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1964-1968, Volume XXIV

Department of State
Washington, DC

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Index N-R

Nabrit, James M., 360
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 13, 71n, 72, 81, 82, 187-188, 220, 230, 234n, 238, 261-263, 283, 528
National Academy of Sciences, 367
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 694, 971n, 985, 997, 1035, 1045, 1046-1047
National Intelligence Estimates (see also Special National Intelligence Estimates):

NIE 36.5-65, 107-108
NIE 60-1-66, 330-331
NIE 60-66, 1-2
NIE 60/70-65, 297-298
NIE 62-64, 35-36
NIE 64.2-65, 613-614
NIE 64.2-68, 682
NIE 70-1-67, 698-700
NIE 73-67, 1077-1078
NIE 75/76-64, 509-510
NIE 75/76-67, 572-573

Nationalist movements of Southern Africa (see also Portuguese Africa), 698-700
National Security Action Memorandums:

No. 291, 74
No. 295, 981-982, 984-986, 989-991, 995-998, 1012, 1032-1038, 1041-1043
No. 356, 362-363

National Security Council (NSC):

Meetings, 9-11, 687, 1083-1084

526th, 436-437
561st, 1052-1053
567th, 940-942
572d, 368-369

Naude, Willem C., 963-965, 974n, 1026, 1027, 1031n
Negro leadership in America, interest in U.S. African policy, 288-289, 294, 295, 296
Neilson, Waldemar, 327
Nelson, Charles J., 43n, 50n, 168n, 225n
Neo-Colonialism (Nkrumah), 451-452
Neuman, Robert H., 123n, 125n, 132n
New Policy for Africa. See Strengthened African Program.
Newman, Cecil, 384
Newsom, David D., 16n, 18n, 20n, 29n, 30n, 69n, 71n, 74n, 84n, 90n, 92n, 93n, 97n, 100n, 102, 123n, 149n, 163n, 175n, 220n, 484n, 488n, 491n, 492n, 494n, 496n, 497n, 499n, 501n, 502n, 504n, 507n, 511n, 515n, 516n

Ethiopia, 521-522

Appointment as Ambassador, 110n
Internal security situation, 141-142
U.K. military presence, 122n
U.S. military assistance, 140
Newsom, David D.--Continued
U.S. security guarantee, 140-141
U.S. technical assistance, 120, 142
U.S.-U.K. military planning re, 141

Middle East situation, 137-138
Wheelus Air Base:

Israel-related concerns of Libyans, 139
Libyan Air Force and, 131-132, 139-140
Negotiations re, 130-131, 134n, 138-140
Six-Day War, crisis related to, 128n
U.S. withdrawal issue, 128-131

Nigeria (see also Nigerian civil war; Nigerian political crisis), 166, 222, 284, 286, 328, 346, 474, 610-611, 614, 983
Nigerian civil war, 368, 372-373

Economic consequences, 682
Evacuation of foreigners, 657, 659-660
Gowan's spokesman to see Johnson, proposed, 668-669
Humanitarian assistance, 683-690
Humphrey's proposed visit to Nigeria and, 669-670
Intelligence report on, 682
Johnson's correspondence with Gowon, 686
Mediation efforts, 477, 683, 690
Military purchases by belligerents, 663-665, 667-668, 674-675, 679-680
Onset of, 658, 659
Recognition of Biafra issue, 661
U.S. development assistance and, 674
U.S.-Nigerian discussions re U.S. policy, 662, 665-667
U.S. nonintervention policy, 658, 671-681
U.S. public attitude toward, 672, 684-685

Nigerian political crisis (see also Nigerian civil war):

Aburi agreements, 634n, 638-640, 643
Autonomy offer for Eastern region, 641-642, 643-644
Confederation option, 640
Countercoup of July, 1966, 618-619
Coup of January 1966, 615-617
Economic warfare, 645, 649, 655
Elections of 1964, 612
Federal government's requests for international support, 636-637, 652-653
Foreigners' departure from Eastern region, 643, 644-645
Iboland option, 648
Intelligence reports on, 613-614, 622
Mediation efforts, 613, 630, 632-634, 637, 640, 643-644, 647, 649, 650-651, 656
Military conflict, prospects for, 629-631, 636-637, 646
Political prohibitions, 617
Secession issue, 619, 620-621, 623, 626-629, 645-646, 647-648, 649
U.S. analysis of, 654-656
U.S. military assistance, requests for, 634-635
U.S. policy re, 624, 625-626, 637-638, 653, 656-657
U.S.-U.K. consultations re, 640-641, 651-652

Nilsen, Sylvia E., 201n
Nitze, Paul R., 606-607, 608, 707-708, 779, 1051, 1071, 1089-1090
Nkrumah, Kwame, 468, 611, 805

Assassination attempt on, 411, 423
Ghana, 413-414, 438, 459

Aluminum plant project, 422
Anti-American campaign, 411, 412, 420, 424n, 428-429, 444-446, 451-452
CIA covert operations, alleged, 411n, 426, 429-430, 432-433
Corruption problem, 429
Coup of 1966, 453-454, 455, 458-459
Foreign investment policy, 426-427, 438-439
Non-alignment policy, 426
Socialist policies, 426-427, 430, 435-436
Soviet Union, relations with, 429, 430 430
Volta River project, 435, 439
Williams' meeting with Nkrumah, 450-451

Hanoi visit, 448-449
Harriman's meeting with, 435-436
Johnson's correspondence with, 425-428, 433-434, 448-449
Kaiser's meeting with, 424-425
Mahoney's meetings with, 428-431, 444-446
Mental instability, 413, 418, 445

Nogueira, Franco, 718, 719, 720n, 724n, 734, 744, 750, 754-755, 758n, 761n, 781n, 787, 946-947
North Africa (see also Algeria; Libya; Morocco; Tunisia), 404-405

Arms race, 3-4, 10
Border problems, 4
Economic development, 5-6
Food problems, 5
Historical-cultural overview, 7-8
Intelligence reports on, 1-2, 12-15
NSC meeting on, 9-11
Oil and gas production, 8
Polarization problem, 4
Radicals vs. moderates in, 15
Regional defensive arrangement, proposed, 237
Regional economic cooperation, 6
Six-Day War and, 12, 370-371
Strategic importance, 3
U.S. policy toward, 6-8, 11

Nouakchott Conference of 1965, 446
Nowfel, Camille, 196
Nuclear free zone issue, 28, 280-282, 315-317
Nujoma, Sam, 1088-1089
Nyerere, Julius, 275, 276, 277, 374, 743-745, 800, 801, 850, 875, 1000
Nzeogwu, Maj. Kaduna, 615

Obote, Milton, 275, 277, 328, 374, 851
Occidental Petroleum, 177
Ocran, Gen., 639
Odaka, Samuel, 358
Ogbu, 647, 648
Ohin, Amb., 406
Ojukwu, Lt. Col. Chukwuemeka Odumegwu, 618n

Nigerian civil war, 684
Nigerian political crisis:

Aburi agreements, 638-640, 643
Autonomy offer for Eastern region, 641-642, 643-644
Countercoup of July 1966, 618-619
Economic warfare, 645
Foreigners' departure from Eastern region, 644-645
Mediation efforts, 634n, 643-644
Military conflict, prospects for, 629-630, 646
Secession issue, 620, 623, 627-628, 645-646
U.S. policy, 637-638

U.S. analysis of, 654-655
U.S. public attitude toward, 672

Olds, Herbert V., 504n
Omar, Haji Farah Ali, 596
O'Neill, W. Paul, Jr., 240, 487n, 956
Oppenheimer, Harry, 1028-1029
Organization of African and Malagasy States (OCAM), 381
Organization of African Unity (OAU), 219, 285, 338-339, 381, 506

Civil rights developments in U.S., African reaction to, 283
Ethiopia-Somalia dispute, 491, 503
Johnson's speech to OAU Ambassadors, 324-327
Nigerian civil war, 683, 685
Nuclear free zone issue, 280, 282n
Rhodesian government, international campaign against, 849, 853n
Roberto's assessment of, 775-776

Ormsby-Gore, Sir David, 418
O'Sheel, Patrick, 1031n
Osman, Ahmed, 206, 212-213
O'Sullivan, James L., 716, 743n, 745-746, 751n
Otto, Johannes G., 1104
Otu, Gen., 443, 454
Oufkir, Mohammed, 13, 52, 181, 203n, 204, 221
Oulashin, Eric E., 92n, 488n
Owen, Henry D., 705-706, 709, 710, 712

Palabora Mining Company, 996
Paliser, Michael, 908
Palmer, Joseph, II, 9n, 125n, 132n, 134n, 196, 197n, 203n, 215n, 260n, 263n, 264n, 270, 325n, 463n, 472n, 473n, 478, 538n, 540n, 544n, 551, 553n, 585n, 588, 596, 597n, 625n, 632n, 634n, 636n, 641n, 650n, 658n, 686n, 774n, 781n, 923n, 926, 945, 1055, 1056n, 1057, 1061n, 1069n, 1073n, 1083n, 1099n, 1101n, 1106n, 1107n, 1108n

Action Program on African Development Policies and Programs, 350, 363, 364
Algeria, 11, 60, 61
Ethiopia, 546-547, 580
Ethiopia-Somalia dispute, 586-588
Palmer, Joseph, II--Continued
Libya, 120
Morocco, 189, 191, 206-210, 211, 212-213, 214
Nigerian civil war, 660, 669, 676, 684, 688n
Nigerian political crisis, 620-621
Portuguese Africa, 779
Regional policy regarding sub-Saharan Africa, 408
Rhodesian government, international campaign against, 956-957
Somalia, 495, 496
Southern Africa region, U.S. policy re, 708-709, 712
South West Africa, 1059-1060, 1086-1087
Tunisia, 243n, 248

Pan-African Military School, 286-288
Pape, Thomas, 754n
Pauluku, Gov., 773
Pearson, Sen., 689, 1048
Pearson, Lester, 889
Peel, Amb., 406
Pelletreau, Robert H., 29n, 455n
Peters, Cmdr., 201n, 254n
Peterson, Jorge, 772
Pfund, Peter H., 846n
Phillips, Richard I., 43n, 417, 788
Pinckney, Maj., 122n
Pinkston, Gen., 516n
Pinto Ramos, Sebastien, 776
Player, Adger E., 414
Plimpton, 984, 992n
Poats, Rutherford, 704
Polansky, Sol, 87n, 504n
Polk, Leslie D., 101n, 243n
Pollack, Herman, 1045n
Pompidou, Georges, 180
Popper, David H., 764, 931, 1044n, 1059n, 1073n, 1081, 1093n
Porson, S., 188
Porter, William J., 18, 20n, 24-25, 36-37, 38, 39, 44n
Portugal (see also Portuguese Africa), 780-782, 803, 887, 904-905, 907-908, 938, 942, 946-947
Portuguese Africa (see also Southern Africa region, U.S. policy re), 371

African-Portuguese talks, proposed, 691, 717-720, 722-724, 737-738, 761-762
Anderson Plan for self-determination, 754-758, 760
Azores issue, 691, 693-694, 734, 750
Communist assistance for nationalist movements, 716, 717, 720, 753
Economic burden on Portugal, 754
Gilpatric's report on, 748-749
Internal dissension in nationalist movements, 723, 726, 730, 745-746, 759, 772, 777
"Manifesto" of nationalist movements, 776-777
Mondlane's U.S. visit, 742
Political action program for nationalist movements, proposed, 729-735
Portugal's policy toward, 730-731
Portugal's reform program in, 736-737
Portugal's use of U.S./NATO military equipment, 765-768
Refugee problem, 775
Regional effects of fighting, 743-745, 765-768, 771-773
Rusk's meetings with Portuguese leaders, 786-787
Self-determination issue, 717-720, 722-724, 738, 754-758, 759-763
UN actions re, 759-764, 769
U.S. contacts with nationalist leaders, 739-740, 742, 751, 774, 775-778, 779
U.S. covert support for nationalist movements, 720-721, 724-728, 738-739, 742-743, 770-771, 780-782
U.S. education program for Angolan refugees, 776
U.S. military assistance for Portugal and, 749-750, 785, 786
U.S. objectives re, 701, 703, 731, 743-745
U.S. reports on nationalist movements, 740-741, 752-754, 783-784
Wright's views re, 747

Post, Albert, 254n, 264n
Post, Richard St. F., 492n, 499n, 502n, 504n
Prain, Sir Ronald, 791
Pratt, James W., 553n
Proctor, Samuel, 384
Pumphrey, 957

al-Qadhaafi, Wanis, 148n
Quaison-Sackey, 447-449
Quimby, Thomas H. E., 600n, 782, 785n, 952, 955, 1102n
Quinn, Harry A., 754n
Quist-Therson, E. C., 466

Rabida, Albert A., 201n
Radziwill, Stanislaus, 735
Randall, Clarence H., 995
Randolph, Phil, 296
Read, Benjamin H., 3n, 9n, 151n, 279n, 281-282, 404n, 831n, 845-846, 849n, 914n, 923n, 929n, 949n, 955n, 1032n, 1038, 1041n
Reddy, 1094
Reed, Eugene M., 154n, 560n
Regional policy regarding Sub-Saharan Africa (see also Action Program on African Development Policies and Programs):

Accomplishments of, 378-381 381
Arms control initiative, 355-357
CIA covert operations, 290-293, 365-366
Civil rights developments in U.S., African reaction to, 283-284
Communist subversion concerns, 274, 275-277, 297-298, 329, 331, 382-383, 404-405
Economic and political progress in newly independent nations, 285-286
Humphrey's trip to Africa, 383-404
Independence and majority rule, support for, 313-314, 315, 327, 358-361
Internal security assistance, 279-280
Johnson's interest in African affairs, 304-307
Johnson's meeting with African Ambassado06-408
Johnson's proposed trip to Africa, 408-410
Military take-overs of political power and, 320-323
Military training school, 286-288
Military transport flights, 278
New Policy for Africa. See Strengthened African Program below.
Nuclear free zone issue, 280-282, 315-317
Problem areas for U.S., 297-298, 328 -28-330, 368-375, 404-406
Rusk's meeting with African Foreign Ministers, 358-361
Soft loan fund, participation in, 376-377
Strengthened African Program, 298-303, 305, 308-315, 318-319
Telecommunications system for Africa, proposed, 304
U.S. Negro leadership's interest in, 288-289, 294, 295, 296

West African radicalism and, 330-331
Rehfeld, Eric, 785n
Reinertson, John E., 763n, 764n
Reis, Herbert K., 1102n
Resnick, Congressman, 638, 664
Reuter, Dick, 184, 185
Reuther, Victor, 1021
Rhodesia (see also Rhodesian government, international campaign against; Rhodesian unilateral independence issue), 313, 328, 368, 371

Nationalist movement, 698-699, 792, 802, 805
U.S. arms embargo, 795-796, 799-800

Rhodesian government, international campaign against:

Africans in Rhodesia and, 926
Commonwealth Conferences re, 885, 886, 887-888, 893, 895, 914-916, 917, 919
Consulates' withdrawal from Rhodesia, 952-953
Economic sanctions (see also Oil embargo and U.S. program of sanctions below), 809-810, 823, 850, 855, 861-862, 874, 929n, 930, 931

Extended mandatory sanctions, 947-951, 954
Impact on Rhodesia, 847-848, 886-888, 892, 908-909, 944
Mandatory UN sanctions, 695, 866-867, 879-880, 912-913, 914, 915, 917, 919, 936-937, 938, 947-948
Rejection of sanctions by Portugal and South Africa, 938, 942-943, 946-947
Rhodesia's retaliatory measures, 859, 938
Time-related concerns, 877-880, 897-898
U.K. strategy, 885, 896n

Failure of campaign, U.S. contingency planning re, 874-875, 939-942
Famine relief, 888-889
"Fearless" proposals, 956-958, 960-961, 962
Intelligence reports on, 826, 930, 938, 954
Johnson's correspondence with Kaunda, 883, 891n, 962
Johnson's correspondence with Wilson, 849-851, 859-860, 886-889, 890-891, 893-895, 903, 905-906, 914-916, 919-921, 923-924, 927-929, 955-956
Johnson's meetings with Wilson, 870-874, 910-911
Military options, 843, 856, 868-870, 876-877, 882, 922-923, 940
Naval blockade option, 877, 880
Oil embargo, 846-847, 850, 860-861, 862-863, 864, 865, 867, 872, 873, 901-902, 946
Peace terms issue, 887, 895, 910-911
Portugal's concerns, 904-905, 907-908
Rhodesians' reaction, 848
Rhodesia's Information Office in U.S. and, 897
South Africa's contacts with Rhodesians, 920-921, 923, 929-930
U.K. contingency planning, 822-824
U.K. interests and objectives, 934, 945
U.K. military presence in Zambia, 849-852, 894, 904-905
U.K.-Rhodesia negotiations, 877, 902, 902, 903, 905-906, 911n, 922, 923-924, 927-929, 943, 944, 955-956, 961n
U.K. tobacco problem, 812-813
UN actions re, 695, 843n, 847n, 865, 866-867, 879-880, 901-902, 931, 949-953, 958, 959
U.S. analyses of Rhodesian situation, 932-937, 943-945
U.S. contingency planning, 797-798, 823
U.S. interests and objectives, 934, 945
U.S. limits on involvement, 898-901
U.S. program of sanctions, 840-842, 845-846, 859-860, 865, 890
U.S. refusal to recognize government, 839
U.S.-South Africa discussion, 1064-1065
U.S. stake in outcome, 852-858
U.S.-U.K. discussions (see also Johnson's meetings with Wilson above), 860-863, 895-896, 908-909, 917-918, 922-923, 925-927, 942-943
Wilson's meeting with Kaunda, 891, 894
Zambia, U.S.-U.K. assistance for, 804, 806, 824, 862, 863, 864-865, 866, 872, 873, 879, 881, 882, 883, 884, 886, 898, 909
Zambia-Rhodesia border closing, 891, 894
Zambia-Rhodesia economic warfare, 843, 844, 855-856, 877-878, 881, 886
Zambia's economic decline due to, 938, 954

Rhodesian unilateral independence issue:

Agitation in Rhodesia, 801-802
Johnson's correspondence with Smith, 829-833
Johnson's correspondence with Wilson, 813-814, 817, 829-830, 833-834
Rhodesia's declaration of independence, 838-839
Rhodesia's position, 820-821
Royal Commission of Inquiry, 830, 831n, 834-836
U.K. conditions for granting independence, 835n
U.K.-Rhodesia negotiations, 803, 813-814, 824-825, 829-830, 833-834
UN actions re, 794-795, 818, 825, 843n
U.S. policy re, 701, 702, 801-802, 806-807

Public statement on, proposed, 827, 828
Smith informed of, 807-808, 810-811, 819-820

U.S. response to Rhodesia's declaration, 836-837
U.S.-U.K. coordinated approach, 792-794, 800, 803-805, 809-810, 813-818, 828
U.S.-U.K. protests, 788-789
Zambia's concerns, 790-792, 806

Ribeiro, Miguel Augustus, 425n, 432-433, 447-448, 451-452
Rivonia Trial, 983-984, 992
Roberto, Holden, 291, 716, 717, 723, 726, 729, 741, 745, 746, 759n, 770-773, 774, 775-778
Rogers, William D., 851n, 861n
Roll, Sir Eric, 788, 860, 861
Rollefson, Arthur M., 971-972
Roosevelt, Archibald, 779
Root, John F., 40, 50n, 64-68, 114, 116, 118, 122n, 123n, 124n, 125n, 132n, 134n, 181n, 196, 197n, 201n, 203n, 212-213, 215n, 243n, 254n, 260n, 264n, 270, 273
Rostow, Eugene V., 132n, 203n, 263n, 273, 709-710, 917, 971n, 1040, 1106
Rostow, Walt W., 101n, 196, 308n, 320n, 321, 404n, 458n, 779, 900, 904, 949n

Action Program on African Development Policies and Programs, 324-325 325, 327, 331, 361-362, 363, 364
Algeria, 53, 56-60, 61
Ethiopia, 548, 562-564, 566
Ethiopia-Somalia dispute, 591-592, 594
Ghana, 463, 465-466, 475-477, 482-483
Lesotho, 1084-1085
Libya, 144-146, 147
Malawi, 697

Johnson's meeting with Hassan, 183-184, 193-195
U.S. food and agricultural assistance, 184-185, 192-193, 194-195, 200-201
U.S. military assistance, 192, 213, 217-218

Nigerian civil war, 659, 661, 662, 665-666, 663, 669, 683, 687, 689
Nigerian political crisis, 617, 654
Regional policy regarding Sub-Saharan Africa, 328, 355, 380, 406-410
Rhodesian government, international campaign against, 901, 939, 942-943, 960
Somalia, 593-595
South Africa, 1051, 1058, 1097, 1108-1109, 1110
South West Africa, 1054, 1062, 1079
Southern Africa region, U.S. policy re, 703

Bourguiba's U.S. visit, 242-243, 259-260, 265-267
U.S. economic development assistance, 241-243, 266-267, 271-272
U.S. military assistance, 249-250, 251, 252-254, 272-273
U.S. security guarantee, proposed, 266, 267

Rountree, William M., 921n, 1058, 1064, 1069n, 1101n, 1105n
Rowan, Carl T., 81, 283-284
Roy, J. Stapleton, 9n
Rucker, Alvin M., 780n
Runyon, Charles, III, 84n, 90n, 92n, 93n, 201n, 658n, 807n, 966n, 992n, 1022n, 1059n, 1093n, 1099n, 1101n, 1102n, 1106n, 1107n
Ruser, Claus W., 215n, 705
Rusk, Dean, 3n, 9n, 12n, 54n, 187n, 196, 324n, 479, 604n, 1005n

Action Program on African Development Policies and Programs, 325-326
Afro-Asian Conference of 1965, 44

Anti-American agitation, 18-20, 50
Internal security problems, 62
Non-alignment policy, 27
Opposition elements, alleged U.S. support for, 27, 28, 29-30
Meeting with Guellal, 26-28
U.S., relations with, 26-28
U.S. food and agricultural assistance, 11, 28, 39, 56-57, 58n, 59, 60
U.S. recognition of Boumediene government, 43-44


Dinke's defection to U.S., 531, 532n
Eritrean insurgency, 575
Johnson's correspondence with Haile Selassie, 488-489, 549-550
Johnson's meetings with Haile Selassie, 560-561
Johnson's proposed meeting with Haile Selassie in 1966, 544n
Kagnew Station military base, 561
Policing functions in Africa, 515-516
U.K. military sales, 574, 580
U.S. military assistance, 511-512, 515-516, 540-541, 559-561, 589-590
U.S. objectives and policies, 506

Ethiopia-Somalia dispute:

Bilateral resolution efforts of 1965, 530-531
Border clashes, 487, 490, 492-495, 502-504, 507-508
Detente initiative, 585-586, 597, 600-601
Soviet intervention, 500-501
U.S. mediating role, proposed, 501-502
U.S.-supplied military equipment, Ethiopia's alleged use of, 507-508

Ghana, 422

Anti-American campaign, 411, 412, 420
Coup of 1966, 455-456
Harriman's meeting with Nkrumah, 435
Johnson's correspondence with Nkrumah, 433-434
U.S. Action Program, 419-420
Volta River project, 417n, 418, 419-420, 424

Horn of Africa, 504-507, 553
Libya, 69-70, 71, 101, 113, 114-115, 121-123, 142-143

Algerian military threat, 149-151, 203-205
Ben Barka kidnapping case, 180-181
Economic development and private investment, 177-179
Johnson's correspondence with Hassan, 155n
Johnson's meeting with M'Hammedi, 180, 181-182
Manganese exports to U.S., 154
Meetings with Moroccan officials, 166--167, 177-179, 188-190
Political situation, 175-177
U.S. development assistance, 168-169
U.S. food and agricultural assistance, 169, 216
U.S. military assistance, 149-151, 163, 165n, 191, 201-205, 215-216

Nigerian civil war, 658, 665-667, 683, 686, 689
Nigerian political crisis:

Autonomy offer for Eastern region, 641-642
Confederation option, 640
Countercoup of July 1966, 618-619
Federal government's requests for international support, 636-637, 652-653
Mediation efforts, 633-634, 637, 640, 650-651
Military conflict, prospects for, 636-637
Secession issue, 619, 620-621
U.S. military assistance, requests for, 634-635
U.S. policy, 624, 625-626, 653
U.S.-U.K. consultations re, 640-641

North Africa, 11, 237
Portuguese Africa:

African-Portuguese talks, proposed, 717 20, 722-724, 761-762
Anderson Plan for self-determination, 754-758, 760
Azores issue, 691, 693-694
Communist assistance for nationalist movements, 717
Internal dissension in nationalist movements, 723, 759
Mondlane's U.S. visit, 742
Political action program for nationalist movements, proposed, 729, 733-735
Portugal's use of U.S./NATO military equipment, 765-768
Regional effects of fighting, 743-745, 765-768
Rusk's meetings with Portuguese leaders, 786-787
Self-determination issue, 717-720, 722-724, 754-758, 759-762
UN actions re, 759-762, 769
U.S. contacts with nationalist leaders, 742, 751
U.S. covert support for nationalist movements, 720, 724, 780-782
U.S. objectives re, 743-745
U.S. reports on nationalist movements, 783

Regional policy regarding Sub-Saharan Africa, 279, 294, 295, 320, 358-361, 410n
Strengthened African Program, 308, 310-312, 314, 318, 319
Rhodesia, U.S. arms embargo against, 795-796
Rhodesian government, international campaign against, 850, 860, 873, 889, 895, 910-911, 920, 929, 959

Consulates' withdrawal from Rhodesia, 953n
Economic sanctions, 861-862, 908-909, 947
Failure of campaign, U.S. contingency planning re, 940, 941
"Fearless" proposals, 958
Military options, 922-923, 940
Oil embargo, 846-847, 862-863
Peace terms issue, 910-911
South Africa's contacts with Rhodesians, 929-930
U.K. contingency planning, 823, 824
U.K. military presence in Zambia, 851-852
U.S. program of sanctions, 840, 859-860
U.S. refusal to recognize government, 839
U.S.-U.K. discussions, 908-910, 917-918, 922-923
Zambia, U.S.-U.K. assistance for, 824, 862, 881, 882n, 883, 909
Zambia-Rhodesia economic warfare, 844, 881

Rhodesian unilateral independence issue, 813, 831-832, 837n

Rhodesia's declaration of independence, 839
Royal Commission of Inquiry, 834-836
UN actions re, 818
U.S. policy, 827, 828
U.S.-U.K. coordinated approach, 803-805, 828
U.S.-U.K. protests, 788-789

Six-Day War, U.S. policy, 261-262

Anti-American campaign, 494-495
Haile Selassie's U.S. visit, concerns re, 556-557
Irredentist policies, 484-485, 487-488, 557
Meeting with Abdirazak, 551-553
Meeting with Egal, 597-598
Soviet Union, relations with, 552
U.S. economic development assistance, 541, 552, 597
U.S. objectives and policies, 507

South Africa, 963, 993

Apartheid policy, 993, 1019-1021, 1044
Economic sanctions issue, 1019-1020, 1040
"One man-one vote" issue, 1101-1102
UN actions re, 987-988
U.S. Embassy staff transfer, South Africa's request for, 1039
U.S. military involvement in support of UN actions, possible, 1025
U.S. military sales, 966-967, 1002, 1083, 1097-1098
U.S. non-segregation policy for personnel in South Africa, 1021-1022
U.S. ships' port visits, 1067-1069
U.S. space tracking stations in, 692, 693-694, 967, 1046

South West Africa:

Homelands for non-white groups (Odendaal plan), 1107-1108
ICJ ruling re, 1054
Terrorism Act trials, 1091, 1093-1094, 1099-1100, 1102-1106
UN administration issue, 1073-1077
U.S.-U.K. coordinated approach re, 1022-1024

Tunisia, 234-235, 244, 263-264

Arab League agenda, rejection of, 230
Bourguiba's U.S. visit, 242-243, 244, 257-259
Civic action program, 240
Meetings with Bourguiba Jr., 236-241, 260-263
Meetings with Driss, 243-244, 248-249, 257-259
Six-Day War and, 260-263
U.S. economic development assistance, 225n, 229-230, 242-243
U.S. military assistance, 231-233, 236-241, 244, 245-246, 247, 248-249, 251, 254n, 255-257, 264-265
U.S. security guarantee, proposed, 254-255

Vietnam war, 359
Wheelus Air Base:

Instructions for U.S. negotiators, 84-85, 90-32-134
Israel-related concerns of Libyans, 123-125
Libyanization program, 92-93
Tunisia's security and, 237
U.S. action program re, 74, 83-84
U.S. discussions with Idris re, 87-88, 93-95
U.S.-Libyan relations and, 74-76
U.S. negotiating strategy, 73
U.S. withdrawal issue, 97-98, 100-101

Russell, Francis H., 228, 233n, 234n, 254n, 270
Russell, Richard, 941

[end of document]

Index 1 | Index 2 | Index 3 | Index 5

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