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1964-1968, Volume XVIII
Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1964-67

Department of State
Washington, DC

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Index K-Q

Kaissouni, Abdel Moneim, 37, 58, 225, 235, 438, 489-490, 502-503, 505, 506n, 515-516, 569, 604n, 611, 635-637
Kamel, Mustafa, 7, 110, 563

Arab boycott of Israel, 240n
attack on U.S. Embassy in Cairo, 243
CIA involvement in the UAR, 491
Near East, UAR peace plan, 744
nuclear proliferation, 205
political situation in Jordan, 687
U.S. economic aid to the UAR, 264-269, 428-429, 441, 687

food aid, 738-740, 743-745
new P.L. 480 agreements, 481-482, 516, 688-689, 750

U.S.-UAR relations, 163, 138-142, 199-202, 462n, 485-489, 557-558, 560, 568-571, 591, 594, 609-615, 617, 621-622, 628-629, 695, 734-735, 755, 780-782, 807-809
Yemen conflict, 593

Kanza, Thomas, 296
Karame, Rashid, 803-804
Kasavubu, Joseph, 296
Kashmir, 678-679
Kassem, Abdul Karim el-, 487
Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 679n, 684, 703, 706, 711-712, 713n, 714-718, 723, 724n, 725-726, 732-733, 743, 746n, 748-749, 763n, 771, 774-775, 786-789, 794, 795, 798, 807-809, 811, 814-818
Kayyali (Syria), 644
Kean, John, 440n
Keating, Kenneth B., 225
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 58
Kennedy, John F., 20, 22, 43, 57, 119, 139, 169, 172, 205, 695, 803

Arab states-U.S. relations, 79, 100, 140
correspondence with Nasser, 44-45, 52-54, 56
Israel, 1, 18, 29n, 62, 455
UAR-U.S. relations, 6, 58, 60, 138n, 200, 204n, 218, 264, 781
U.S. security commitments in the Near East, 2, 14, 21, 278, 286, 401

Kent, Sherman, 668
Khammash, Brig. Amer, 96-97, 182-183, 186, 189, 193-195, 202n, 315, 322, 329, 400, 404, 520, 572n, 691-693, 696-697, 701-702, 708, 710, 712-713, 718-720, 723n, 724-725, 727, 729n, 730-732, 779n
Khouli, Hassan Sabri al-, 9, 432n, 488, 521, 576, 611, 754, 768
Khrushchev, Nikita S., 121, 124, 125, 136, 141, 155, 165, 182, 422
Killgore, Andrew I., 193n, 202n, 208n, 211n, 212n, 245, 271n, 283n, 291n, 310n, 328n
Kinsolving, Lucien L., 72n, 476n, 631n, 632n
Kitchen, Jeffrey C., 46n, 508n, 679n, 785
Knight, Ridgway B., 79, 172, 181, 231-232, 252, 298, 300-301
Kollek, Theodore, 82, 84, 161, 763
Komer, Robert W., 1n, 35n, 45n, 47n, 69n, 90n, 124n, 145n, 151n, 193n, 196n, 204n, 205n, 208n, 233n, 241n, 249n, 261n, 302n, 315n, 322n, 410n, 415n, 461n, 469n, 484n, 509n, 515n, 520n, 552n, 555n, 561n

Arab-U.S. relations, 43-44
Dimona nuclear reactor, 29, 73n, 102-103, 304n, 305n
Eshkol visit to Washington, June 1964, 147-152, 155, 159-160, 163
Eshkol visit to Washington, proposed, 536
Israeli arms purchases, 11-12, 15, 32-33, 35, 61, 65, 72, 385

agreements, 394n, 395-398, 400, 406-407, 483, 556
aircraft, 473-474, 508, 539n, 543-547, 551
European talks, 127
Feldman-Sloan mission, 129
Jordanian arms purchases, balancing of, 340n
missiles, 76
tanks from Western Europe, 113, 166-167
U.S. negotiation strategies, 387-391

Israeli-U.S. relations, 533-534, 547
Jordan-Israel border incidents, 660, 663-664
Jordan River water dispute, 376-377, 447
Jordanian arms purchases, 186, 274-275, 308-310, 313-314

aircraft, 246-247, 551, 556-557
Harriman mission, 343-344, 347-348, 356-357, 359, 361, 363-366, 369-373, 375, 381, 405
Komer mission, 317, 323-327, 328n, 329-332, 334-336, 405, 419

Jordanian-U.S. relations, 91, 98
nuclear proliferation, 137n, 454n
tanks, 77-78
UAR-U.S. relations, 6-7, 8n, 141, 199, 202, 491
U.S. economic aid to Israel, 528-530, 538
U.S. economic aid to the UAR, 425-426, 431-432, 468, 475, 476, 494-495, 513, 527-528
U.S. military aid to Israel, 226-227
U.S. military aid to Jordan, 704n, 705
U.S. Near East policy, 164-166, 172
U.S. security commitment to Israel, 77

Korea, Democratic Republic of, 679
Korea, Republic of, 217, 599, 679, 702, 761, 775, 813
Kosygin, Aleksey N., 570n, 589, 611, 641, 688
Kranich, Robert H., 596n
Kratzer, Myron B., 249n
Kuss, Henry J., Jr., 96n
Kuwait, 79-80, 143, 236, 254, 255, 277, 285, 507

Lambrakis, George B., 790n
Laos, 599
Latin America, 568
Lebanon (see also Border conflicts; Lebanon and Lebanese subheadings under other subjects):

Arab League arms aid, 97
Arab states-U.S. relations, 143
cross-border raids, 510-512, 699
economic situation, 800-801
Israel, relations with, 156, 471
Jordan, relations with, 575
Kuwaiti economic aid, 801
military capability, 67
Near East arms race, 633-634
political situation, 448, 799, 800, 803, 806-807
refugees, 619
Soviet economic and military aid, 634, 799-801, 806-807
Syria, relations with, 803-804
Syrian raid on Israel via, 821-822
transfer of water to Syria and Jordan, 376
UAR, relations with, 352
UAR threat, 764
United States, relations with, 631n
U.S. economic aid to, 741-742, 799, 801-802, 806-807
U.S. military aid to, 179, 187, 285, 782, 784-785
U.S. military intervention, 177
U.S. Sixth Fleet visits, 801-804, 821

Levavi (Israel), 262, 353, 394-395, 465, 467n, 681n
Lewis, Geoffrey W., 38-39
Libya, 47, 50, 60, 64, 81, 89, 101, 102, 108, 142, 143, 165, 177, 187, 191, 253, 277, 286, 288, 461, 462, 490, 496, 624, 764
Lightner, E. Allen, Jr., 47
Long, Richard G., 420n
Looram, Matthew J., 565n
Lubrani, Uri, 82-84, 131, 161
Lumumba, Patrice, 107

Ma'arri, Ra'if, 437
MacArthur, Douglas II, 431n, 468, 604n, 765
MacDonald, Adm., 321
Macomber, William, 91, 105n, 109, 189n, 193n, 195-196, 202n, 253-255, 282n, 310n, 332n, 515n, 520n, 604n, 697n, 706, 711-712, 718-720, 724-732
Maghreb, 89n
Makarios, Archbishop, 200, 443
Makhous, Ibrahim, 526-527, 644, 743n
Malaysia, 63
Mali, 618n, 653n, 687
Mann, Thomas, 529-530
Maqarin Dam, 38, 88, 93, 109, 175
Mason, Edward, 744
McAfee, William, 643n
McCaskill, Charles W., 239n
McCloskey, Robert J., 576n
McCloy, John J., 42-43, 49, 52-56, 119, 169, 204-205, 218-225, 233n
McCone, John A., 75, 80n, 129-130, 230, 288
McGhee, George C., 127
McKesson, John, 30, 73n
McNamara, Robert S., 124n, 660n, 763n

Dimona nuclear reactor inspections, 572n, 796
Israeli arms purchases, 23-26

agreements, 395, 406-407
aircraft, 534-536, 552-554, 556, 571, 714, 761
Defense Department team visit, Tel Aviv, Feb. 1964, 31-35
Feldman-Sloan mission, 126, 128-129
French aircraft, 372
JCS position, 66
Jordanian arms purchases, balancing of, 354, 361
Near East arms balance, 448, 799
tanks, 65, 75
U.S. negotiating strategies, 391n
U.S. proposals for, 550-551

Israeli exports to the United States, 798
Jordanian-Israeli border incidents, 670
Jordanian arms purchases, 96-98, 182-183, 186-187, 246n, 308, 571, 697
UAR-U.S. relations, 773
U.S. economic aid to Jordan, 605-606
U.S. economic aid to the UAR, 468
U.S. military aid to Israel, 756, 792-794, 805, 817, 819n
U.S. military aid to Jordan, 700, 702n, 706, 708, 711-712, 718-720, 724, 727
U.S. security commitment to Israel, 149
Vietnam, 487

McNaughton, John T., 61n, 96, 126-12, 1858, 534n, 550n, 552n, 571-573, 805
McPherson, Harry, 811n
Mecom, John W., 254n, 259
Meir, Golda, 525n

Arab threat to Israel, 81-83
Fatah attacks from Jordan, 514-515
Feldman-Sloan mission, 131
Israeli arms purchases, 326, 388, 397, 439-440
Israeli attacks on Jordan, 467n
Israeli-Jordanian secret talks, 713n
Jordanian arms purchases, 291n, 293, 300, 324, 330, 342
Harriman mission, 347n, 353, 362, 373
Jordan River water dispute, 335, 352, 357, 439-440, 448
Lebanese-Israeli border incidents, 510
Palestine Liberation Organization, 524
refugees, 523
Soviet economic aid to Jordan, 351
UAR-U.S. relations, 495-496
U.S.-Israeli relations, 84, 262

Mexico, 475
Meyer, Armin H., 79, 231n, 298-300, 431
Meyers, Howard, 208n, 245, 248, 291n, 492n, 520n, 561n, 565n
Michel, Robert H., 475
Middle East. See Near East.
Mifti, Jawdat, 251
Military Air Transport Service (MATS), 277, 286
Military Assistance Program (MAP):

for Israel, 18, 126, 216, 228, 529, 546, 787
for Jordan, 311, 365, 405, 532, 701, 714, 725
tightness of funds for, 13-14

Monk, George D., 512n
Monroney, Mike, 232
Moore, George C., 239n
Moqeiba Dam, 109, 351, 496
Moratt, Shimon, 471, 473
Morgan, John T., 741n
Morocco, 143, 437
Moyers, Bill D., 8n, 302n, 308n, 625, 627, 660n
Muhieddin, Zacharia, 502, 504, 568-569, 603-604, 610, 635, 754-756
Mukheiba Dam, 109, 351, 496
Munn, Robert H., 72
Muntassir, Omar, 418
Muraywid, Hassan, 251-252
Muslim Brotherhood, 699

Nahal Soreq reactor, 463, 582
Napalm, 580, 630
Naqib, Usamah, 435-437
Nasser, Gamel Abdul, 117-118, 585, 696

anti-American statements, 253-254, 267, 767
as Arab leader, 8, 89, 366
Arab Summit Conference, Cairo, Jan. 1964, 9, 451
Arab unity, 426n
arms control, 12, 42-43

missile proposals, 218-222, 224, 233n, 234, 602
UN talks, 22
U.S. position, 44, 47-49, 114-117
U.S.-UAR talks, 119-121, 169-171, 204-205

as Beirut newspaper owner, 770
blocking of Ford assets, 689
border conflicts, 745
CIA plots against, belief in, 673-675, 776-777, 820
Congolese rebels, UAR aid to, 257-259, 276, 282-283, 443-444

with Pres. Johnson, 45-46, 49, 57, 58, 137-138, 145, 186, 197-199, 205-206, 408-414, 456-459, 558, 567-568
Pres. Johnson exchange proposals, 49, 141, 617
with Pres. Kennedy, 44-45, 52-54, 56

detention of U.S. attache, 479-480
Dimona nuclear reactor, 29-30, 73-74, 158, 163n, 690
economic situation in the UAR, 58, 236
foreign bases in the Near East, 191
Germany, Federal Republic of-UAR relations, 325, 335, 395, 421n
IAEA inspections, 116, 360, 420, 443, 456, 464
Iranian view of, 783
Israeli arms purchases, 14, 341, 389, 576, 787
Israeli-UAR relations, 23, 42, 180
Israeli view of, 446
Jordan, influence in, 207
Jordan River water dispute, 9-11, 110, 275
Jordanian arms purchases, 208, 301, 310, 314, 338-339, 341
Jordanian-UAR relations, 289
Jordanian view of, 435
Latin American subversion, 568, 592
Lebanese view of, 803
missile program, 113n
nuclear energy, 56-57
nuclear proliferation, 115, 197-198, 655-656, 815
Palestine, 123, 522, 682, 698
re-election, 421, 461
Saudi-UAR relations, 744
Soviet economic aid to the UAR, 482, 689
Soviet military aid to the UAR, 76, 155
Soviet-UAR relations, 590-591, 771-773
Syria plot charges, 644
threats to Israel, 41, 85, 232, 544
U.S. desire to overthrow, 617
U.S. economic aid to the UAR, 592n, 755

commodity loans, 432, 440-441, 603
food aid, changes in, 739
Israeli position, 581
P.L. 480, 468, 474, 481, 623, 751
U.S. decision on agreement for, 515, 517

U.S.-UAR relations, 6, 52-60, 80-81, 107, 159, 165, 199, 245, 264, 299, 438-439, 485, 495-496, 531, 574-576, 610, 612-617, 628, 636-637, 763, 768-770
Vietnam conflict, 559
visit to Moscow, Aug. 1965, 481, 487-488, 490
war, probability of, 50
Western interests, threats against, 403
Yemen, 584-585, 780

National Charter for Palestine, 123
National Intelligence Estimates, 112, 229-230

NIE 4-2-64, 229-230
NIE 36-64, 89-90
NIE 30-65, 402-403
NIE 36.1-66, 584-585
NIE 30-67, 791-792

National Security Action Memoranda, 65, 66n

NSAM 290, 68, 75-76, 111-112
NSAM 319, 240

National Security Council:

544th meeting, 288-291, 297 545th, 307n, 317n
U.S. food aid to the UAR, 750

Near East:

arms race:

IAEA controls as ceiling, 463
Iraqi-U.S. talks on, 641-642
missiles, 149, 151-156, 205, 219-225
Soviet responsibility, 543
Soviet-U.S. talks, 555-556, 566-567
UAR position, 456-459
UAR-U.S. talks, 47-49, 52-57, 170-171, 204-205
U.S. initiatives, possible, 174-175
U.S. position, 409, 515, 633-634, 814-816
U.S.-UAR talks, 562-563

bloc formation, 610, 613, 615
British policy, 139, 590
CIA operations, 776-777
Communist threat, 100, 574-575
French policy, 139
Israeli arms purchases and, 448-450, 799
neutrality, 428-429
nuclear weapons, 357, 373, 512-513
Soviet arms sales, 165, 787
UAR peace plan, 744
U.S. aircraft sales, 248
U.S. initiatives, proposals for, 173-175
U.S. policy, 58, 164-166, 172, 590, 803n

arms sales, 24n, 184-185, 203, 389, 418
Jordan arms request and, 283-287
military equilibrium, 19, 24, 448-450, 544, 799

U.S. security commitment, 1-2, 14, 21, 278, 286, 401
Western base rights, 81, 90, 101, 108

Near East Chiefs of Mission Conference, 260
Nes, David G., 486n, 623-624, 634-635
Nesiahu, Col. Itzhak, 131
Netherlands, 654n
Newberry, Daniel O., 250n, 251, 498
Newsom, David, 208n, 253, 415n
New Zealand, 654n
Nigeria, 523n, 525n, 653n, 654n, 672-673, 687
Nolte, Richard H., 807-808
North Africa, 438
North Atlantic Council, 694n
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 178, 570
Nuclear energy (see also Dimona nuclear reactor; International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspection):

desalinization of sea water and, 32n, 83-84, 148, 163, 529
UAR development, 56-57

Nuclear free zones, 22, 48, 49, 563, 567, 570, 589n
Nuclear proliferation (see also Arms control; arms race under Near East; International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections):

British position, 137
Chinese testing, 241, 362
Geneva talks on, 49, 54-55
in the Near East, 357, 373, 512-513
Indian development of weapons, 241, 360, 455
Israeli position, 357, 373
Israeli-U.S. talks, 549-550, 622-623
OAU position, 198, 204
possibilities, 229-230
prevention, 454-456
Soviet position, 137, 569
Soviet-U.S. talks, 489-490
UAR position, 115, 169-170, 197-198, 206, 219, 562-563, 629
U.S. position, 45, 53, 63-64, 103, 120, 130, 154, 562-563

Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, 788, 794, 797, 816
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 115-116, 137, 219, 455
Nuclear war, 197, 455
Nuclear weapons development. See under Israel; see also Nuclear proliferation; United Arab Republic.
Nuseibeh, Hazem, 39, 90, 98, 100-101, 512-513
Nyerges, Anton N., 484n, 492n, 500n

Odell, Bruce Taylor, 479-480, 486
Offshore procurement, 761, 775, 787, 798, 813, 819n

Arab economic pressures, 452
Jordanian arms purchases and, 310
Jordanian position, 435
nationalization, 90, 102
OPEC demands on Western producers, 23
UAR discoveries, 584, 751, 764, 807-808
UAR-U.S. break and, 277
U.S. Israel policy and, 148
U.S. policy toward the UAR regarding, 8, 107, 286

Organization of African Unity (OAU), 198, 204, 268, 296-297, 333

Conference, Addis Ababa, Sept. 1966, 610, 613

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 23
Organization of Returning Heroes, 653, 699
Outer Space Treaty, 116
Owen, Henry D., 46n

Pachachi, Adnan M., 641-642
Padelford, Edward A., Jr., 46n, 630n, 814n
Pahlevi, Shah Reza, 164, 783
Pakistan, 426, 495, 523n, 618, 659, 678, 794

Arab League position, 91, 237
creation of entity for, 123, 213, 715-716
Jordanian position, 522
liberation, 452
Syrian position, 522, 526, 748
terrorist organizations, 522, 698-700
UAR position, 220-221, 224, 432n, 490, 503
U.S. position, 221, 238, 436
Viet Cong, aid to, 610
as word in U.S. diplomatic seal, 72-73, 82

Palestine Liberation Army, 452, 472, 610, 620, 662, 698
Palestine Liberation Force, 653
Palestine Liberation Front, 123, 700
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO):

Arab states' position, 472
China, People's Republic of, contacts with, 452, 472
CIA view of, 698-699
establishment of, 123, 237, 452
Israeli position, 306
Jordanian position, 452, 454, 619n, 708, 719
return of refugees, 284
stationing in Jordan of units, 667
UAR position, 452, 461, 764
UN recognition, 497, 524
U.S. contacts, guidelines for, 426-427
U.S. position, 238, 284, 435-437, 472

Palestine National Congress, Jerusalem, May-June 1964, 158n
Palestinian refugees. See Refugees.
Palmer, Stephen E., Jr., 131, 347n
Pan American Airways, 277
Pan American Oil Company, 610, 612-613
Pan-Arab movement, 89
Paolozzi, Gabriel J., 790n, 821n
Parker, Richard B., 754-756
Parkes, Sir Roderick, 579
Pelly, Thomas M., 475
Peres, Shimon, 84, 164-166

Dimona nuclear reactor, 250, 537
Eshkol visit to Washington, June 1964, 152, 155, 163n
Feldman-Sloan mission, 131, 134-137
Israeli arms purchases, 166-167, 215, 326, 353-355, 361-364, 366, 394-397
Israeli missile program, 41, 87n
Jordanian arms purchases, 324, 330
refugees, 168
UAR missile threat, 40
U.S. security commitment to Israel, 160n

Peres gambit, 394n, 395-397
Persian Gulf, 438
Petroleum. See Oil.
Philippines, 408
Phillips Petroleum Company, 808
P.L. 480 assistance:

to Israel, 129-130, 216, 226, 228, 508, 761, 775, 778, 786, 795
to Lebanon, 741, 802, 806
to the UAR, 9, 236, 253, 287, 297, 443-444, 468, 502-505, 584

as aid in U.S. diplomacy, 9, 78, 201, 286-287
discontinuation, 276, 286, 780
Michel amendment, 281, 297, 332-333
opposition, 281, 475-476, 781
UAR position, 201, 236, 266, 462, 621-622, 755
UAR request for new agreement, 481-482, 487, 489-490, 494-495, 502-506, 569-570, 629, 688-689, 763-765
UAR violations of agreement, 474-475
U.S. recommendations for agreements, 515-517, 527-528, 602-605, 735n, 749-753, 764-765
wheat sales, 258, 468, 474-476, 772-773

Plimpton, Francis T. P., 168
Plutonium, 582-583, 597
Pollack, Herman, 454n
Popper, David H., 523n
Porter, Dwight J., 478n, 741, 799-804, 806n
Proctor, Carolyn J., 179n
Proliferation. See arms race under Near East.

Quinn, Charles, 246

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