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1964-1968, Volume XVIII
Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1964-67

Department of State
Washington, DC

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Index A-E

AALAPSO Conference, 611, 613
Abu Simbel, 7
Adas, J. Wesley, Jr., 574, 576n, 578-579, 617-618, 648
Adasiya Tunnel, 39
Aden. See South Arabia, Federation of.
Adoula, Cyril, 267
Adzhubei, Aleksei I., 114-115, 119
Afghanistan, 278, 408
Africa, 91, 257n, 542, 587, 723, 813
Afro-Asian Writers Conference, 801
Agency for International Development (AID), 173, 540, 785

desalinization, 598
economic aid to the UAR, 254, 750, 752, 765

development loans, 228, 607, 786-787
economic aid, 529, 577n, 587, 760-762, 775, 778
offsetting of military sales, 714
offshore procurement through, 787, 813

Jordan police training program, 712

Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 226, 476, 604n, 745, 750, 808
Ahdab, Ibrahim al-, 498
Air Force, U.S., 248
Al Ahram, 461, 591-592
Algeria, 143, 452, 610, 715
Amer, Ali, 338, 443, 484n, 780
Amin, Mostafa, 479-480, 486-487, 528n, 675n
Amitay, Morris J., 564n
Anderson, Robert B., 108, 138n, 254, 314, 320, 423, 607, 634-637, 673n, 749n
Andreotti, Giulio, 166
Arab boycott of Israel, 175, 225, 239-240, 284, 384, 689, 764
Arab Defense Council meeting, Cairo, Dec. 1966, 708-709
Arab Higher Committee, 699
Arab-Israeli border conflicts. See Border conflicts; Jordan River water dispute.
Arab League, 45, 91, 237, 339, 436, 452, 689, 698, 803
Arab Legion, 661, 678
Arab Summit Conference, Cairo, Jan. 1964, 6, 7, 9, 27-28, 37, 45, 50-51, 58-60, 74, 79, 80, 89, 107, 123, 416, 451-452
Arab Summit Conference, Cairo, Sept. 1964, 195, 200, 202-203, 207212, 214, 237, 451-452
Arab Summit Conference, Cairo, Sept. 1965, 488
Arab Summit Conference, Cairo, May 1966, 565, 568, 575
Arab unity, 23, 89, 426n, 436-437, 449
Arabian Peninsula, 490
Arad, Shimshon, 82, 84, 131
Argentina, 475, 583, 596n, 654n, 815
Argov, Shlomo, 466, 632
Arms control (see also Disarmament; International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections; Nuclear proliferation) , 63, 145, 171, 556, 654-656, 783, 817

aircraft sales, 540, 544
missiles, 54, 57, 71, 114-115, 205, 218-225, 233n, 234, 600-602, 655-656
Soviet position, 544, 566-567
Soviet-U.S. talks, 21-22, 53-54, 63, 111n, 536n, 540, 555-556, 782-783, 816
UAR position, 12, 42-43, 461-462
U.S. proposals, 20-22, 43-44, 114-117, 816-817
U.S.-UAR talks, 52-57, 119-121, 145-146, 169-171

Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA), 540
Asali, Abu, 643-644
Asha, Rafik, 251
Aswan Dam, 56, 141n, 118, 139, 165, 167, 455, 616, 629, 636-637, 739
Atallah, Anton, 90, 92-95, 98, 100
Atassi, Nureddin al-, 803
Atherton, Alfred L., Jr., 564n, 604n, 645n, 652n, 656n, 675n, 679n, 685n, 690n, 724n, 746n, 753n, 758n, 766n, 790n
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 249, 582, 598, 690
Attwood, William H., 296
Austin, Granville S., 814n
Australia, 475
Ayub Khan, Mohammed, 657, 773
Baathists, 9, 118, 437, 526-527, 560, 644n
Bacteriological weapons, 198
Badeau, John S., 8-9, 22, 43, 54n, 55-56, 58, 60, 106, 116, 119-121, 137, 169-171, 176-178, 199, 206, 218
Bahrain Boycott Conference, 239
Bahti, James H., 515n, 604n
Balfour Declaration, 362
Ball, George W., 245, 310n, 322n, 323n, 340n, 343n, 348n, 349n, 350n, 390n, 408n, 431n, 440n, 515n, 549

Arab states-U.S. relations, 144n
Dimona nuclear reactor, 420
Israeli arms purchases, 314, 337, 391n
Israeli-U.S. relations, 147n, 159-162
Jordan River water dispute, 91, 93, 95
Jordanian arms purchases, 100, 269, 277-280, 289-291, 297-298, 302-303, 305-307, 316-318, 321, 331n
Palestinian entity, creation of, 123
U.S. economic aid to Jordan, 599-600
U.S. economic aid to the UAR, 180, 295, 297

Barbour, Walworth, 36n, 40n, 79, 231n, 307n, 343n, 510, 525n, 703

arms control, 225, 233n, 601
Dimona nuclear reactor, 73, 249n, 262-264, 382-383, 537, 690, 734
Fatah attacks on Israel, 471, 514-515
Harriman mission, 347, 359, 362-363, 365, 369-371, 375, 381, 384
IAEA nuclear inspections, 463n, 484n, 735-737
Israeli arms purchases, 131, 385, 388, 394-400, 407, 484-485, 588, 677n
Israeli downing of UAR aircraft, 694n
Israeli missile program, 87
Israeli-U.S. relations, 82n, 84-88, 261, 262n, 625, 631
Jerusalem, 631, 811n
Jordan River water dispute, 26n, 271-272, 353, 377, 384, 439, 440, 447, 465n, 478n
Jordanian arms purchases, 291n, 298, 300, 306, 326, 331
Jordanian-Israeli border incidents, 652n, 656n, 669, 671, 678, 681-683, 779n
nuclear proliferation, 637-639, 654-656, 766
refugees, 639-640
Syrian-Israeli border incidents, 181n, 791n
UAR missile program, 293n
U.S. security commitment to Israel, 136

Bar-Hain, Shaul, 3
Barnes, Robert G., 103, 231n, 512n, 560n

Jordan River water dispute, 453
Jordanian arms purchases, 193n, 196, 211n, 298, 300-301, 315, 318, 338-339, 405n, 545, 561
Jordanian-Israeli border incidents, 274, 471, 506-507, 578n
Jordanian-U.S. relations, 79, 91, 98, 433-435
Palestine Liberation Organization, 454
West Bank tank ban agreement, 444-446, 617

Battle, Lucius, 199, 218, 457, 768-770, 814n

Arab boycott of Israel, 239
Congolese rebels, UAR aid, 257, 276, 294-297
Congressional talks with, 494
Israeli arms purchases, 422-423, 432n, 576n, 805
Jordan River water dispute, 275
Jordanian arms purchases, 298-299
Lebanese arms purchases, 785
P.L. 480 agreements, 444, 468n, 505, 506n, 516n
Syrian-Israeli border incidents, 821-822
UAR fear of CIA plot, 673-675, 776, 820
UAR missile freeze, 205, 221, 224
U.S. economic aid to the UAR, 235, 259, 425-426, 489-490, 502-503, 604n, 734-735
U.S.-UAR relations, 243-245, 267, 409, 421-425, 438-439, 486, 488, 591-594, 612, 687n, 755, 773
Yemen conflict, 567-568, 780

Beam, Jacob D., 454n, 512n
Bedek (Israel Aircraft Industries), 384
Belgium, 243n, 245, 489, 611, 631
Bell, David, 37, 44, 199n, 150, 217, 226, 228, 240, 494n, 529-530, 551, 587
Ben Bella, Ahmed, 85
Benelux countries, 650
Ben-Gurion, David, 1, 22, 130, 168, 242, 250, 325, 383, 423, 460, 537, 562, 596, 670
Benhima, Mohammed, 418
Bennsky, George M., 235n, 440n, 749n
Bergmann, Ernst, 83, 84n
Bergus, Donald C., 9, 612n, 615, 621n, 628n, 643n, 687n, 693n, 738, 754-756, 776-777, 780n, 807, 814n
Birdsall, James, 673-674
Birth control, 515
Bishti, Ahmad, 565
Bitan (Israel), 263-264, 307n, 347n, 397n, 448, 523, 577-578, 656, 716, 737, 791n
Bittermann, Kathleen, 604n
Black, Eugene, 441, 689, 749n
Blackiston, Slator C., 636-637
Blake, James J., 426n, 461n
Blaustein, Jacob, 168
Bohlen, Charles E., 420
Border conflicts (see also Jordan River water dispute):

Israeli downing of UAR aircraft, 693-694
Israeli retaliatory raids on Jordan:

Arab League response, 689
Israeli position, 466-467, 471-473, 496, 652, 677-678, 681-683, 712, 715-718
JCS position, 757
Jordanian position, 471, 578-579, 657, 667, 669n, 779
Security Council Resolution 228 (1966), 672-673, 675-676, 687-688
Syrian position, 659
UAR position, 667-668
U.S. position, 466-467, 577-578, 651, 656-657, 660, 663-664, 669-672, 684, 759-760, 779
U.S. resolution in Security Council, 675n

Jordan-Israel border:

Fatah raids, 374, 496, 500-501, 511-512, 626, 645-648, 652-654

Lebanon-Israel border:

Fatah raids, 510-512
Organization of Returning Heroes raids, 699

Syria-Israel border:

Afro-Asian position, 657
attack on Syrian bulldozers, 384, 459, 465
attacks on Israeli fishing boats, 465, 746
border disputes, 251, 255-257, 581, 618
cultivation of fields in demilitarized zone, 682, 743n, 746, 789-791
Israeli massing of troops, 632
Israeli position, 465-466, 626, 646-648, 661, 681
Israeli raid threats, 742-743
Israeli restraint, 667-668, 746-748
military patrolling, 180-181
planting of land mines, 746-747
Soviet support for Syria, 651, 667-668, 691
Syrian position, 251
UAR position, 745
UN actions, 618n, 651, 652n, 653, 654n, 682
U.S. position, 81, 255-257, 651, 789-790
use of force, 651-652

Bourguiba, Habib, 451n, 452
Bourguiba, Habib, Jr., 418
Bowie, Robert, 796, 798
Brewer, William D., 600n
Brown, Elizabeth Ann, 523n, 541n, 675n, 789n
Brown, Kenneth L, 46n, 249n, 420n
Budget, Bureau of the, 474, 598, 695
Buffum, William B., 255n, 497n, 619n, 746n
Bull, Gen. Odd, 181, 231, 273, 657, 682, 790
Bunche, Ralph, 790
Bundy, McGeorge, 42n, 45n, 73n, 90n, 103n, 111n, 114n, 147n, 164n, 197n, 241n, 274n, 275n, 323n, 400n, 408n, 419n, 440n, 476n, 509n, 538n, 552n

desalinization, 607
Dimona nuclear reactor, 29, 230, 304
Israeli-U.S. relations, 61-64, 128, 148n, 226-227, 533n, 536
Israeli arms purchases, 11-15, 61

agreements for, 395, 407
aircraft, 539n
from Britain, 122n, 127
Feldman-Sloan mission, 128-130
Israeli-U.S. disagreements and, 387
Jordanian arms purchases, balancing of, 340n, 371
tanks, 32-33, 64-66, 68-69, 71-72, 75-76
U.S. negotiating strategies for, 390-391
from Western Europe, 113

Jordanian arms purchases, 289-290, 321, 331n, 336n, 341-342
nuclear proliferation, 130, 137n
UAR-U.S. relations, 8n, 44, 138n, 199-202, 491
U.S. economic aid to the UAR, 240, 426, 474n, 513

Bundy, William P., 32n, 35n
Bunker, Ellsworth, 608n, 737, 762, 766, 787, 796, 798, 813
Bunte, Col. Donald W., 182n, 189n, 202n, 208n, 291n, 298, 315, 400n, 469n
Burchinal, Lt. Gen. David A., 188
Burns, Findley, Jr., 632n, 662n, 669n, 675n, 677n, 683, 685, 686n, 707-711, 713n, 729n, 779n
Burundi, 267
Butler, Richard A., 114
Byrd, Lt. Col. Billy W., 492n, 520n, 561n

Califano, Joseph, 763n
Cambodia, 678
Cameron, Turner C., Jr., 426n
Campbell, Hugh, 565n
Campbell, Stephen J., 72n, 180n, 426n, 466n, 476n, 497n, 523n, 541n, 619n, 645n, 652n, 661n, 675n, 790n
Canada, 475, 631
Carroll, Lt. Gen. Joseph F., 582-583
Carter, Lt. Gen. Marshall S., 31n
Castro, Fidel, 107
Central African Republic, 813
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 181, 233, 249n

Arab-Israeli arms survey, 633-634
Dimona nuclear reactor, 31n
Intelligence Memoranda:

No. 0830/66, 590-591
No. 2205/66, 698-700

Israeli arms purchases, 72
Jordanian arms purchases, 308
Palestine terrorist organizations, 522, 698-700
Soviet-UAR relations, 590-591
Special Memorandum No. 19-66, 666-668
Special Report No. 00699/65A, 522
Study No. 1944/66, 633-634
Syria plot, charges by the UAR, 643
UAR plot, charges of, 486, 491, 673-675, 776-777, 820
U.S. food aid to the UAR, 750, 752
U.S. Near East initiatives, 173

Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), 800
Chad, 813
Chapin, Frederic, 72n, 224, 245
Chase, Robert, 565n
Chase Manhattan Bank, 225, 239-240
Chemical weapons, 86, 136, 146, 149, 170, 198, 752, 820
Childs, Marquis, 253
China, People's Republic of, 171, 178, 241, 257n, 267, 362, 452, 472
Christian, George, 763n, 805, 819n
Church, Frank F., 232
Churchill, Winston S., 279
Cline, Ray, 113
Comay, Michael S., 523-525, 657, 724n
Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) credits:

for Lebanon, 741, 802, 806
for the UAR, 431-432, 476, 614, 621, 695, 765
UAR rollover of, 808-809

Common Market, 178, 581, 786
Congo, Republic of the, 296, 416, 428, 432n, 489

Belgian-U.S. evacuation mission, 243n, 245
Chinese military aid to rebels, 267
UAR military aid to rebels, 257-259, 264, 266-268, 276-277, 282-283, 285, 287, 294-297, 428-429, 438, 441, 443-444, 496, 503
U.S.-UAR compromise on, 287, 295, 333

Congress, Acts of:

Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954. See P.L. 480 assistance.
Farbstein Amendment, 106
Findlay Amendment, 738
Food for Peace Act, 1966, 738n
Foreign Assistance Act of 1963, 7n
Foreign Assistance Act of 1965, 492
Gruening Amendment, 6-7, 9n, 106

Congress, U.S. (see also Congress, Acts of; House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.), 344, 371, 678, 787

Arab boycott of Israel, 239
attack on U.S. Embassy in Cairo, 243
Israeli arms purchases, 122, 543, 546, 572-573
Jordan River water dispute, 7
Jordanian arms purchases, 310-311, 317, 543, 546, 572-573
Military Assistance Program budget cuts, 14, 719
Soviet aid to the Arab states, 99
Soviet arms sales to Jordan, 194, 270
UAR economic aid, 235, 281, 332, 335, 441, 468, 528, 749-752, 765, 769, 772-773
UAR-U.S. relations, 254, 266-267, 269, 276, 489, 517, 558, 569, 809
UNRWA, support of, 22
U.S. economic aid to Israel, 129
U.S. military aid to Jordan, 706, 727

Costa Rica, 524n
Cottam, Howard, 80, 298, 300
Couve de Murville, Maurice, 420
Crawford, William R., Jr., 26n
Creel, Robert C., 420n, 469n
Criddle, Wayne, 27n, 38, 109-110
Critchfield, James, 673n, 785
Cuba, 140-141, 464, 738
Cubic Corporation, 293, 331
Cyprus, 32, 60, 63-64, 88, 185, 200, 416, 438, 443
Czechoslovakia, 783

Dahomey, 813
Daoud, Col. Muhammed, 501, 653
Dassault, Marcel, 815
Davies, Rodger, 26n, 35n, 42n, 72n, 73n, 90n, 105n, 109n, 114n, 138n, 151n, 180n, 182n, 184n, 231n, 233n, 235n, 239n, 241n, 242n, 249n, 252n, 255n, 257n, 261n, 264n, 271n, 273n, 276n, 282n, 283n, 291n, 304n, 305n, 328n, 332n, 349n, 385n, 400n, 410n, 415n, 420n, 426n, 430n, 454n, 461n, 466n, 492n, 512n, 515n, 520n, 523n, 525n, 560n, 561n, 565n, 596n, 600n, 604n, 632n, 656n, 675n, 677n, 679n, 690n, 693n, 715n, 725n, 732n, 734n, 735n, 741n, 746n, 748n, 753n, 766n, 776n, 779n, 789n, 790n, 791n, 806n, 821n

anti-infiltration technology, 716n, 758-760
Israeli arms purchases, 337
Israeli-Jordanian border incidents, 471-473, 577-578
Jordanian arms purchases, 269-270, 277, 337, 521, 532
Jordan-U.S. relations, 91
Lebanese-U.S. relations, 631n, 785
UAR-U.S. relations, 253, 259, 485-489, 623-624, 643n, 738
U.S. military aid to Jordan, 711, 733

Davis, Rear Adm. J. W., 26, 192
Dayan, Moishe, 84
De Gaulle, Charles, 165, 167, 247, 310, 365
Dean, Jonathan, 497n
Defense, U.S. Department of, 24n, 31-35, , 48 72, 185, 216, 246, 259, 275, 308-309, 390, 508, 704, 706, 750, 760-761, 775, 778, 798
Deif, Nazi, 772
Demilitarized zones, 180-181, 231-233
Denney, George C., Jr., 123
DePalma, Samuel, 600n
Desalinization of sea water:

appointment of U.S. representative, 787, 796, 798, 813-814, 819n
financing for, 762
Israeli position, 158, 508, 548, 580-581
Jordanian position, 92
non-nuclear alternative, 607, 737
by nuclear energy, 32n, 83-84, 148, 163, 529
UAR actions toward, 616
UAR-U.S. cooperation in, 60, 587
U.S. internal conflict over, 597-599
U.S. position, 92, 148, 153-154, 551, 606-609, 796

Development Assistance Committee (DAC), 615-616
Dickman, Francois M., 42n, 47n, 114n, 145n, 197n, 204n, 224, 233n, 242n
Dillon, C. Douglas, 289, 607, 609, 796, 798
Dimona nuclear reactor (see also International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections), 17, 20

foreign participation in research projects, 655
inspection, 30-31, 43, 54

invitations and scheduling for, 788, 794
Israeli position, 262-264, 382-383, 766, 797
Israeli request for delay, 230, 241-242, 249-250, 304, 463, 734
results of, 304-305, 582-583, 815
U.S. military and economic aid tied to, 774-775, 778, 796-797
U.S. requirements, 262-264, 463-464, 537-538, 571-572, 596, 597, 690

Israeli misleading of U.S. regarding, 455, 766, 774, 775n
U.S. reassurance to the UAR, 29-30, 44, 48, 73-75, 102-103, 149-150, 158, 160, 163, 224, 413, 420, 690

Din, Khalid Muhyi al-, 488
Dinsmore, Lee F., 328n, 520n
Dinstein, Zvi, 483n, 485, 805
Disarmament (see also Arms control), 51, 144, 462
Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., 546, 555-556, 566-567, 589-590
Duke, Angier Biddle, 98
Dulles, John Foster, 139, 767
Duncan, Enoch S., 37n, 105n, 193n

East Ghor Canal, 38-39, 93, 109
Eban, Abba, 51, 536-537, 547

anti-infiltration technology, 759
arms control, 654-656
border incidents, 646-647, 652n, 653, 660, 681-682, 712, 715-718, 742, 791n, 821
Dimona nuclear reactor inspections, 413n, 537, 596-597, 690, 734n
Fatah, 699
IAEA inspections, 735-737
Israeli arms purchases, 61-63, 326, 539, 552-554, 556, 571
Israeli-U.S. relations, 261, 548-549, 627, 649-650
Jordan River water dispute, 51
Jordanian arms purchases, 324, 330, 335
Jordanian-Israeli secret talks, 713n
military inspections by U.S. attaches, 703
nuclear proliferation, 549-550, 623, 637-639
refugees, 541-542, 594-595, 639-640
UAR missile threat, 50, 88
UAR-U.S. relations, 84, 717-718
U.S. economic aid to Jordan, 599
U.S. military aid to Jordan, 705, 708, 711, 714, 726
U.S. security commitment to Israel, 51-52
Vietnam conflict, 649

Egypt. See United Arab Republic (UAR).
Egyptian General Intelligence Agency, 254
Egyptian Oil Authority, 808
Egypt/Israel Military Armistice Commission (EIMAC), 175
Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee (ENDC), 540, 816
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 813
Eisenhower Doctrine, 139
El Al, 239
El Salvador, 524n
Eleish (UAR), 242-243
Ellender, Allen, 771
Erhard, Ludwig, 127n, 132, 135, 162, 227, 310, 460
Eshkol, Levi:

Arab threat to Israel, 530-531
arms control, 63, 225, 233, 600-601
border incidents:

attack on Syrian bulldozers, 459
Fatah attacks, 514-515
Syrian-Israeli border, 465-466, 646, 742-743
Jordanian-Israeli border, 652n, 659, 663, 677-678, 681-682
Lebanese-Israeli border, 510

desalinization, 83, 762
Dimona nuclear reactor inspections:

delay, 230, 241-242, 249-250, 304, 383, 463
Israeli position, 766, 797
U.S. reassurance to the UAR, 29-30, 44, 48n, 73-74, 102-103
U.S. requirements for, 262-263, 537-538, 596-597, 690

exchanges with Pres. Johnson, 1-2, 241n, 350, 377, 379, 390, 405-406, 419, 463-464, 597, 665-666, 669-672, 746, 759, 775n, 778
IAEA inspections, 463-464, 484n, 735, 737, 774, 775n
Israeli arms purchases:

agreements for, 394-398, 405-406
aircraft, 355-356, 571
Feldman-Sloan mission, 131-137
FRG-Italian tank transfer arrangements, 228-229
Israeli-U.S. disagreements over, 385-386
missiles, 71, 588, 816
tanks, 4-5, 42, 50, 61, 85, 217
U.S. negotiation strategies for, 391-393
U.S. position, 124-127

Jerusalem, status of 447-448, 810
Jordan River water dispute, 1, 2n, 26n, 28, 271-272, 335-336, 446-447, 478n
Jordanian arms purchases:

Harriman mission, 343-345, 347-348, 351-358, 360n, 361-363, 365, 367-371, 378-379, 381
Israeli position, 298n, 305-307, 342, 408, 753
Komer mission, 324-326, 334-335
U.S. agreement for, 280, 291, 293

Jordanian-Israeli relations, 574, 683
nuclear proliferation, 373, 454-456, 638, 815
political situation in Israel, 460
refugees, 167-168, 594
UAR missile threat, 14, 16, 40-41, 86-87
U.S. aid programs, 83, 228
U.S. economic aid to Israel, 786
U.S.-Israeli relations, 35-36, 261, 262n, 548, 549, 703
U.S. military aid to Israel, 761, 787-788, 795
U.S. security commitment to Israel, 18, 21, 52, 85-86
Vietnam conflict, 581

Washington, June 1964, 33, 35-36, 52, 65, 71-72, 79, 82, 84, 88, 113, 119n, 121, 129, 142-144, 147-163, 172n
Washington, proposed, 536, 798

Ethiopia, 165, 502
European Economic Community (EEC), 178, 581
Evron, Ephraim, 506n, 512, 525n, 530, 532, 536-539, 549, 625, 577-578, 653, 672-673, 677n, 693, 703, 725-726, 733, 742, 748, 753, 791n, 811n, 821n
Export-Import Bank, 476, 529, 587, 741n, 761, 775, 786-787, 808n, 813

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