-805
Visits to Cairo, 132-133

U.S. aircraft deployed in Saudi Arabia, 615, 705-706, 709
U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 466, 469-470, 473, 480, 490, 510
U.S.-Saudi relations, 297, 520, 555-560, 568-572, 577, 582-587 595, 598-603, 605, 611, 612
U.S. security commitment to Saudi Arabia, 547, 549, 552
U.S. view of, 443, 521-522

Belgium and United Kingdom, 1967, 567
Cairo, 435, 630-631, 637
Iran, 726
Washington, 432, 456-457, 509, 511-537, 761-765, 810


Bunker Agreement, 1963, 613, 669
Cease-fire agreement, Erkowit, Nov. 1964, 670
Coalition government, 668, 671
Hamid al-Din issue, 772, 875n
Haradh conference, 756, 758
Jidda agreement, 723-724, 726n, 729, 738
Kuwaiti mediation efforts, 758, 760, 763-767, 770
Political situation, 681, 696-697, 877-879
Saudi aid to Royalists, 433, 654, 684, 791, 793, 874n
Saudi Arabia, relations with, 854, 880n
Saudi conditions for settlement, 839n
Saudi economic aid, 717n
Saudi military reinvolvement, 543-544, 650n, 652-653, 655-658, 660-663
Soviet role, 857, 858n, 861-862, 863n, 869n
Threat to Saudi Arabia, 644, 650n
Tunisian/Lebanese mediation efforts, 566
UAR military withdrawal, 145, 759
UNYOM renewal, 133, 644-645
U.S. role as intermediary, 614, 630, 807-814, 816-821
U.S.-Saudi talks, 762-765

Faisal-Nasser talks:

Failure of, 675, 683-685
Faisal visits to Cairo, 118, 132-133
Jidda agreement signing, 714-715
Saudi position, 580, 710, 718
Sept. 1964 talks, 675, 683-685
UAR position, 167, 699
U.S. position, 459, 483, 707-708, 713

Faki, Mohamed, 609
Far East, 110, 155, 258, 274, 519
Farid Al Awlaqi, Muhammad, 170-171, 173-174, 197, 200
Farley, Philip J., 114n, 289n
Farquhar Island, 95
Farr, Walter G., 183, 788
Fartash, Manuchehr, 389
Fatah, 31, 46, 322, 387
Fawzi, Mahmoud, 641, 683, 686n, 783
Fedayeen, 82
Federal Aviation Agency, 453
Federation of Arab Amirates (FAA), 286-288, 313-320, 324, 419-420
Feigl, Peter H., 462, 491n
Feqi, Ahmad Hassan al-, 728, 736, 773n, 794n, 806-807, 814n, 821-822
Fielder, William H., 49
Fitzmaurice, Ruth, 255n
Flenner, Robert H., 32n, 827n, 867n
Flint, James C., 173n, 189n, 337n, 697n, 769n, 781n, 787n
Ford Foundation, 59, 119
Ford Motor Corporation, 539
Forrestal, Michael V., 443
Foster, John W., 235-236, 285-286, 294-295, 387-388, 851-852
Fourth Committee, 152, 153n
USS Fox, 705-706
France, 320, 361, 603, 845
Fredericks, Col. Edgar J., 400n, 538n
Freedom of seas, 378-380, 610
Freeman, James B., 507n, 534n
French Somaliland, 55, 58, 203
Freshman, C. Arnold, 83n
Freymond, Jacques, 834
Fried, Edward, 275
Friedman, Richard, 135n
Friendly, Alfred, 91, 93
Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen (FLOSY):

Anti-NLF coalition, 302
Boycott of UN Special Mission, 196
British talks with, 168, 198
Claims to leadership, 219
Conflict with NLF, 224, 246
Government-in-exile, establishment of, 201
UAR influence, 169n, 218, 235, 665, 840
U.S. view of, 212
YAR view of, 840, 874

Fujairah, 206n, 286
Fulbright, J. William, 714
Funari, John H., 209, 222
Funk, Howard V., 352n
Futaih, Abdulazia al-, 828, 830n, 831n, 838-839

Gallas, Ali, 309
Gallopin, Roger, 834
Gamon, David L., 378n, 573n
Gan Island, 88, 92, 95
Ganges-Brahmaputra River projects, 521
Gardner, James R., 831
Gas warfare. See Chemical warfare.
Gatch, John N., 313, 321, 411n, 605n
Gaud, William S., 454, 482
Geghman, Yahya H., 697
Gemini project, 176
Germany, Democratic Republic of, 696
Germany, Federal Republic of, 48, 510, 685, 696, 843
Getz, John I., 234n
Ghalib, Sultan, 192
Ghana, 530
Ghoussein, Talat al-, 331, 396, 417, 421, 792n
Ginsburgh, Bob, 857
Glass, Leslie, 223-225
Gleysteen, William H., 561n, 879n
Glidden, Harold W., 748n
Golan Heights, 409
Goldberg, Arthur, 223, 226, 379, 838, 858
Grant, James P., 338n, 649n, 655n, 658n, 660n
Grant, L., 658n
Great Society, 25, 45, 523
Grebovic (Yugoslavia), 702-703
Greece, 21-22, 24, 51, 53, 57, 68, 351, 467
Green, Marshall, 87n
Greenhill, Denis, 130, 279, 658, 660-661
Greenwood, Anthony, 153-155
Grey, Robert G., Jr., 259n
Gromyko, Andrei, 806
Gross, Courtland, 472n
Ground environmental (GE) equipment, 462, 487n
Gulf of Aqaba, 68, 407, 409, 568, 575
Gulf of Oman, 92
Gulf Oil Company, 407

Hababi, Abdullah, 433
Hackler, Windsor G., 394n
Hadhramaut (see also East Aden Protectorate; South Arabia; South Yemen), 157n, 164, 192, 215-217, 237
Hadsel, Fred L., 74n, 301
Haikal, Hassanain, 682
Haile Selassie, 210
Hakim, Muhsin, 382
Hallman, William H., 414n
Halperin, Morton H., 114n
Hamid, Subhi Abd al-, 333, 336, 341, 346, 382
Handley, William J., 311, 312n, 351n, 365n, 534n, 700-701, 707n, 797n
Hani, Nasir al-, 334-335, 342-343, 351, 368, 377n
Hard Surface, Operation, 447, 513, 547, 551, 553, 615n, 669, 706, 794
Hare, Raymond A., 34n, 165n, 175n, 360n, 507n, 512n, 740n, 741n, 768n, 771n, 773n, 782n, 783n, 784n

Arab-U.S. relations, 38
Arabian Peninsula, 187
Iraq-Iran relations, 356-357
Kuwait, 396-397
Persian Gulf states, 189-190
Saudi Arabia, 484, 501-502, 527, 532
South Arabia, 153-154, 162-164, 169, 183, 354
UAR-U.S. relations, 728-729, 733

Jidda settlement, 723-724, 725n, 738n
Saudi-U.S. talks, 758-761
UAR-Saudi hostilities, 720-721, 730, 734-736, 737n
U.S. economic aid to, 769-770, 781
U.S. role as intermediary, 806-808
YAR-U.S. talks, 754, 777-778

Harlech, Lord, 130, 133, 618-619, 623n, 662
Harriman, W. Averell, 3, 13-14, 16, 17-18, 443, 454-455, 458n, 482, 613, 798n
Harris, Walter W., Jr., 831n
Harrison, Geoffrey, 118-121, 123-124, 449
Harriz, Michael, 779n
Hart, Parker T., 327n, 414n, 481n, 483n, 608n, 609n, 707n

Bahrain, 331-332, 419
British-U.S. cooperation in the Arabian Peninsula, 656n
Dhahran airfield, 451
Kuwait, 416-417, 422
Saudi Arabia, 454, 470, 482

U.S. economic aid, 455
U.S. military aid, 427-428, 461-462, 469
U.S. security commitment, 685

South Arabia, 129n
UAR-Saudi relations, 119, 614, 630n, 637n, 650n, 653
UAR-U.S. relations, 671-672, 691
U.S.-Saudi relations, 424, 426, 432-433, 444-446, 457, 477n, 478

Bunker Agreement, 425
Cease-fire agreement, Erkowit, Nov. 1964, 670
Coalition government, 671
Party of God movement, 681n
Saudi military reinvolvement, 654, 656n, 658-659, 661-662
Saudi-U.S. talks, 689
UAR military intervention, 473
UAR withdrawal, 644

Hartman, Arthur A., 62
Hartman, Harold, 827-828, 832
Hassan, King of Morocco, 559, 573
Healey, Denis, 25, 163
Heath, Donald R., 447
Heinz, Vice Adm. Luther C., 593-594
Held, Colbert C., 173n, 769
Helms, Richard N., 20n, 26n, 49, 62, 177n, 206, 252n, 540n, 826
Helou, Charles, 790n, 791
Hemmerich, Harry F., 716n, 787n
Henderson, John, 130
Hennes, Richard V., 83n
Henry, Brig. Gen. Stephen W., 49
Herz, Martin F., 348, 352n
Hijri, Mohammad al-, 871
Hildyard, David, 223
Hilliker, Grant G., 654
Hirchfield, Thomas J., 534
Holloway, Jerome K., 627n
Holmes, Julius C., 49, 62-64, 75-76, 209
Holmes Study, 49-58, 60, 62-64, 65n, 69, 74-76, 80n, 228-229, 237
Home, Lord, 134, 620, 624, 627-628, 634, 638-639
Hong Kong, 115
Hooper, John, 461-462, 466-467
Hoopes, Townsend, 62n, 209, 398n, 516, 553
Horgan, Rogers B., 643
Horn of Africa, 49-58, 60, 74, 205, 238
Hornig, Donald F., 800
Houghton, Robert B., 372n, 373n, 378n, 414, 790n
House of Representatives, U.S., 581
Howard, Bushrod, 18, 861
Howison, John M., 28n, 162, 260n, 345n, 350n, 356n, 534n
Huang, Thomas T., 114n
Hughes, Thomas L., 60, 127, 261-263, 286-288, 384-386
Hujailan, Mininfo, 559
Huks, 690
Humphrey, Hubert H., 39, 353-354
Hussain, Prince Muhammad, 866
Hussein I, ibn Talal, 3, 18, 321, 335, 518, 612

Iraq-Jordan relations, 387
Islamic Alliance, 28
Israeli settlement, 577, 598-601, 608
Letter to Johnson, 582
Meeting with King Saud, 120
Six-Day War, 561, 576-577, 597
South Arabia, 210
Soviet military aid to Jordan, 588n, 602
UAR-Jordan relations, 35, 46, 559
U.S. security commitment to Jordan, 40, 260, 608
Yemen, intermediary role for, 679

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