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1964-1968, Volume XXII

Department of State
Washington, DC

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Index G-M

Galling, 356
Gandhi, Indira, 329
Gardner, Arthur, 361
Gaud, William S., 291
General Electric, 550
Germany, West, 517
Gildart, Col., 64
Gordon, Kermit, 94
Grant, James P., 94n
Great Britain. See United Kingdom.
Greece, 217, 341
Grey, Robert T., 477n
Griffith, Maj. Gen. Perry B., 75, 77
Grindall, Terence T., 13n
Gudarzian, Khaibar, 111-113, 117-119, 129-130, 132, 135-136, 164-165, 170, 177, 179, 187-189, 197, 354, 408
Gulf Oil Company, 299-300, 493
Gunter, John W., 83

Hackler, Windsor G., 12n
Haddad (DOD/ISA), 40n
Hand, Lloyd, 180
Handley, William J., 166n, 395n
Hare, Raymond A., 182n, 231-233, 243, 252n, 307n, 324-326, 392-395
Harriman, W. Averell, 13n, 39n, 74, 119, 152, 194, 291, 377

Shah, meetings with, 206, 326-331, 384-387, 438-439, 442-443, 446-448
Shah's U.S. visit, 78, 80-81, 148-150, 414

Hart, Parker T., 561
Harvard University, 476, 518
Harvey, Bartlett, 75
Hassan, Muhammad, King, 68, 71-72, 84
Haynes, Col. Fred E., Jr., 252n, 274n, 307n, 309n
Health Corps, 15, 224-225
Hedlund, 465
Hejazi, Gen. Abdul H., 28-29, 100, 144
Helms, Richard M., 366-367, 409-410, 419-420, 554
Hermansen, John T., 69n
Herz, Martin F., 100-101, 214-215
Hines, James J., 37n
Holmes, Julius C., 11-12, 20, 114-115, 140n ,142-145, 152, 424

Intelligence operations in Iran, U.S., 52-53
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 26-27, 33-34
Military Assistance Program, 23, 40n, 99-100
Military equipment, Shah's requests, 10-11, 84-85, 128-129
Shah, meetings with, 18-19, 29-31, 34-36, 64-66, 424

Hoopes, Townsend, 243-244, 305-308, 311-312, 314, 317-319
Hormuz Strait, 513
Houdek, Robert G., 562n
Hoveyda, Amir A., 127, 181, 183, 196, 197, 232, 233, 336, 338-340, 361-362, 363n, 365, 471, 484-485, 561, 564, 566-580
Howison, John McCoul, 122n, 124-126, 131n, 252n
Hughes, Thomas L., 127-128, 174n, 260-261, 431, 491-492
Humphrey, Hubert H., 282-283, 299, 300-301, 425-426
Hungary, 327-328
Hussein I, King, 378, 379, 410, 448

Immigration and Naturalization Service, U.S., 39n
Imperial Iranian Gendarmerie (IIG), 324
India, 182-183, 185
Indian Ocean Task Group, 11
Indonesia, 168, 327, 331
Intelligence operations in Iran, U.S., 52-53, 166-167, 172-179, 260-261
Interdepartmental Regional Group (IRG), 241-244, 359-361, 485-487, 490-491, 496-501
Internal Defense Plan for Iran, 13-18, 153-154, 202
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), 83, 199, 576
International Finance Corporation (IFC), 83
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 576
Iran. See Arab-Iranian relations; Arab threat to Iran; Economic situation; Military Assistance Program; Political situation.
Iranian-American Society, 424
Iraq, 7-8, 191-192, 203, 333, 336, 458, 487, 539
Iricon, 493
Islamic Nations Party, 214
Israel (see also Arab-Israeli dispute; Six-Day War), 71, 144, 249, 393-394, 465

Jablonsky, Maj. Gen. Harvey J., 144, 187, 209n, 236, 262-265, 314, 316, 352-354, 373, 397, 422, 443, 487-488, 512, 517
Japan, 331
Jarring Mission, 465, 494
Jernegan, John D., 12n, 13-18, 21-22, 24n, 54n, 55-56, 60n, 69n, 74n, 105, 131n, 138, 152, 153
Johns, Lem, 415
Johnson, Alex, 92, 290
Johnson, Lady Bird, 2n
Johnson, Lyndon B., 146, 228, 260, 282, 285, 311, 330n, 367, 368, 384, 412, 476, 528, 542, 566

Afro-Asian Conference in Algiers,160
Ansary, meeting with, 376-377
Credit bill in Iran for purchase of military equipment, 257-258
Hoveyda, meeting with, 566-574
Khosrovani, meeting with, 180
Meyer, meetings with, 240-241, 244, 389-390
Meyer appointment as Ambassador to Iran, 139-140, 240-241
Military Assistance Program, 371-372
Military equipment, Shah's requests, 92, 218-219
Reforms, 572
Shah, communications with, 1-2, 4-8, 20-21, 182-183, 218-219, 222-226, 229, 230, 257-258, 287-289, 292-294, 313-314, 317, 371-372, 387, 390-391, 436-438, 449, 454-456, 459-460, 506, 552-553
Shah, meeting with, 75, 80-81
Shah's U.S. visits, 70-72, 80-81, 146-147, 150-152, 160-161, 367-368, 399-401, 514-515, 519-526
Six-Day War, 380

Johnson, U. Alexis, 269-270, 307n
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 142, 153

Internal security, 497-498
Military Assistance Program, 144-145
Military Survey Team, 209-210
Shah's U.S. visit and follow-up actions, 533-534
Soviet threat, 143, 303-304, 497
Mobile training teams, 145, 209

Jordan, 249, 378, 379, 410, 448
Jordan, Col. Amos A., Jr., 360, 371n
Junior, Lewis D., 510n
Justice, U.S. Department of, 38, 130, 354, 408

Karamanlis, Constantine, 189
Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 462, 507, 508, 510
Kearney, Richard D., 132, 164n, 187
Kennedy, John F., 1n, 189
Kennedy, Robert, 130n, 132
Kent (Turkish Ambassador), 245-246
Kharg Island, 185, 197, 203, 315-316, 418
Khatemi, Gen., 197, 199, 291
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 33-34

Arrest and exile, 110-111, 113-114, 215
Release of, 26-27
Opposition to Iranian Government, 102, 122-123

Khosropour (IBRD), 83
Khosrovani, Khasro, 180, 182n, 280-281, 296-298
Khrushchev, Nikita S., 75, 441
Khuzistan (see also Oil issues), 11, 14, 58, 169, 197, 208, 357, 396,450

Arab threat to Iran and, 75, 107, 185, 192, 208, 247-248, 381
Shah's concerns, 29, 35, 136, 232, 269, 497

King, Robert, 187
King, Samuel L., 12n
Kingsley, Maj. Gen. J. T., 75
Kissinger, Henry A., 573, 579
Kitchen, Jeffrey C., 69n, 75, 142n, 144, 145, 210
Knapp, J. Burke, 83
Komer, Robert, 1, 9, 60n, 70-73, 92-93, 130n, 139-140, 147-148, 174n, 182n, 188-189, 202, 218n, 291
Kosygin, Alexey N., 245, 476
Kurds, 7-8, 16, 28, 45, 144, 322
Kuss, Henry J., Jr., 398, 474, 510, 539-542
Kuwait, 162, 192, 488
Kuznetsov, Vasili V., 220

Laingen, L. Bruce, 131n
Land reform, 16, 43-44, 48, 208, 406
Lang, William, 142n
Lee, 131n
Leonhart, William, 562n, 564n
Libya, 71, 162, 480
Linder (Exim), 83, 185
Literacy Corps, 15, 20, 133, 178, 224-225
Little, William R., 12n
Lynch, Keith O., 90n

McAfee, William, 166n
McCafferty, Arthur, 415
McClellan, John L., 178, 408
McClelland, Walter M., 432, 465n, 510n, 542n
McCloy, John J., 197, 443, 495-496, 507n, 508
McConnell, Gen. John P., 144
MacCracken, John G., 274n
McDonald, David L., 304, 465
McDonnell Douglas Corporation, 460
Mace, Charles H., 39n, 90n
McNamara, Robert S., 74n, 85, 92, 211, 226, 244, 250, 260, 289-290, 299, 300, 308, 368
McNaughton, John T., 60, 89-90, 202, 211-213, 289, 291, 307n, 361, 362
Macomber, William B., 75, 92n, 98n, 115-116, 210-211, 274n, 370
Macy, Robert M., 9, 75, 78
Maechling, Charles, Jr., 13n, 152, 291
Majlis. See Political situation.
Maktab Towhid, 127
Malmborg, Knute E., 510n
Manila Conference, 326, 330n
Mansur, Hasan A., 14, 27, 33, 44, 46-47, 54, 62, 101, 103, 107-110, 126-128:
MAP. See Military Assistance Program.
Mardom Party, 383
Meade, Frazier, 131n
Meeker, Leonard, 119, 131n
Meshkatti, Mohammad V., 164
Meyer, Armin H., 193, 209n, 270, 295-296, 355, 421, 428n, 450, 478, 527, 574, 577

Appointment as Ambassador to Iran, 139-140
Arab threat to Iran, 183-185, 191-192, 333, 489-490
Demonstrations against the Shah, 537-539
Fulbright criticisms of the Shah, 361-365, 372-373
Gudarzian case, 187-188
Intelligence operations in Iran, U.S., 167, 172-173, 175-179
Internal security situation in Iran, 183-185, 321-324
Johnson, meeting with, 240-241, 389-390
Military Assistance Program, 254-257, 310n, 488-491, 512, 576
Military equipment sales, 185, 187, 200, 254-257, 295-296, 459, 467, 488-489, 491, 557

Aircraft, 186, 460
Alternatives, 501-503
Annual Review, 259, 357-359, 373-376
Comparisons to other countries, 190-191
Delays in delivery, 186, 254
Dependence on U.S. supplies, 181-182
Hoopes trip to Iran, 311-312
Shah, meetings with, 145-146, 161-162, 219-221, 262-265, 460-461, 463
Shah's requests, 185, 187, 245-246, 266-268, 295-296, 491
Soviet Union as supplier, 270-274, 276-280, 291-294, 315-316, 353-354, 443-444, 557
Tanks, 461, 565-566

Oil issues, 271, 333, 457-459, 469, 473-474, 550
Persian Gulf vulnerability, 203, 220, 352, 375, 463, 495-496, 539-542, 551
Personnel ceiling for Iranian armed forces, 163-164
Peterson Report, 245-246
Political situation in Iran, 466-468
Shah's attitude toward the U.S., 189-190, 194, 295-296, 467-475, 479-481
Shah's Moscow visit and aftermath, 168-170
Shah's U.S. visit, 396-398, 550-552, 555-556
Soviet-Iranian relations, 171, 270, 276-280, 353-354, 443-444, 447-448
Steel mill, 190-191
U.K. withdrawal from the Middle East, 192, 564-565
U.S.-Iranian military cooperation, 202-206

Meyer, Gen., 172
Meyers, Howard, 98n
Middle East Institute, 299
Middleton (Eximbank), 501
Milani, 27
Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG), 35, 64, 65, 144, 163, 292, 303, 352, 403, 404, 430, 488
Military Assistance Program (MAP) (see also Military equipment sales under Pahlavi, Muhammad Reza Shah), 15, 23-24, 89-90, 155, 266-270, 463

Aircraft, 66, 73-74, 76, 81, 84, 86-88, 97, 99, 157, 186, 191, 204, 206, 212, 213, 263-265, 289-290, 295, 296, 308, 318-319, 374-375, 397, 403, 413, 422, 427, 460, 498, 516, 524, 546-547, 549, 551, 558-559, 576
Annual Review, 252-253, 259, 357-359, 499-500
Ansary-Rostow meeting, briefing for, 536
Approval of, 155, 510-512, 528
Army Mission in Iran, 35, 64, 65, 163, 292, 303, 352, 403, 404, 430, 488
Communications system, 524-525
Comparisons to other countries, 191, 220
Congressional considerations, 435-436, 460, 504, 558
Cooperative Logistics Agreement, 92
Credit bill in Iran for purchase of military equipment, 107-108, 193, 200, 204-205, 210-211, 230, 272-273
Five-year plan (1965-1969), 24-25, 93-100
Holmes' position, 10, 40n
Hoopes trip to Iran, 305-308, 318-319
Instructions to Embassy in Tehran, 156-159, 308-109
Interdepartmental Regional Group, 241-244, 359-361, 485-486, 490-491, 495-501
Interest rate on sales, 188-189, 460
Internal Defense Plan for Iran, 17
JCS briefing, 144-145
Johnson's position, 6, 7, 20-21, 257-258, 371-372, 437-438, 455-456, 459-460, 552, 570-571
Komer's position, 70-71, 73
Memorandum of Understanding (September 1962), 89-90
Memorandum of Understanding (1964), amendment to, 309-311
Meyer's position, 254-257, 310n, 488-491, 512, 576
Military Assistance Advisory Group, 35, 64, 65, 144, 163, 292, 303, 352, 403, 404, 430, 488
Military Survey Team, 209-213, 226, 229, 303
Missiles, 15, 88-89, 157-158, 186, 308, 524
Modernization, 29-31, 34, 40, 63-66, 145-146
National Policy Paper on Iran, U.S., 344, 348-351
Naval capabilities, 15, 88-89, 191, 204, 212-213, 277, 308
Personnel ceiling for Iranian armed forces, 163-164
Peterson Report, 234-237, 242, 245-246, 263, 308, 478, 548-549
PL-480 program funds used for, 115-116
Rostow position, 228-229, 368-370, 507-509, 528
Shah-Johnson communications, 6, 7, 20-21, 437-438, 455-456, 459-460, 552
Shah's U.S. visit, 67, 69-70, 397, 402-404, 427, 523-525, 527-528
Soviet Union as supplier, 228, 280-281, 307
Tanks, 40, 56-57, 66, 69-70, 76-77, 81, 84, 85-86, 97, 204, 212, 213, 265, 397, 446-447, 461, 541, 558, 563, 565-566
U.S. position, 24-25, 32, 156-159, 308-309, 504, 558-559

Miller, William G., 122n
Mobil, 451, 452, 465, 480, 493
Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 169
Moody, C. G., Jr., 202, 291
Morocco, 68, 71-72, 84, 353
Moses, Abe J., 13n
Moses, Henry, 451
Mossadegh, Muhammad, 42, 227, 326
Moyers, Bill, 284
Mullahs, 207-208
Mulligan, J.P., 122n
Murray, Wallace, 169

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Index A-F | Index N-R | Index S-Z

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Volume XXII Index | Historian's Office | State Department