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1964-1968, Volume XXII

Department of State
Washington, DC

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Index A-F

Abu Dhabi, 483n
Acheson, Dean, 170
Adams, Gen. Paul D., 11, 20, 23-24, 27-29, 60, 77
Afghanistan, 52, 150, 168, 169, 232, 335, 539
Afro-Asian Conference in Algiers, 149, 150, 160
Agency for International Development, 15, 78, 92, 93, 105, 124, 132, 243, 299, 333, 449, 499

Termination, 21-22, 154, 200, 333, 343-344, 413, 445, 450

Agriculture (see also PL-480 programs under Economic situation), 48, 355-357, 396, 572-573
Agriculture, Ministry of, 16
AID. See Agency for International Development.
Air forces, Iranian. See Aircraft under Military Assistance Program (MAP).
Ajman, 483n
Akins, James, 432, 451n, 465n, 542n, 566n
Alam, Amir A., 372-373, 470, 496, 501-502, 518
Albright, Raymond J., 501, 510n
Algeria, 84, 149, 160
Allen, George, 169, 195, 196
Amer, Gen. (UAR), 335
Amini, Ali, 123, 189, 192, 464-466, 469, 492
Amir-Teimur, 482
Amuzegar, 83, 182, 182, 187
Anderson, Burnett, 152, 153
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 341
Ansari, Reza, 164
Ansary, Hushang, 183, 361, 363n, 373, 376-377, 388-3 - 389, 392n, 421, 432-434, 461-462, 464, 466-468, 482, 504, 516, 518, 527, 535-536, 563, 574, 576
Anthis, Gen. Rollen H., 152, 201
Arab-Iranian relations (see also Arab threat to Iran), 136-137, 150, 203, 207-208, 249
Arab-Israeli dispute (see also Six-Day War), 150, 416-417, 440, 496, 535
Arab threat to Iran (see also Persian Gulf vulnerability), 14, 23n, 37-39, 67, 71, 72, 80-81, 107-108, 136-137, 144, 191-192, 207-208, 247-249, 333, 351, 486-487, 489-490, 513-514
Aram, Abbas, 111, 112, 118, 120, 136, 165, 194, 196, 233-234, 266-268, 320
Aramco, 451-452
Aref, Marshal, 7
Army Corps of Engineers, U.S., 348
Army Mission in Iran (ARMISH), 35, 64, 65, 163, 292, 303, 352, 403, 404, 430, 488
Arrill, Daniel, 94n, 98n
Aryana, Gen., 236
Ash, Gen., 64
Austria, 150
Ayub Khan, Muhammad, 150, 333, 409-410, 416, 426
Azerbaijan, 169, 341

Bahai sect, 127
Bahrain, 162, 208, 467, 470, 479-480, 482, 513
Ball, George W., 12-13, 31, 36-37, 40, 194, 261, 274-276, 324, 443
Batmanglidj, 482
Battle, Lucius D., 360, 362n, 370, 377-380, 421, 485n, 488, 501, 507, 509n, 516, 527, 542n
Bell, David E., 22, 60, 152-154, 210, 291
Benchley, 479
Bergus, Donald C., 377n
Bevan, Ernest, 169
Bhutto, Zulfikar A., 200
Blackburn, Adm., 352
Bohlen, Charles E., 386, 387
Bokharai, Mohamad, 127
Borujerdi, Ayatollah, 122
Bourguiba, Habib, 136
Bowling, John W., 24n, 37n, 40n, 54n, 69n
Bracken, Katherine W., 90n, 105-107, 122n, 164n, 174n, 214, 218n
Brady, Tom, 472
Bredin, Robert, 118
Brewer, William D., 566n
Brezhnev, Leonid I., 5, 14, 63
Broadcasting stations, Arab, 107, 193, 476
Brougham, 79
Brown, George, 479
Bruce, David K.E., 131n
Bundy, McGeorge, 70n, 92, 93, 129, 130n, 182n, 201, 222n
Byrnes, James Francis, 169

Cameron, Turner C., 120
Carroll, George, 299-300
Carter, Chester C., 90n, 148-149, 360, 501
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 61-63, 66-68, 116-117, 154, 247-249, 366-367, 411

Anti-Iranian students, 365-366
Current Intelligence Memoranda:

OCI No. 1109/65, 141-142
OCI No. 1582/64, 61-63

Intelligence facilities in Iran, 52-53, 166-167, 172-179, 260-261, 521-522
Intelligence Memoranda:

No. 0813/66, 238-239
No. 1117/67, 380-384
No. 1355/66, 247-249
Special Report SC No. 00649/64C, 116-117

Shah, assessment of, 61-62, 141-142, 227-228, 238-239, 365-366, 380-384, 409-411, 440-441
Soviet threat to Iran, 63, 227-228, 381-382, 440
U.S.-Iranian relations, 238-239

Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), 17, 51-52, 107, 131, 170, 341, 347

Criticisms of, 171, 332-333, 416
DELAWAR exercise, 11, 15, 29, 69
Ministerial Council session, 7, 133n
Non-aggression treaty between NATO and Warsaw Pact, 4-5, 11
Shah's attitude, 143,169, 232, 332-333

Chafik, Ahmad, 164
Chapman, Christian George, 566n
Chase, Gordon, 235n
China, People's Republic of, 150, 153, 168, 323, 327, 334, 409-410, 426
Church, Frank, 413
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency.
Clark, James W., 257n, 465, 486n
Clevenger, Bill, 215
Clifford, Clark M., 534, 543
Common Market, 46
Communism (see also Soviet Union; Soviet subheadings under other subjects; Tudeh (Communist) Party), 45, 62, 107, 149, 193, 321-323, 327-328, 331, 342, 383, 476
Compagnie Francaise des Petroles (CFP), 452, 466, 480
Congress, U.S., 361-365, 370-373, 395, 398, 435-436, 499, 504, 516, 558
Consortium. See under Oil issues.
Conway, Gen. Theodore J., 352-354
Crawford, Franklin J., 218n, 252n, 274n
Critchfield, James H., 244, 283-284, 360, 439-441, 486n, 487, 501
Cross, Sam, 361
Cyprus, 150, 203, 208
Czechoslovakia, 353

Daftari, Gen. Mohammad, 164, 187n
Davies, Rodger P., 202, 235n, 291, 482
Dayan, Gen. Moshe, 393
De Gaulle, Charles, 329, 495, 573
Defense, U.S. Department of, 93, 116, 153, 236, 360, 527

Diplomatic immunity for employees, 103-104, 108-110, 114-115
Oil issues, 577-578

Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 23n
DELAWAR exercise, 11, 15, 29, 69
Desalination, 397, 423
Diba, Amir K., 164
Diem, Ngo D., 196, 335
Diluzio, Frank, 356
Diplomatic immunity for U.S. employees of Defense Department, 103-104, 108-110, 114-115
Domestic and civic action programs. See Reforms under Political situation.
Dominican Republic, 148, 151
Dooher, Gerry, 189
Douglas, William O., 38
Doyle, Gen., 486n, 501
Duke, Angier B., 82

Eastern Europe (see also individual countries), 327-328, 331, 335, 382, 421, 480
Eban, Abba, 394
Ebtehaj, Abolhassan, 164-165, 187n, 197
Eckhardt, Maj. Gen. George S., 11, 20, 23, 60, 75, 77, 85-89, 99, 100, 128, 144, 146
Economic situation in Iran (see also Agency for International Development; Oil issues; Political situation in Iran), 16, 41, 46-48, 78, 216, 321, 328, 383, 406-407, 462

Annual Review, 230, 232, 253, 259, 357-359, 373-376, 499-500, 576
Central Bank, 511, 530-531, 574-576
Development, 7, 9, 17, 21-22, 199-200, 336, 455, 494, 530-531, 550
Iranian position, 338-339, 434, 450, 572
Military program and, 115-116, 205, 359-361, 498-499
PL-480 programs, 16, 105-107, 115-116, 125, 177, 320, 333:
Shah-Johnson communications, 7, 436-437, 455
Steel mill, 190, 227, 376

Eddison, John Corbin, 566n
Egypt. See United Arab Republic.
Eliot, Theodore L., Jr., 274n, 307n, 309n, 361, 362n, 370n, 371n, 377n, 388, 395n, 421, 428n, 451n, 465n, 482, 485n, 486n, 510n, 527, 542n, 564n, 566n, 574, 577
Ensor, Andrew F.ew F., 120
Esso, 465, 493
Evans, Col., 142n
Export-Import Bank, 17, 78, 82, 105

Faisal ibn Abdul Aziz, King, 203, 249, 378, 380, 448, 477, 513, 514, 523
Fallah, Reza, 577-578
Farah, Queen, 380
Farley, Philip J., 482, 509n
Farrell, Raymond, 39n
Fartash, 482
Federation of Arab Amirates (FAA), 479, 482, 483, 513
Fertilizer use, 572-573
Five-Year Military Plan. See Military Assistance Program (MAP).
Folger, Kathryn N., 395
Food issues, 355-357
Forbes, John T., 12n
Foroughi, Mahmoud, 83
Foster, John W., 484-485, 513-514
France, 440, 557
Friedman (DOD), 152
Fujairah, 483n
Fulbright, J. William, 361-365, 370-373, 395n
Fulmer, 465
Funari, John H., 235n, 309n, 371n

[end of document]

Index G-M | Index N-R | Index S-Z

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Volume XXII Index | Historian's Office | State Department