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1964-1968, Volume XVIII
Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1964-67

Department of State
Washington, DC

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Index F-J

Faisal ibn Abd al-Aziz, King of Saudi Arabia, 443, 488, 519, 557, 559-560, 585, 592, 593, 607, 609, 610, 611, 613, 616, 643, 744, 755, 768-769, 780, 781, 803
Farbstein, Leonard, 475
Farr, Walter G., Jr., 235n
Farra (Jordan), 653-654, 676, 687

attacks on Israel:

Israeli position, 506n, 626, 645-648, 652-653
Israeli retaliation, 466-467, 496, 510-512, 577-579
from Jordan, 496, 500-501, 512, 514-515, 645-648
U.S. position, 514, 652-654, 676

CIA view of, 522, 699
Israeli listing of members, 471
Kuwaiti support for, 699
Saudi support for, 699
Syrian support for, 699

Fawzi, Mahmoud, 244-245, 438-439, 457, 461, 569, 611, 687n, 754-755
Fedayeen, 698
Fedorenko, Nikolai T., 646
Feinberg, Abraham, 122n, 341-342, 390, 459-460, 533, 586-587, 606, 660, 663, 670, 671n, 704n, 705, 723-724, 760-762, 774-775, 778, 788, 796, 805
Feldman, Myer (see also Feldman-Sloan mission), 11n, 61n, 230n, 302n

Israeli arms purchases, 15-16, 64-65, 66n, 68-69, 103, 122, 149, 539, 588n
Israeli-U.S. relations, 152, 155, 158-159, 533
Jordanian arms purchases, 290, 297-298, 308, 310, 313, 317, 342
U.S. military aid to Israel, 226-227
visit to Israel, Apr. 1964, 71-72, 76-78, 81-88

Feldman-Sloan mission, 124-137
Feqi, Ahman Hassan al-, 557, 563
Fertilizer, 761, 775, 787, 798, 807, 813
Finney, John W., 413n
Fisher, Adrian S., 46n, 47n, 540
Flenner, Robert H., 821n
Food-for-Freedom Program, 813
Ford, Emmet B., 440n
Ford Motor Company, 689
Foster, William C., 114n, 217, 338, 540
Fountain, L. H., 432
Fowler, Henry, 254, 600
France (see also France and French subheadings under other subjects), 165, 175, 177-178, 452
Freeman, Orville, 240, 808n
Free World Air Intelligence Briefs, 187
Freund, Richard B., 145n, 197n
Fritsch, Arnold R., 30n
Fulbright, J. William, 232

Galili, Israel, 538
Gamon, David L., 530, 549, 565n, 596n, 741n, 806n
Gardner, James R., 643n, 776n
Garthoff, Raymond L., 600n, 814n
Gathright, Wreatham E., 145n, 197n, 204n
Gaza strip, 175
Gazit, Mordechai, 3, 50, 72n, 73, 111, 161, 164, 214, 293n, 379, 430-431, 459n, 471-473, 476n
Gbenye, Christophe, 295-296, 429
Geba, Gen., 748
Geneva Disarmament Conference, 144, 169n, 217, 281, 414
George, Scott, 304n, 454n
Germany, Democratic Republic of, 127, 310, 422
Germany, Federal Republic of (see also Germany, Federal Republic of and FRG subheadings under other subjects), 175, 325, 328, 335, 357, 395, 415-416, 421, 434, 442, 448, 458, 460, 461, 581, 631
Ginsberg, David, 723, 797-798, 811n
Gleysteen, Culver, 814n
Goldberg, Arthur, 523-525, 542, 594-595, 619n, 656n, 657, 659, 665, 673, 684, 707n, 711, 712, 714-715, 722-724, 774, 812-814, 817
Goodpaster, Gen. Andrew, 113
Gordon, Herbert, 185
Grant, James P., 208n, 211n, 212n
Great Society, 538
Greece, 570, 589n
Greenhill, Denis, 127
Gromyko, Andrey Andreyevich, 21, 536n, 555, 567, 649, 692
Gruening, Ernest, 142, 475
Guerrilla warfare, 715

Habib (UAR), 6-7
Hafiz, Amin al-, 39, 172
Haikal, Hassanain, 74, 623, 770
Hakim, Georges, 498-499, 741-742, 802-803, 806n
Handley, William J. , 492-493, 505n, 604n, 609n, 679n, 685n, 711, 715n, 724n, 725n, 732n, 734n, 741-742, 746n, 749-753, 766n, 785
Hand, Lloyd, 485
Hani, Nasir, 641-642
Haradh conference, 518, 559
Hare, Raymond A., 500, 506n, 508n, 515n, 540n, 549, 556n, 560n, 561n, 562n, 564n, 565n, 568n, 612n, 631n, 649n, 656n, 673n

Dimona nuclear reactor, 572
Israeli arms purchases, 530, 532n, 551, 630
border incidents, 510-511, 645-646, 652-654, 658-659, 663-664, 671n
Israel-U.S. relations, 625
Jordan-U.S. relations, 574-575
political situation in Jordan, 687
refugees, 620, 639n
UAR-U.S. relations, 557, 559, 575, 592, 615, 628
U.S. economic aid to the UAR, 611, 621, 687, 695

Harlech, Lord, 180
Harman, Avraham, 293n, 549, 556n

Arab threat to Israel, 530-531
Israeli arms purchases, 11-16, 61-62, 122n, 129, 135, 214-218, 385-387, 394, 470n, 473n, 484-485, 508n, 539, 552-553, 572:
Border incidents:

Israeli-Jordanian border, 273-274, 467, 500-501, 645-646, 652-653, 659-664, 669, 677-679
Israeli-Lebanon border, 510-511
Israeli-Syrian border, 465-466, 645-648, 651-652, 821-822

Jordan, U.S. military aid to, 725-726, 732-733
Jordan River water dispute, 26-28, 380, 459, 478
Jordanian arms purchases, 298n, 305-307, 317n, 342, 753-754
Palestine Liberation Organization, 238n, 497n
refugees, 619
U.S. economic aid to Israel, 530n, 715, 723, 775
U.S. military aid to Israel, 3-6, 748-749, 775, 787
U.S.-Israeli relations, 50, 52, 152, 261-262, 547, 580-582, 625

Harriman, W. Averell, 61n, 72n, 73n, 105n, 111n, 114n, 160n, 164, 180, 184n, 197n, 199n, 233n, 241n, 261n, 381n

arms control, 224-225
desalinization, 587, 607, 609
Eshkol visit to Washington, June 1964,152, 155
Harriman mission (see also Jordanian arms purchases below), 387-388, 405

instructions for, 343-346, 348-350, 360-361, 366-371, 390, 393
proposals for, 310, 317, 320-321, 322n
reports from, 347, 351-359, 361-366, 369-375, 381, 384, 419

Israeli arms purchases, 33, 65, 113, 161, 385, 407-408
Jordan River water dispute, 26, 377, 447
Jordanian aircraft purchases, 245-248
Jordanian arms purchases (see also Harriman mission above), 277, 280, 397
nuclear proliferation, 454n, 550
UAR-U.S. relations, 234n, 252-254, 763
U.S. economic aid to Israel, 530
U.S. security commitment to Israel, 158-159
Vietnam conflict, 559

Hart, Parker T., 79, 298-299, 301
Hassan, Prince, 632n
Hassanoua, Mohammad A.B., 225n
Havana Conference, 1966, 568, 592, 594
Hawk missiles, 71

Israeli purchases:

1962 agreement for, 87, 149, 314, 449, 544, 555, 576
as counterbalance to UAR, 56, 61, 170, 412
credits, 226, 748, 761, 774n, 775, 784, 819n

Lebanese purchase, 784-785
maintenance, 787, 819n

Haykal, Hassanein, 486-487
Haynes, Col., 484n
Helms, Richard M., 321, 491, 584n, 791n, 819n
Helou, Charles, 478n, 741n, 784, 799-804, 806
Hennessey, Helen, 302n
Herzog, Jack, 663
Hickenlooper, Bourke, 258
Hoopes, Townsend W., 492n, 508n, 520n, 521, 534n, 540n, 550n, 552, 554, 556n, 561n, 572, 630, 697n, 706n, 718, 724n, 753n, 785, 805
Hornig, Donald F., 587n, 598, 606n, 608-609
Horton, Frank, 475
Houghton, Robert B., 753n, 779n, 789n, 790n
House of Representatives, U.S., 281-282, 295
Hughes, Thomas L., 643
Humphrey, Hubert H., 290, 321, 711-712
Husayni, Hajj Amin al-, 123, 699
Hussein I, Ibn Talal, King of Jordan, 560n, 790

Arab-Israeli relations, 103-105
Arab-Jordanian relations, 301-302
exchanges with Pres. Johnson, 193, 196, 202-203, 556, 561, 665-666, 683-685
Harriman mission, 433
Israeli arms purchases, 125, 573
Israeli downing of UAR aircraft, 694
Israeli-Jordanian border incidents:

Fatah raids, 471-472, 496, 500-501, 512, 648n, 651
Israeli retaliation for, 656-659, 662-669, 677, 717

Israeli-Jordanian relations, 156, 713
Israeli view of, 51, 606
Jordan River water dispute, 38-39, 109-110, 446, 453
Jordanian arms purchases, 289

agreements for, 394n, 400-401, 404-405
aircraft, 183, 186, 191, 193-195, 208-209, 211, 246-248, 520, 535, 539, 561, 572, 685-686, 753
Israeli position, 305-306, 334, 336, 342, 345
Jordanian proposal for, 96-98
from the Soviet Union, 182-183, 309, 344, 352, 535
UAR-Jordanian talks on,
UAR position, 389, 410, 417
U.S. offers for, 311-312, 315-316, 358, 318-320, 322, 327-329
U.S. position, 210, 269-270, 389, 392, 545, 670

Lebanese view of, 803
Palestine Liberation Organization, 454, 522, 698
political stability of, 253, 544, 671, 677, 682-683
refugees, 619-620
UAR-Jordanian relations, 289-290, 643, 689, 696, 755
Unified Arab Command, 278-280, 283, 292, 301
U.S. economic aid to Jordan, 274
U.S.-Jordanian relations, 2-3, 90-95, 98-101, 433-435
U.S. military aid to Jordan, 701, 705-714, 720-722, 724-733, 774, 793
West Bank occupation as Israeli goal, 716
West Bank tank ban agreement, 340, 345, 349, 393, 398, 401, 404, 444-446, 617-618

Hutchinson, Edmond, 253

Idris as Sanusi, King Muhammad, 418
India, 49, 54, 57, 116, 241, 243n, 278, 351, 360, 408, 426, 455, 496, 593, 616, 618, 659, 678-679, 738, 755, 794
Indonesia, 426, 765
Interdepartmental Regional Group (IRG), 624, 695, 735, 750-752, 782-785, 792
Interior, U.S. Department of, 598
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections (see also Arms control; Dimona nuclear reactor; Nuclear proliferation), 420n

alternatives to, 655-656
arms sales to Israel tied to, 318, 320, 330, 346, 350
desalinization, 598
Israeli position, 83-84, 163, 347, 359, 364, 455
Israeli rejection, 447n, 456, 484-485, 550, 638, 774, 775n, 815-816
Israeli-UAR joint acceptance, 347-348, 352, 360-363, 420
Israeli-U.S. talks, 735-737
requirements, 249
Soviet-U.S. talks, 589
UAR compliance, 736-737
UAR position, 54, 56-57, 116, 120, 169, 171, 368, 443, 456, 515, 519, 563, 815
universal acceptance, 566
U.S. military and economic aid tied to, 774, 778
U.S. position, 20, 47, 49, 145, 150, 160, 368, 463-464, 596-597, 622

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), 265, 569, 614, 616, 629, 635, 744, 772-773, 808-809
International General Electric, 610
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 37, 58, 614, 616, 629, 635-637, 744, 763, 770, 772-773, 755, 808n, 820
Intra Bank, 741, 800
Iran, 97, 164, 351, 486-487, 575, 702, 783, 800
Iraq, 4-5, 9, 67, 79, 89, 101, 140, 143, 285, 355, 487, 535, 543, 575, 633-634, 641, 698, 782
Islamic Pact, 592, 594, 610, 613, 768
Israel (see also Border conflicts; Fatah; Israeli arms purchases; Israel and Israeli subheadings under other subjects; Jerusalem), 154-155, 351, 550

Arab boycott, 175, 225, 239-240, 284, 384, 689, 764
Arab states, relations with, 103-105
Arab threat to, 64, 81-83, 89, 285, 530-531
Argentine sales of uranium concentrate, 583, 596n, 815
defense budget, 5
demilitarized zones, 180-181, 231-233
deterrent posture, 4, 148-149, 153, 165-166
economic situation, 13-14, 217, 761, 774
elections, 230, 242, 484
elimination, as Arab goal, 118, 453, 495, 565n
expansionism, 116, 120
France, relations with, 581
Germany, Federal Republic of, relations with, 395, 448, 581
Harriman mission, 387-388, 433

instructions for, 343-346, 348-350, 360-361, 366-371, 390, 393
proposal for, 310, 317, 320-321, 322n
reports from, 347, 351-359, 361-366, 369-375, 381, 384, 419

immigration to, 92, 95
Jordan, relations with, 156, 374, 496, 500-501, 512, 574, 683

border issues, 91, 98, 101
Fatah connections, 471
secret talks, 713
unwritten agreements, 664-665, 669
West Bank military reinforcement, 334, 340, 345, 349, 599

Komer mission, 322n, 324-327, 329-332, 334-336
Lebanon, relations with, 156, 471, 510-512
military capability, 633-634
military strategy, 306, 334, 716
missile development, 41, 48, 149, 384, 600-602, 775n
nuclear weapons development, 34, 48, 53, 766

French aid for, 563
international inspection, 7
Israeli-U.S. talks, 637-639
Jordanian position, 94, 512-513
Syrian position, 252
technical capacity, 420, 814-815
UAR position, 655
UAR possible response to, 8, 614
U.S. position, 63-64, 103, 220, 304-305, 382-383, 582-583, 798799

Palestine, status of, 72-73, 82, 231
PLO policy toward, 427
political situation, 325, 460, 536-537, 581, 737
shipping rights, 175, 192
Soviet Union, relations with, 581, 649
Syria, relations with:

border disputes, 251, 255-257, 459, 465, 581, 618
increased tension in, 578, 638-639
Israeli massing of troops, 632
Israeli use of napalm, 630
military patrolling, 180-181

technical aid, 35, 587, 715, 786, 813
territorial claims, 562, 650
UAR missile threat, 12, 14, 16, 40-41, 53, 76-77, 86-88, 114, 149
UAR policy toward, 158
United Arab Republic, relations with, 23, 180, 191, 231, 643
United States, relations with, 59-60, 70, 138, 159, 533-534, 762, 774, 798
U.S. economic aid, 78, 83, 150, 538, 548, 551, 577, 581, 587, 775

commodities, 813
development loans, 216, 226-228, 607, 775, 786-787, 813
Haifa loan, 587
offshore procurement, 761, 775, 787, 798, 819n
under P.L. 480, 129-130, 216, 226, 228, 508, 761, 775, 778, 786, 795
as subsidy for military expenses, 129-130, 226-229, 529-530, 714
support for development assistance, 587, 715, 786, 813
universities, funding for, 798

U.S. intelligence surveillance, 817
U.S. military aid, 819n

indirect subsidies, 226-229, 529-530, 714
IRG discussion of, 782-784
Israeli request for, 3-6, 42, 50-51, 87, 760-762, 805
JCS position, 756-757
under MAP, 18, 126, 216, 529, 546, 787
recommendations for, 774-775, 778, 786-789, 792-799, 817-819
sales instead of grants, 812-813
for support in Syria confrontation, 748-749

U.S. policy toward, 807n
U.S. security commitment, 1-2, 18, 21, 51-52, 62-63, 77, 85-86, 136, 148-149, 158-159, 160n, 345, 368-369, 798
West Bank occupation as goal, 682, 685, 697, 716

Israel-Egypt General Armistice Agreement, 231
Israel-Jordan General Armistice Agreement, 688
Israel/Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission (IJMAC), 273, 471, 501, 578n, 646, 779n
Israel-Lebanon General Armistice Agreement, 822
Israel/Lebanon Mixed Armistice Commission (ILMAC), 430, 471, 510
Israel-Syria General Armistice Agreement, July 1949, 652n, 654n
Israel/Syria Mixed Armistice Commission (ISMAC), 175, 181, 231, 255n, 618n, 646, 654n, 742, 743n, 747, 790
Israeli arms purchases (see also Israel; Arms control), 565

aircraft, 630

accelerated delivery of, 714, 761
agreements on, 397-398, 556, 571-573
disclosure of, 572-573, 576-577
from France, 365, 372, 389, 449, 532, 805
requests for, 149, 355-356, 508, 548, 553-554
UAR position, 392, 591-592
U.S. position, 179, 356, 392, 537, 540, 543-547, 551-554
U.S. proposals for, 534-536, 538-540, 550-551
Weizmann visit, Oct. 1965, 492-493, 508n, 537-538
from Western Europe, 459-460, 470, 473-474, 483, 493

anti-infiltration technology, 716, 758-760
anti-tank weapons, 67-68, 125
financing, 134-135
from France, 31, 334, 458
Germany, Federal Republic, tank sales, 127, 132-133, 135, 155, 162, 166-167, 336

German reneging, 314, 319-320, 326, 334, 345, 410
Israeli request, 132-133, 135, 155
Jordanian knowledge, 329
publicity, 298, 576
transfer via Italy, 214-216, 228-229, 280, 396-397
UAR position, 338, 422-423, 458
uncertainty over, 129, 275
U.S. position, 33, 82, 113, 161, 227, 367
U.S. replacements, 394n, 395-397

increased need for, 391
Jordanian arms purchases, balancing of, 309, 313-314, 321, 334-338, 340-341, 337-338, 354, 360-361, 366, 381, 384, 400
missiles, 11-13, 35n, 70-71, 76-77, 126, 130, 157, 167, 565, 588

deterrence as objective of, 81-82
from France, 12, 16, 18, 64-65, 70-71, 77, 82-83, 115, 126, 149, 219, 285, 455, 533, 588n, 815-816

nuclear fuel, 31
secrecy requirements for, 133-137, 159, 161-162, 166-167, 228-229, 313-314, 355-357, 362, 367, 378, 389, 396-397, 483, 533
tanks (see also Germany, Federal Republic of, tank sales above; U.S. direct sale of tanks and U.S. tank sales below):

British sales of, 33, 70, 113, 122n, 127, 134
conversion kits, 469
European sales, 4
French sales, 113
Italian sales, 155, 159, 161, 162, 166
training for use, 215-216, 229
from the United Kingdom, 334

U.S. direct sale of tanks, 3-6, 13-16, 42, 50-51, 61-62, 77-78, 85, 112, 157, 217-218, 354-355, 365, 374-375, 469, 483-485

Arab response, 101-102
cover story for talks, 130
Defense Department team visit, Tel Aviv, Feb. 1964, 31-35
delay in commitment, 64-66, 71-72, 75-76
domestic political difficulties, 65, 69, 122
JCS position, 23-26, 66-68, 124-125
refusal, 46-47
Soviet response, 102
U.S. provision of conversion kits, 128, 132-135, 215-216, 226, 280, 396, 469, 483
U.S.-UAR talks, 43, 314, 320
from Western Europe, 111-114, 125, 324, 345, 788, 793

U.S. tank sales, 13-16, 336

agreements, 394-400, 405-406, 483
credit terms, 16, 352, 552, 761
disclosure, 572-573, 576-577
French position, 553
Harriman mission, 310, 317, 320-321, 322n, 343-346, 347-359, 360-375, 381, 384, 387-388, 390, 393, 419, 433
Israeli raids on Jordan and, 663, 665, 677, 680-681
Komer mission, 322n, 324-327, 329-332, 334-336
Peres gambit, 394n, 395-397
UAR position, 432n, 442-443, 461, 519-520
U.S. negotiation strategies, 387-393
U.S. notification of Arabs regarding, 410-414, 418
U.S. position, 322n, 412

Italy (see also Italy and Italian subheadings under other subjects), 631, 757

Jackson, Elmore, 26n
Jaeger, George W., 466n
Japan, 654n
Jarrah, Muhammad, 437
Javits, Jacob, 475
Jefferson, Thomas, 232
Jenkins, Walter, 64, 122n
Jernegan, John D., 11n, 29n, 35n, 37n, 50, 61n, 72n, 109n, 138n, 141n, 143n, 145n, 151n, 224, 242-243, 249n, 255n, 264n, 271n, 293n, 298n, 303, 304n, 310n, 316, 317n, 321, 322n, 332n, 337, 360n, 370n, 379-380, 430-431, 440n, 454n, 461n
Jerusalem, 213, 231, 273

Independence Day parade, U.S. attendance, 810-811, 819
Jordanian-Israeli border incidents, 471, 645-646, 651n, 682
Knesset opening ceremonies, 631
relocation of U.S. Embassy, 351, 408, 447-448

Jewish Council of Presidents, 743
Jews, American (see also Zionism), 723, 797

Israeli arms purchases, 274, 351, 533, 544
Jerusalem, status of, 811
Jordanian arms purchases, 271, 351, 392-393, 460, 557
tank sales to Israel, 65, 69, 122
U.S. economic aid to the UAR, 140-141, 234, 438
U.S. military aid to Israel, 733
Vietnam conflict, opposition to, 626, 627

Jews, Moroccan, 437
Jews, Soviet, 650, 668
Jidda Agreement, Aug. 1965, 559, 768-769
Johnson, Charles E., 30n
Johnson, Joseph E., 22, 59-60, 595, 642
Johnson, Lyndon B., 9n, 251, 279, 294, 335n, 336n, 400n, 555n

Arab states-U.S. relations, 43-44, 52, 60, 79, 100
arms control, 42, 52, 115, 119, 169, 204
border incidents:

Jordanian-Israeli border, 658-660, 663-664, 669, 677-678
Syrian-Israeli border, 742, 789

Congolese rebels, UAR aid to, 276, 282

with Eshkol, 1-2, 241n, 350, 377, 379, 390, 405-406, 419, 463-464, 597, 665-666, 669-672, 746, 759, 775n, 778
with Hussein, 193, 196, 202-203, 556, 561, 665-666, 683-685
with Nasser, 45-46, 49, 57, 58, 137-138, 145, 186, 197-199, 205-206, 408-414, 456-459, 558, 567-568
Nasser exchange proposals, 49, 141, 617

desalinization, 83, 587n, 597, 606, 608n
Dimona nuclear reactor inspections, 31n, 73n, 102-103, 230, 241-242, 249, 263, 383, 778
IAEA inspections, 464, 484n

missile development, 41
Eshkol visit to Washington, June 1964, 147, 152-156, 158-160, 163
Shazar visit to Washington, Aug. 1966, 625
United States, relations with, 35-36, 40, 261, 533, 547-549
U.S. economic aid, 226n, 227, 528, 530n, 538, 587n, 722-723, 760, 786, 812
U.S. military aid, 226, 760, 774-775, 786, 792, 794, 805, 812, 817
U.S. security commitment to, 1-2, 62

Israeli arms purchases, 412

agreements, 395, 406-407, 483
aircraft, 473, 508, 539, 543, 547, 551, 556, 576
Feldman-Sloan mission, 124-126, 128, 130-132
Jordanian arms purchases, balancing of, 340
tanks, 16, 32, 35, 64-66, 68-69, 71-72, 122, 229n, 391n, 393
from Western Europe, 460

Israeli-Jordanian secret talks, 713
Jerusalem, 810

United States, relations with, 2-3, 91-93, 95, 98-101
U.S. economic aid, 599-600, 605-606
U.S. interest in security, 401
U.S. military aid, 704-708, 711-714, 722-724

Jordan River water dispute, 1, 2n, 132, 272, 374, 447
Jordanian arms purchases, 313-314

aircraft, 186, 209, 274, 289-291, 556-557, 561
Harriman mission, 343-346, 350-351, 354-358, 360-363, 366, 368-371, 375, 378, 381
Israeli response, 307n, 308, 341-342
Komer mission, 321, 331, 334
tanks, 271, 279, 297-298
U.S. proposals, 317

nuclear proliferation, 119-121, 170, 373, 454, 655
refugees, 1, 168, 594-595
UAR-U.S. relations, 6, 8, 37, 60, 176-178, 200, 219, 218, 222, 411, 424-425, 428, 485, 491, 515, 517, 563, 612-614, 628-629, 764, 771, 781, 819
U.S. economic aid to the UAR, 258, 281, 297, 425-426, 431, 468n, 475, 476n, 494, 495n, 503, 506n, 509, 513, 527-528, 602, 750, 735
U.S. security commitments in the Near East, 2, 14
Yemen conflict, 567-568

Johnson, U. Alexis, 32, 46, 47n, 52, 60, 66-67, 79, 114n, 160n, 520n
Johnston, Eric, 1n, 20, 798, 814
Johnston Plan (see also Jordan River water dispute):

Arab states position, 451
Israeli position, 2n, 51, 336, 352, 357, 376-377, 388, 446, 496-497
Jordanian position, 95, 109
Lebanese position, 498
UAR position, 10, 110, 443
UN role in support, 337, 341, 346, 348, 349n
U.S. differences with Israel, 7, 386
U.S.-Israeli negotiations, 374, 376
U.S. position, 1, 132, 148, 153-154, 195, 349, 368, 414, 430
Wiener-Criddle technical formula, 26-28, 38, 39, 109-110, 379-380

Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 18, 191-192, 750

documents, 18, 23-26, 66-68, 187-188, 191-192, 448-450, 700-702, 756-757
Israeli arms purchases, 23-26, 66-68, 124-125
Israeli deterrent posture, 148-149, 153
Jordanian arms purchases, 187-188, 246n, 308, 323
Near East arms balance, 448-450
U.S. military aid to Israel, 756-757, 761, 793
U.S. military aid to Jordan, 700-702, 706, 774

Jones, Curtis F., 105n, 212n, 235n, 264n, 276n, 332n, 435-437, 440n,
Jones, Jim, 811n
Jones, Owen T., 735n
Jones, Paul W., 180n
Jordan, Col., 679n, 785
Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of (see also Border conflicts; Fatah; Jordanian arms purchases; Jordan and Jordanian subheadings under other subjects; West Bank):

Arab states-U.S. relations, 143
border conflicts, 91, 98, 101
economic situation, 99-100
Fatah connections, Israeli listing of, 471
foreign radio rebroadcasts, 433-434
Germany, Federal Republic of, relations with, 434
Iran, relations with, 575
Iraq, relations with, 575
Israel, relations with, 156, 374, 496, 500-501, 512, 574, 664-665, 669, 683, 691-693, 713
Kuwait, relations with, 507
Kuwaiti military aid, 702, 722, 727, 729
Lebanon, relations with, 575
Libyan military aid to, 729
military situation, 67

border troop buildup, 273-274
force level increases, 727-729, 733
Iraqi/Saudi troop stationing plan, 709, 728-729
pay increases, 701-702, 727, 730

military threat to Israel, 4, 683
Nasserist threat, 600
Near East arms race, 633-634
nuclear weapons, 94, 512-513
Palestine Liberation Organization, 522
Palestinian threat, 719
political situation, 544, 662-669, 671
refugee resettlement projects, 619-620
Saudi Arabia, relations with, 575
Saudi military and economic aid, 351, 433-434, 668, 702, 722, 727, 729
Soviet influence on, 301, 709
Syria, relations with, 507, 575, 691, 708
Syrian threat, 719, 727
traditional nature of, 782
UAR threat, 719, 764
United Arab Republic, relations with, 51, 177, 182, 352, 461, 643, 687n, 689, 691, 696
United States, relations with, 2-3, 89, 91-95, 98-101, 277, 286-287, 125, 710
U.S. economic aid, 93, 165, 274, 574-576, 599-600, 605-606
U.S. interest in security, 401
U.S. military aid, 793

Israeli position, 704-705, 723-726, 732-733, 774
Jordanian request for, 679n, 692-693, 696-697, 700-702, 706-711, 728-732
U.S. proposals for, 706-707, 711-715, 718-722, 724-728

West Bank military reinforcement, 334, 340, 345, 349, 599
West Bank tank ban agreement, 340, 345, 349, 393, 398, 401, 404, 444-446, 617-618, 693

Jordan River water dispute (see also Arab-Israeli border conflict; Johnston Plan):

Arab diversion of water:

Arab planning, 213, 451
Israeli position, 271-272, 325, 331, 335, 352, 357, 388, 439
Israeli pre-emptive action against, 207, 346, 348, 349n, 350, 352, 358-359, 364, 368, 371, 374, 383-384, 402-403, 447, 459
Jordanian position, 434, 445-446, 453
Soviet aid, 351
UAR position, 428
U.S. position, 341, 352, 416-417, 439-440, 448

Arab-U.S. disagreement over, 32, 39
Harriman-Komer talks, 440
Israeli diversion of water, 1, 2n, 10, 17, 20, 43-44
Israeli position, 2n, 271-272, 335-336, 353, 439
Israeli-U.S. talks, 87-88
Jordanian diversion of water, 351, 496-497
Jordanian position, 51, 186, 194-195, 284
Jordanian-U.S. talks on, 38-39, 91-95, 453
Lebanese diversion of water, 351, 376-377, 386, 430-431, 446-447, 476-478, 483, 485, 498-499
Lebanese position, 51, 271-272, 284, 300
salinity, 92-93, 110
Syrian diversion of water, 335, 374, 383-384, 446-447, 459, 465, 498
Syrian position, 39, 51, 284, 301
UAR position, 6-8, 272, 275, 424
UAR-U.S. talks on, 9-11, 411, 414
U.S. position, 1, 14, 20, 148, 153, 393, 440, 447
U.S. tank sales to Israel and, 125, 131-132
Western oil interests, affected by, 23
Wiener-Criddle technical formula, 26-28, 38, 39, 109-110, 380

Jordanian arms purchases:

aircraft, 179

accelerated delivery, 685-686, 753, 761
agreements, 571-573, 729
disclosure, 572-573, 576
from France, 269-271, 275, 337, 520-521
Israeli position, 556-557, 753-754
State-Defense Department differences, 259-260
UAC funding, 96-97, 190-191, 209, 520n, 521
from the UAR, 187, 366
UAR position, 521
from the United Kingdom, 183, 275, 520-521
U.S. position, 182-188, 190-191, 193-195, 245-248, 274-275, 288-291, 319, 540, 543-547
U.S. proposals for, 208-211, 534-536, 538-540, 550-551, 561
from Western Europe, 328

anti-infiltration technology, 659, 692-693
British position, 310
British-U.S. talks on, 211
from France, 260, 270, 290, 309
from Germany, Federal Republic of, 309
ground equipment, 189-191
Harriman mission, 387-388, 433

instructions for, 343-346, 348-350, 360-361, 366-371, 390, 393
proposal for, 310, 317, 320-321, 322n
reports from, 347, 351-359, 361-366, 369-375, 381, 384, 419

implications of, 206-208
Israeli arms purchases, balancing of, 309, 313-314, 321, 334-338, 340-341, 354, 360-361, 366, 381, 384, 400
Jordanian proposal, 96-99
Jordanian-UAR talks, 338-339
Kuwaiti funding, 288
from the Soviet Union:

Israeli position, 260, 306, 352, 386
Jordanian commitment not to buy, 561n, 634
Jordanian position, 182-183, 187, 207, 213, 292, 316
U.S. position, 275, 290, 309, 311, 324, 343-344, 668, 670, 684

tanks, 217, 319, 532

conversion, 322, 730

from the UAR, 275, 309, 324, 670, 684
from the United Kingdom, 260, 309
from the United States (see also Harriman mission above):

agreements for, 291-293, 297-298, 302-303, 308, 394n, 400-401, 404-405, 729
credit terms for, 319, 343
disclosure of, 572-573, 576
Iraqi position, 641
Israeli position, 270-271, 298n, 300, 305-308, 317n, 319, 330-332, 341-342, 345, 355-356, 358, 392, 395-399, 408, 532
Israeli-U.S. disagreements over, 385-387
Komer mission, 310, 317, 320-321, 322n, 323-327, 329-332, 334-336, 405, 419
security guarantee in lieu of, 277-278
tanks, 532
UAR position, 338-339, 389, 410, 417, 767-768
UAR-U.S. talks on, 212-214, 413
U.S. discussion, 274-275, 288-291, 298-302, 680
U.S. domestic reaction, 313-314
U.S. offers, 311-312, 315-316, 318-320, 322-323, 327, 328-330, 340, 400n

U.S. Near East policy and, 283
from Western Europe, 246-248

Joyce, J. Wallace, 600n
Judd, Thomas M., 609n
Juma, Saad, 91, 94, 98, 273, 521n

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