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1964-1968, Volume XVIII
Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1964-67

Department of State
Washington, DC

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Index R-Z

Rabin, Lt. Gen. Yitzhak, 5, 12, 63, 84, 114, 324, 353, 362-364, 366, 678, 779
Radio Cairo, 695, 718
Radiological weapons, 198
Rafael, Gideon, 619-620, 622-623, 638-640, 655
Read, Benjamin H., 29-30, 73n, 76n, 111n, 152n, 184-185, 197n, 240n, 304-305, 397n, 481n, 658n, 677n
Reedy, George, 321
Refugees, 642

Arab position, 213, 237
Israeli position, 88, 158, 167-168, 523-525
Jordanian position, 91, 97
repatriation, 284, 619-620
resettlement, 619-620, 639-640, 649-650
UAR position, 59-60
UNRWA resolution, 523-525
U.S.-Israeli talks on, 541-542, 639-640, 649-650
U.S. position, 1, 17, 22, 175, 437, 585-586, 594-595

Reichard, Charles H., 249n
Riad, Mahmoud, 478-480, 611, 643-644, 754
Ribicoff, Abraham, 122n, 153
Rice, 509, 513, 516, 527, 739
Robinson, Col. William B., 182n
Rochlin, Robert S., 596n, 600n, 734n, 766n, 814n
Rockwell, Stuart W., 814n
Ron, Col. Ram, 11-12, 164, 214, 217-218, 229n, 483n, 552, 554
Root, John F., 631n
Rossides, Zenon, 542
Rostow, Eugene V., 808n
Rostow, Walt W., 47n, 105n, 114n, 663n, 677n, 714n, 746n

Border incidents:

Jordanian-Israeli border, 658-660, 664, 669-671
Syrian-Israeli border, 742

desalinization, 587, 597-599, 606-609
Dimona nuclear reactor inspections, 796-797
Israeli aircraft purchases, 576-577
Israeli-Jordanian secret talks, 713
Jerusalem, 810-811
Jordanian arms purchases, 696-697
Near East peace plan, 744
refugees, 585-586, 594-595
UAR-U.S. relations, 628-629, 771-773, 819-820
U.S. economic aid to Israel, 577, 587, 760-762, 778n, 786-789, 794-798, 817-819
U.S. economic aid to Jordan, 599-600, 605-606
U.S. economic aid to Lebanon, 742n
U.S. economic aid to the UAR, 602-604, 611, 744, 749n, 763-765
U.S.-Israeli relations, 580-582, 625
U.S. military aid to Israel, 760-762, 774-775, 778n, 786-789, 794-799, 805, 817-819
U.S military aid to Jordan, 704, 706-707, 711-713, 723-724, 726, 728n
U.S. policy toward the UAR, 106

Rowan, Carl T., 11n, 290
Rowen, Henry S., 34, 36, 40-41, 47, 51, 61, 77, 96n
Rusk, Dean, 8n, 42n, 45n, 47n, 61n, 124n, 173, 184n, 282n, 293, 328n, 343n, 378n, 400n, 408n, 469n, 484n, 552n, 568, 631n, 694-696, 789n, 790n

Arab states-U.S. relations, 79-80
Arab threat to Israel, 530-531
arms control, 21, 42-43, 204-205, 555, 654
border incidents, Jordanian-Israeli, 466-467, 658-660, 670, 671n, 677-679
desalinization, 598, 607
Dimona nuclear reactor inspections, 17, 20, 230, 796
Israeli arms purchases:

agreements, 395
aircraft, 179, 473, 483, 492, 534-536, 538-540, 543, 550-551
anti-infiltration technology, 758
Jordanian arms purchases, balancing with, 331n, 337-338, 354, 360-361, 381
missiles, 130
tanks, 17-19, 21-22, 65, 75, 128-130, 214, 217-218, 391n

Israeli-U.S. relations, 50-52, 160, 261-262
Jordan River water dispute, 17, 20, 459, 476n, 498-499
Jordanian arms purchases, 182, 186, 259-260, 269-271, 277-281, 283, 302-303, 308, 540, 543, 692-693, 697
Jordanian-U.S. relations, 512-513
Near East arms race, 562-563, 565-567, 641-642
Near East Chiefs of Mission Conference, 260
nuclear proliferation, 137n, 366-371, 454-456, 549-550, 589, 622-623, 638, 766
political situation in Jordan, 691-693
refugees, 17, 22, 594, 595n, 639n, 642
Syrian-U.S. relations, 251-252
UAR peace plan, 744
UAR-U.S. relations, 105, 485, 570-571, 615-617, 621-622, 634-635, 780-782

deterioration in, 80-81, 428-429
Syria plot charges by the UAR, 643-644
Congolese rebels, UAR aid to, 257-259, 276-277
UAR fear of CIA plot, 673-675
UAR position, 568-569, 612-614

U.S. economic aid to Israel, 226n, 227-229, 532, 577n, 760
U.S. economic aid to Jordan, 606
U.S. economic aid to Lebanon, 741
U.S. economic aid to the UAR, 240, 528n

commodity loans, 37, 44, 426, 602
food aid, changes in, 694-696, 734-735, 738-740, 743
P.L. 480, 468, 474-475, 481-482, 502, 505-506, 688, 749

U.S. military aid to Israel, 760, 805, 819n
U.S. military aid to Jordan, 700, 723n
U.S. security commitment to Israel, 136
U.S. technical assistance to the UAR, 264-269, 503-505, 509, 695
Vietnam, 487
Yemen conflict, 593, 820

Russell, H. Earle, Jr., 29n, 35n, 46n, 49n, 50, 143n, 160n, 161, 214, 249n, 261n, 305n, 347n, 382-384, 385n, 420n, 454n, 466n, 469n, 481n, 515n, 526-527, 560n, 562n, 568n, 609n

Saad, Jamal, 435-437
Saba, Gen., 435
Sabri, Ali, 239, 244-245, 502, 527
Sadat, Anwar es-, 461, 557-560, 562-563, 567, 569, 591-594, 603, 611, 613, 767, 780
Al Salim Al Sabah, Sheikh 'Abd Allah, 39, 110, 418
Sapir, Pinhas, 84, 217
Saudi Arabia (see also Saudi Arabia and Saudi subheadings under other subjects):

Arab states-U.S. relations, 143
Jordan, relations with, 575
military capability, 67, 101, 288, 531
Near East arms race, 633
traditional nature, 782
UAR, relations with:

British role as intercessor in, 744
detente in, 235, 519, 612, 621, 635
Syria plot charges by the UAR, 643
U.S. position, 37, 496, 585, 616
Yemen conflict, 415, 443, 461, 486-487, 559-560, 567, 584-585, 593-594, 755

UAR threat to, 8, 544, 624, 764
UAR-U.S. relations, effect on, 286
United States, relations with, 277, 768
U.S. aircraft sales, 179, 187, 299
U.S. assessment of trends, 89
U.S. economic aid, 165
U.S. military aid, 285, 531, 565, 570, 641, 680
U.S. military aid to Jordan, 702

Saunders, Harold, 580, 594n, 603n, 606n, 664-666, 694-696, 697n, 723n, 734n, 743-745, 760n, 771-773, 785, 797
Sayeh, Hamed El-, 772
Schaefer, Edward W., 631n
Schultze, Charles, 598-600, 606n, 609
Scoville, Herbert, Jr., 454n, 484n
Senate, U.S. See Congress, U.S.
Senate Appropriations Committee, 492
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 254, 281, 492
Shadi, Abu, 243
Sharaf, Sami, 212, 421, 487
Shazar, Zalman, 608, 625-627
Shelepin, Aleksandr N., 267
Shell Oil Company, 610, 612
Shepilov, Dmitri T., 569
Shriver, Sargent, 1-3, 16, 35, 377, 379, 386, 393
Shullaw, J. Harold, 631n
Shuqayri, Ahmad al-, 123, 158, 452, 454, 472, 500, 610, 682, 687, 698
Sibley, Brig. Gen., 785
Sidqi (UAR), 461
Sihanouk, Prince Norodom, 678
Simmons, William L., 641
Sinai, 562
Sisco, Joseph, 255n, 497n, 541-542, 600n, 619n, 620, 639n, 645, 647, 656n, 661-663, 672, 675n, 679n, 711
Sixth Fleet, U.S., 801-804, 821
Sloan, Frank K. (see also Feldman-Sloan mission), 11n, 32n, 47n, 66-167, 96n, 113, 127, 164n, 186, 215
Smith, Bromley K., 8n, 113, 124n, 294n, 349n, 360n, 596n, 604n
Smith, Hedrick, 232, 295
Smythe, Hugh H., 644n, 743, 747
Sober, Sidney, 782n, 785
Solbert, Peter, 31-35, 96n, 185, 189n, 229n, 246, 248, 261n, 291n, 298, 315, 318, 400n, 401, 405, 469n, 470n, 483n
Solomon, Anthony M., 604n, 741-742, 808n
Somalia, 523n
South Africa, Republic of, 650
South America, 248
South Arabia, Federation of, 649

Arab-U.S. differences over, 416
British-UAR conflict over, 613
British withdrawal, 610
UAR actions against, 81, 191, 438, 603, 820
UAR position, 443, 518, 593-594, 636, 768-769
UAR threat to, 8, 118, 624
U.S policy toward, 178, 515, 568
U.S.-UAR differences over, 612

Southeast Asia, 153, 178, 337, 719, 757
Southwest Africa, 650
Soviet Union (see also Soviet Union and Soviet subheadings under other subjects):

African influence of, 257n
Arab states, relations with, 649
Arab states-U.S. relations, 90, 124-125
Arab support in UN, 70
Australian wheat sales to, 475
Canadian wheat sales to, 475
Israel, relations with, 581, 649
Jews in, 650, 668
Near East policy, 19
nuclear support programs, 464
UAR, relations with, 590-591
UN role, 654n
United States, relations with, 53-54, 140, 265

Spaak, Paul-Henri, 296
Spain, James W., 197n, 484n, 596n
Special National Intelligence Estimates, 112

SNIE 36.1-64, 117-118
SNIE 36.2-64, 101-102, 111
SNIE 36.3-64, 206-208

Stabler, Wells, 596n
Stackhouse, Heywood H., 109n, 255n, 426n, 430n
Standard Oil of Indiana, 808
Sterner, Michael, 503n, 557, 649n, 656n, 734n, 746n, 766n, 779n, 814n
Stevenson, Adlai E., 103-105, 167-168, 363
Stino (UAR), 259, 267, 294
Stoddart, J. D., 189n, 193n, 202n, 208n, 400n, 561n
Streator, Edward J., 264n, 283n
Strickland, Brig. Gen. Eugene L., 40n, 41, 96n
Strong, Curtis C., 332n
Strong, Robert C., 80, 231n, 298-299
Submarines, 352
Sudan, 89n, 143, 165, 243n, 244, 259, 487-489
Suez Canal, 8, 107, 177, 267, 352, 527, 764
Suez Canal Authority, 808
Suez crisis, 1956, 139, 423, 562, 569
Sufi, Muhammad, 437
Sweden, 556
Switzerland, 556, 650
Symington, James W., 625
Symmes, Harrison M., 38-39, 145n, 151n, 182n, 189n, 193n, 197n, 202n, 204n, 208n, 211n, 212n, 235n, 245, 248, 410n, 415n, 430n, 440n, 469n, 476n, 481n, 484n, 486, 500n, 512n, 515n, 523n, 541n, 560n, 561n, 562n, 564n, 565n, 568n, 596n, 604n, 609n, 619n, 625, 630n, 631n, 632n, 645n, 649n, 652n, 656n, 661n, 679n, 703n
Syria (see also Border conflicts; Jordan River water dispute; Syria and Syrian subheadings under other subjects), 172, 384, 800

Arab League arms aid, 97
Arab states-U.S. relations, 143
border disputes with Israel, 251, 255-257, 459, 465, 581, 618
Communist threat, 140, 575
Germany Federal Republic of, economic aid to, 526
Israel, relations with (see also border disputes with Israel above), 180-181, 578, 630, 632, 638-639
Jordan, relations with, 507, 575, 691, 708
Jordan River water dispute, 23, 39
Lebanon, relations with, 803-804
as member of progressive axis, 434, 610, 782
military capability, 4-5, 67
Near East arms race, 633-634
Palestinian units in army, 698
plot charges, 643-644
political situation, 9, 437, 560, 564
refugees, 23, 619
Soviet influence, 649
Soviet military aid, 285, 355, 535, 543, 545, 641
UAR role for, 51, 575
United Arab Republic, relations with, 177, 496
United States, relations with, 251-252, 473, 526-527
U.S. assessment of trends in, 89
U.S. economic aid, 165

Syrian-UAR Joint Defense Agreement, Nov. 1966, 692

Taft, Robert, 225
Talbot, Phillips, 11n, 17n, 29n, 35n, 114n, 164n, 189n, 193n, 197n, 204n, 231n, 233n, 241n, 261n, 264n, 282n, 283n, 305n, 332n, 348n, 349n, 350n, 360n, 378n, 390n, 410n, 415n, 420n, 426n, 454n, 469n, 476n, 481n

Arab states-U.S. relations, 79-80
arms control, 43-44, 47, 52-57, 119, 205, 224
IAEA nuclear inspections, 116, 456, 519
Israeli arms purchases, 128, 385-387, 470n, 484n

aircraft, 179, 473n
German tank sales, 128, 214
Jordanian arms purchases, balancing with, 337-338, 400

Israeli-U.S. relations, 152, 155, 161, 163n, 262
Jordan River water dispute, 26, 91, 93-94, 110, 376, 380, 431, 459
Jordan troop buildup, 273-274
Jordanian arms purchases, 202n

agreement, 405
aircraft, 245-248, 260, 289-291
ambassadorial meeting, 298-302
U.S. offers, 98-99, 311, 315-316, 322-323, 338
U.S. position, 182-184, 269-271, 277-280, 302
U.S. proposals, 318

Jordanian-U.S. relations, 98, 100, 401
Near East arms race, 184, 457
nuclear proliferation, 206
Palestine Liberation Organization, 238n
Syrian-Israeli border incidents, 459, 465-466
United Arab Republic (UAR):

missile deployment, 115
United States, relations with, 176, 199, 234n, 252-255, 257-259, 438
U.S. economic aid, 180, 235-236, 440-441
U.S. policy toward, 105-108

U.S. military aid to Israel, 3-6, 34
U.S. Near East initiatives, possible, 173

Tanks. See Israeli arms purchases; Jordanian arms purchases.
Tanzania, 267
Tarapur reactor, 49, 54, 57, 116
Tasca, Henry J., 143n
Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 124n, 129
Tell, Wasfi el-, 405, 444n, 453, 500-501, 506-507, 521n, 560n, 574-576, 578n, 579, 632n, 643, 653, 669n, 676n, 685, 687n, 709-710, 731-732
Thant, U, 51, 620, 646-647, 649, 651, 657, 716, 742-743, 747-748, 821
Thomas, Charles W., 29n, 249n, 304n, 420n, 454n, 484n
Thompson, Herbert B., 749n
Thompson, Llewellyn E., 280, 508n, 555-556, 566-567, 589-590
Tobacco, 476, 490, 516, 605, 750, 764, 786
Tomeh (Syria), 647, 651
Toumanoff, Vladimir, 600n, 645n, 814n
Trans-World Airways (TWA), 277
Trevithick, John P., 512n, 565n, 734n, 766n
Tri-Continental Conference, Havana, 1966, 568, 592, 594
Tri-Continental Conference (AALAPSO), Cairo, 1968, 611, 613
Tripartite Declaration, May 1950, 562
Truman, Harry S, 79, 813
Tshombe, Moise, 267, 296, 489
Tueller, Blaine, 283n
Tukan, Kadri, 274
Tunisia, 143
Turkey, 97, 217, 351, 563, 570, 589n, 702, 800

Uganda, 653n, 654n
Ulbricht, Walter, 328, 422
'Ulwan, Jasim, 437
UN Emergency Force (UNEF), 231, 286, 693n
UN General Assembly, 213, 237-238, 523-525, 541-542, 619-620, 650


194, 59, 523n, 642
512 (1952), 640
2002 (XIX), 238n
2052 (XX), 525n

UN Palestine Conciliation Commission (PCC), 22n, 59n, 175, 523n
UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), 59, 88, 168, 175, 213, 232, 237-238, 472, 523-525, 541, 619, 620, 642, 681
UN Security Council:

Congo crisis, 257-258, 268
border incidents:

Israeli-Jordanian border, 467, 471, 472, 577-579, 669n, 672-673, 675-676, 684, 687-688, 697, 717
Israeli-Syrian border, 181, 251, 255-257, 618n, 626, 646-648, 651, 652n, 653, 654n, 657, 661, 681-682

Jordan River water dispute, 26n, 27, 352

UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) , 175, 232, 255, 273, 467, 577n, 647, 651, 652n, 653, 654n, 657, 678, 716, 790-791
Unified Arab Command (UAC), 208, 285, 303, 417, 632n

air strength of, 288, 449
Arab unity and, 388, 451
funding of Jordanian arms, 96-97, 186, 189-191, 207, 209, 520n, 521, 727
funding of Lebanese arms, 784
Israeli position, 217, 305-307, 325, 335, 355
U.S.-Israeli differences over, 345-346
Jordanian military commitment to, 182-183, 204, 247, 259, 269-270, 278-280, 283, 291-292
Jordanian talks with, 301
timetable for arms deliveries, 319, 329
troops of, stationed in Jordan, 324
U.S. position, 193-194, 202-203, 208, 211-214, 349, 767-768

Unified Plan. See Johnston Plan.
Union Carbide, 384
United Arab Airlines, 610
United Arab Republic (UAR) (see also United Arab Republic and UAR subheadings under other subjects):

agricultural development in, 765
Argentine wheat sales to, 475
Belgium, relations with, 611
China, People's Republic of, relations with, 234, 285, 494
CIA plot, suspicions re, 486, 491, 673-675, 776-777, 820
Communist influence in, 265-266
Congolese rebels, aid to, 257-259, 264, 267-268, 276-277, 282-283, 285, 287, 294-297, 428-429, 438, 441, 266, 443-444, 496, 503
Cuban trade, 738
East-West balance, desire for, 636
economic situation, 236, 515, 584, 636
IMF stabilization program, 37, 58
land reclamation projects, 254, 616, 629, 636-637
tourism, 808
foreign policy, 117-118
France, relations with, 266, 432
German Democratic Republic, relations with, 422
Germany, Federal Republic of, relations with, 325, 328, 335, 357, 395, 421, 442
Israel, relations with, 23, 180, 191, 231, 643
Israeli arms purchases, 397n
Israeli threat to, 42, 455
Jordan, relations with, 51, 177, 182, 352, 643, 687n, 691, 696, 698
Jordan River water dispute, 6-7, 43-44
Kuwaiti loans to, 255, 285
Latin America, subversion in, 568
leadership of the Arab world, 449
Lebanon, relations with, 352
Libya, relations with, 462, 490
Mexican wheat sales to, 475
military capability, 5, 67
military threat to Israel, 4-5, 36, 62, 338
missile acquisition and development:

freeze proposals, 115, 146, 205, 219-225, 601
Soviet aid for, 792
as threat to Israel, 11-14, 16, 21, 40-41, 53, 76-77, 86-88, 149, 455, 588
U.S. position, 18, 293, 331, 447, 816
U.S.-UAR talks on, 151-152

Near East arms race, 633-634
nuclear proliferation, 115, 169-170, 197-198, 206, 219, 562-563, 629
United Arab Republic (UAR)-- Continued
nuclear weapons development, 56, 76, 116, 120, 121, 137-138, 369, 382, 463-464, 513, 815, 816
Palestine, 212, 461, 698
P.L. 480 aid (see also U.S. economic aid below), 276, 502, 286, 502, 780

as aid in U.S. diplomacy, 9, 78, 201, 286-287
appropriations, 468
Michel amendment, 281, 297, 332-333
opposition, 281, 475-476, 781
UAR commitments under, 236
UAR position, 201, 266, 462, 621-622, 755
UAR request for new agreement, 481-482, 487, 489-490, 494-495, 502-506, 569-570, 629, 688-689, 763-765
UAR violations of agreement, 474-475
U.S. position, 9, 236, 253, 287, 297, 443-444, 468, 503-505, 584
U.S. recommendations for agreements, 515-517, 527-528, 602-605, 735n, 749-753, 764-765
wheat sales, 258, 468, 474-476, 772-773

political situation, 421, 434, 585, 610
Port Said free trade zone, 635
refugee resettlement projects, 619
Salhia irrigation project, 254, 636-637
Saudi Arabia, relations with:

British as intercessor in, 744
detente in, 235, 519, 612, 621, 635
Syrian plot charges by the UAR, 643
U.S. position, 37, 496, 585, 616
Yemen conflict, 415, 443, 461, 486-487, 559-560, 567, 584-585, 593-594, 755

Soviet economic aid, 141, 255, 285, 475-476, 518, 689, 735, 739, 744, 751-753
Soviet economic aid to Lebanon, 800
Soviet influence, 8, 107, 268-269, 494, 585, 649
Soviet military aid, 9, 78, 118, 166, 285, 545, 641

Israeli position, 155, 355, 531
missiles, 41, 76, 149, 224, 463-464, 816
nuclear materials, 169n
nuclear weapons, 76, 463-464, 792, 816
U.S. position, 303, 535, 543, 781

Soviet Union, relations with, 234, 253-254, 590-591, 771-773
Syria, relations with, 51, 177, 496, 575
United Kingdom, relations with, 118, 141, 201-202, 443, 490, 518, 562, 585, 610, 613, 643, 744
United States, relations with, 80-81, 461-462, 495-496, 611, 717-718, 764, 809

arrest of AID workers, 819-820
attack on U.S. Embassy/library, 242-245, 254, 265-267, 503, 610
confrontation, 163, 462n, 754-756, 763, 767, 819-820
Congressional views, 107, 254, 266-267, 269, 276, 332, 489, 517, 558, 569, 809
detention of U.S. attache, 478-480
deterioration, 252-255, 408-409, 411, 428-429, 609-612, 623-624, 734-735, 764, 771
downing of U.S. aircraft, 254, 259, 265, 267
improvements, 6, 138-142, 218, 485-489, 517, 807-809
liberation movements, support of, 438-439, 636
talks on, 52-60, 138-142, 199-202, 780-782
UAR position, 60, 515, 568-569, 571, 591, 594, 612-614, 628-629, 744
unofficial channels, use of, 486-487
U.S. position, 45-46, 89, 159, 165, 491, 569-571, 615, 617, 621-622, 695-696
U.S. public opinion, 9n, 438

U.S. economic aid (see also P.L. 480 aid above), 7, 180, 240, 254, 435, 750, 752, 763, 765, 807n

commodity loans, 37, 235-236, 259, 425-426, 431-432, 476, 602-605, 614, 621, 695, 765
Congressional views of, 235, 281, 332, 335, 441, 468, 528, 749752, 765, 769, 772-773
direct investment, 569-570, 635
food aid, 694-696, 734-735
grain storage facilities, 571, 614
Israeli position, 318, 446, 539, 581, 763
reductions/cutoff, 253-255, 264-269, 462, 504
technical assistance, 285, 605, 695
UAR position, 264-266, 269, 593, 807n
U.S. package proposal for food, 509, 513
U.S. position, 266-269, 440-442
Zionist reaction, 44, 234

U.S. military aid, 139, 303
U.S. policy toward, 8-9, 37, 105-108, 191-192, 574-576
Western interests, threats against, 403
Yemen conflict, see under Saudi Arabia above

United Kingdom (see also United Kingdom and British subheadings under other subjects), 118, 141, 175, 201-202, 240, 426, 443, 490, 518, 562, 610, 613, 631, 643, 744
United Nations (UN) (see also UN headings and UN subheadings under other subjects), 200

Arab positions in, 70, 451-452
arms control, 22
as custodian of Arab land in Israel, 237
Israel accepted as a state by, 284
Israeli position, 232, 541
Jerusalem, status of, 810
Jordan River water dispute, 10, 20, 51, 272n, 341, 346, 352, 357, 359, 364, 384, 465n
Near East initiatives, 174

United Nations Charter, 143, 231, 688
United States Information Agency (USIA), 750, 785
Uranium concentrate, 583, 596n
U.S. Intelligence Board, 582, 584n

Valenti, Jack, 44n, 128, 302n, 308n, 321, 485, 798, 813-814, 819n
Vance, Cyrus R. , 46-47, 66n, 67n, 111n, 113, 160n, 164n, 280, 288-289, 302n, 314, 321, 534n, 551, 805
Vegetable oil, 516, 605, 750, 764, 786
Viet Cong, 610, 612-613
Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 443, 613, 649, 678, 738n
Vietnam, Republic of, 428, 559, 581-582, 599, 761, 775, 813
Vietnam conflict, 63-64, 243, 288, 317n, 326, 432n, 538, 562, 600, 715, 761, 807n

anti-infiltration technology, 659, 692
Israeli-U.S. talks, 547-548, 554, 581, 626-627, 649
UAR position, 503, 558-559, 591n, 592n, 603, 807n
U.S. rice purchases from the UAR for, 509, 513, 527, 739

Voice of the Arabs, 718
Voice of Palestine radio, 461
Von Hassel, Kai-Uwe, 127
Vu Van Thai, 582

Wadi Sreid canal, 431
Walsh, John P., 189n, 688-689, 748n, 749n
Warburg, Eric, 225
Warren, George L., 189n, 193n, 630n
Wehmeyer, Donald A., 109n, 564n
Weizmann, Gen. Ezer, 365, 492-493, 496, 508, 554
Weizmann Institute, 582
West Bank:

Israeli goal of occupation, 682, 685, 697, 716
Jordanian military reinforcement, 334, 340, 345, 349, 599
Jordanian tank ban agreement, 340, 345, 349, 393, 398, 401, 404, 444-446, 617-618, 693
military directorate status, 709-710, 712, 725
as political entity, 710-711
stationing of tanks, 334, 340, 345

Westinghouse, 610
Westrick, Ludger, 167

for Israel, 775, 778, 786, 813
for the UAR:

from the Soviet Union, 475-476, 739, 765
UAR position, 611, 613-614, 755, 769-770
U.S. position, 258, 441, 443, 468, 516, 603, 605, 740, 750-753, 764-765, 771-773, 780

Wheeler, Gen. Earle G. , 68, 288, 290, 302n, 314, 450, 552n, 702, 757
Wheelock, John T., 564n, 604n, 789n
Wheelus Air Force Base, 47, 60, 102, 108, 142, 177, 191, 253, 286, 461, 496, 624, 764
Wiener, Aharon, 27n
Wiley, Marshall W., 560n, 724n
Williams, G. Mennen, 252
Wilson, Evan M., 231n
Wilson, James Harold, 613
Wolle, William D., 471, 476n, 484n, 497n, 500n, 512n, 600n, 630n, 631n, 675n, 693n, 734n, 746n, 785, 789n, 821n
Wood, Gen. Robert J., 96n
Woods, George, 265
World Bank. See International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).
Wriggins, W. Howard, 656n, 660n, 664-666, 683-685, 694-696, 697n, 706, 711, 724n, 726-728, 746n, 766n

Xerox Corporation, 437

Yahil, Chaim, 84, 88, 161, 181
Yemen (see also Yemen conflict; Yemen subheadings under other subjects), 23, 45, 141, 177, 201-202, 432n, 486-487, 518, 543, 592n, 616, 636, 744
Yemen conflict:

Saudi-UAR agreement on Imanate, 636
Saudi-UAR confrontation, 415, 443, 461, 486-487, 559-560, 567, 584-585, 593-594
Saudi-UAR detente, 235, 519, 612, 621, 635
chemical weapons use, 86, 752, 820
ending, 8, 518, 527, 569
escalation, 461, 695
Israeli position, 50-51, 383, 495-496
Jordanian position, 575
UAR position, 740, 770, 780
U.S. position, 6, 9n, 81, 503, 567-568, 591n, 603, 634, 768
U.S.-UAR relations and, 60, 140, 200-202, 235-236, 333, 425, 609, 611-614, 819-820

Yost, Charles W., 251
Younes, Mahmoud, 807-809
Yugoslavia, 502

Zaki, Hasan, 735n
Zionism (see also Jews, American), 94-95, 300, 457, 619n, 818
Zook, Donovan Q., 814n
Zu'aiter, Akram, 675n, 676

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