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Foreign Relations of the United States 1964-1968, Volume XIV, Soviet Union  
Released by the Office of the Historian


Abortive summit (1968):

Agreement to hold talks, 675n
Bohlen’s opposition, 738-739
Czechoslovakia invasion by Warsaw Pact forces and, 666-668, 669, 686, 719, 722-723, 738, 757-758
Formulae for conference communiqué, 701-714, 733-736, 753, 754-755, 758-759, 769-778
Initial contacts about summit, 649, 655-656
Invitation for Johnson to come to Soviet Union, 681
Johnson’s letter to Nixon about U.S. intentions, 761-762
Johnson’s loss of enthusiasm, 780-781
McCloy’s opposition, 782-786
Nixon’s opposition, 758-759, 788-791
Obstacles to summit, 757-759
Public announcement, draft statements for, 683-686, 722-724
Soviet interest in summit in late 1968,
U.S. efforts to determine, 778-780
Soviet rumormongering, 692, 693
U.S. internal debate re desirability of summit, 666-675, 764-768
U.S. rationale for summit, 779

Acheson, Dean G., 392-393, 480
Adair, E. Ross, 397
Adenauer, Konrad, 91, 92, 129
Adzhubei, Alexis I., 46, 149, 159 Aeroflot, 414
Afghanistan, 351, 748
Africa, 227
Aiken, George, 352n, 766
Akalovsky, Alexander, 184, 193, 387n, 459, 543, 544, 630n
Albert, Carl, 397
Algeria, 222, 282, 549, 580
Alioto, Joseph, 680
Alliluyeva, Svetlana:

Book publication, 568-569, 572-573
Defection case, 462-465, 467-473, 476-477, 488-490, 574

Alphand, Hervé, 328n
Alsop, Stewart, 293
Amerika magazine, 81, 373-374, 380, 659
Andropov, Yuri, 143, 625
Antarctic Treaty, 765
Anti-ballistic missiles, 444, 455-456, 487, 564-565, 578-579
Arab-Israeli conflict. See Middle East conflict.
Arends, Leslie C., 397
Argentina, 764
Arms control (see also Multilateral force issue under North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 230-231, 269

Anti-ballistic missile issue, 444, 455-456, 487, 564-565, 578-579
Committee of 18 proceedings, 266-267
Comprehensive nuclear test ban, proposed, 187
Fissionable material production, reductions in, 66-67, 68, 71, 85
Geneva negotiations, 87-88
Glassboro Summit discussions re, 521-522, 529-531, 534-535, 539-540, 544-545, 552-553, 645-646

Johnson’s analysis of, 560
Summary of discussions, 564-566

Khrushchev’s downfall and, 120
Middle East arms limitation proposal, 550-552, 628
Military budget reductions, 12, 23, 178, 186, 195, 197, 210, 224, 307, 312, 335, 539-540
Mutual trust issue, 746-748
Non-aggression treaty, proposed, 177
Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, 12, 198-199, 416, 422-423, 432-433, 435-436, 444, 455-456, 487, 502-503, 552-553, 580, 611, 627, 654, 677, 692-693, 763-764, 765-766
Nuclear-free zones, 13
Obsolete weapons, destruction of, 12
Prospects for 1968, 620
Soviet policy, 29, 224, 589
Step-by-step approach, 174-175
Strategic arms control (see also Formulae for conference communiqué under Abortive summit), 450, 611-612, 627-628, 638, 647, 654, 658, 664-665, 673-674, 675, 676, 682, 690-692, 693-694, 696-697, 729-730, 752, 756, 761-762
Troop reductions in Europe, 86-87, 166, 196-197
U.S. commitment to, 669
Vietnam War and, 310, 311, 314, 315, 545

Asian borders and frontiers issue, 601-602
Aubrey, Col., 116n, 117

Bakayev, Viktor G., 35, 38
Ball, George, 16-17, 124, 163n, 178n, 185, 240n, 244n, 318n, 324, 334, 347, 352, 369n, 396, 399n, 402, 411
Bannerman, R. L., 83-84
Barghoorn, Frederick, 7
Barr, Joseph W., 322-325
Barry, Robert L., 394n
Bator, Francis M., 333n, 341n, 343, 357, 369n, 396-397, 398n, 406-408, 421n, 427, 484-485, 567, 572
Batsanov, Boris, 528, 543
Battle, Lucius D. 627n
Beigel, E. J., 657
Ben Bella, Ahmed, 227
Bendall, David V., 443
Benediktov, Ivan Aleksandrovich, 463, 469, 470
Benton, Bill, 126
Berlin. See Germany and Berlin.
Beschloss, Michael, 1
Biryuzov, Marshal Sergi Semenovich, 149
Blagonravov, A. A., 296n
Boggs, Hale, 352n, 397
Bohlen, Charles E., 674, 717n, 738-739, 760
Bolivia, 559
Bolshoi Ballet, 374-375, 380
Boster, D. E., 389
Bowie, Robert R., 607n
Bowles, Chester A., 76, 285, 367, 401, 463, 464, 467-473
Brandt, Willy, 225
Brazil, 171, 764
Brement, 306
Brezhnev, Leonid I. (see also Soviet leadership), 46, 61, 62, 132, 146, 164, 174, 182, 240n, 273, 393, 411, 419, 429n, 479, 587

Elevation following Khrushchev’s downfall, 125-126, 136
Khrushchev’s downfall, 119, 123, 142, 145, 158, 159
Brezhnev, Leonid I.ÑContinued
Political vulnerability, 142-143
Power and influence, 161, 275-276, 277, 328, 360, 390, 440, 599-600
Sino-Soviet relations, 140-141
Soviet foreign policy, 349-351
Soviet-U.S. relations, 326n, 334-335, 351, 420-421
Vietnam war, 271, 281, 351

Brown, Harold, 673
Bruce, David K. E., 427, 629
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 494-495, 603-604
Buchanan, T. R., 679n, 716n
Bulganin, Nikolay, 60
Bundy, McGeorge, 7n, 55-56, 57, 64, 69n, 83n, 95-96, 144n, 156n, 165n, 170n, 206, 210n, 229n, 244n, 270n, 289n, 299n, 305n, 306n, 332n, 343, 364n, 369-370, 384n, 508n, 528, 543, 544n, 553

Arms control, 645-646
Dobrynin’s meetings with, 8-10, 97-98, 106-108, 205-206, 356-357, 370n, 643-646
Espionage, 108, 110n, 181n
Germany and Berlin, 58
Glassboro Summit, 645

Debate among U.S. officials re desirability of summit, 496, 498-499
Johnson’s preparations for discussions, 506-507

Jews in Soviet Union, 331
Khrushchev’s downfall, 124, 131, 136
Middle East conflict:

Glassboro Summit discussions re, 506-507
Soviet-U.S. détente, possibility for, 644

NATO multilateral force issue, 97-98, 107
Presidential election of 1964, 97, 106-107
Soviet-U.S. relations, 1

East-West institute proposal, 447, 643-644
Leadership visits, proposals for, 8-10, 227, 228n
"Pen pal" correspondence between leaders, 249, 250n
Special communications issue, 300, 329, 356-357

Space exploration, 33-34
Trade relations, 17n
United Kingdom, 125
U.S. Embassy in Moscow, 333
Vietnam war, 356
Vietnam War peace talks, 645

Bundy, William, 736
Bunker, Ellsworth, 736
Bunn, George, 638
Burgess, Edward W., 786n

Cabouat, Jean-Pierre, 657
Cambodia, 97, 254, 355, 486
Canada, 322, 404, 438
Carter, Lt. Gen. Marshall S., 83n
Castro, Fidel, 27-28, 174, 179-180, 200, 226, 282, 303, 553-554
Celeste, Richard F., 470, 471
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (see also National Intelligence Estimates; Special National Intelligence Estimates), 206, 331n, 337n

Khrushchev, report on, 59-64
Khrushchev’s downfall, 137-141, 148-152
Penkovsky Papers publication, 346, 347
Soviet Union since Khrushchev, 273-285
U.S. Embassy in Moscow, 111, 605
USSR: Problems, Policies, and Prospects 1967-1968, 615-623

Chalyy, Vladimer, 576n
Chernyakov, Yuri N., 371, 372, 493, 639
Cherokee telegraphic channel, 769n
Chile, 764
China, People’s Republic of (see also Sino-Soviet relations), 207, 304, 393-394, 419, 423, 438, 579

Nuclear weapons program, 96, 101, 107, 157, 175, 198, 417-418
Vietnam war involvement, possibility of, 435, 603

Chou En-lai, 102, 182, 279
Christian, George, 508n, 528, 543, 544n, 767
Civil Air Agreement, 19, 67-68, 171, 371, 388-389, 418, 423

Air transport issues following signing, 494, 504, 581, 639
Signing of, 170-171, 413-415, 439
U.S. internal debate re, 40-41, 53-54, 56

Clark, Ramsey, 448-450, 462, 596-598
Cleveland, Harlan, 184, 786n
Cleveland Park Citizens Association, 592-593
Clifford, Clark M., 666-675, 764-765, 767, 782
Cline, Ray S., 46, 124-125, 208
Clurman, Richard, 2
Clymer, 236
Colbert, James, 715
Colombia, 226
Communications satellite systems, 678
Communist international conference (1964), 133-134, 141, 145, 147, 148-149, 150-151, 279
Communist Youth magazine, 575
Congo, 31, 104, 154, 155, 207, 222, 304, 622
Congress, U.S., 191, 332, 415

Consular Convention, 94-95, 287, 319, 397-399, 456-457, 466n
Dobrynin’s Congressional contacts, 574-575
Khrushchev’s downfall, 144-148
Leadership’s meetings with Kosygin and Gromyko, 352-356
Non-Proliferation Treaty, 654, 765-766
Trade relations, 202-203, 642

Connor, John T., 325
Consular Convention, 19n, 56, 302, 342, 371, 388-389, 423, 447

Advantages for U.S., 319-320
Espionage concerns, 398, 448-450, 451-452
Negotiations, 18-19, 32
Opening of Consulates, 677-678, 679-680, 725
Ratification of, 94-95, 203, 287, 318, 319, 320, 326, 327, 345-346, 397-399, 455, 456-457, 466n, 503, 639-640, 649

Continental Company, 14, 15
Cook, C. W., 2, 3
Cook, Paul, 630n
Coplon, Judith, 449
Couve de Murville, Maurice, 552
Cuba, 13, 16-17, 171, 177, 282, 405, 584, 621

Glassboro Summit discussion re, 553-554, 559
Interference in other countries, 179-180, 486-487, 553-554
Khrushchev’s downfall and, 151
Soviet military personnel in, 180
Soviet policy re, 27-28, 41
Soviet-U.S. Civil Air Agreement and, 40n, 53-54
Surface to air missiles in, 174, 226
U.S. provocations, 88-89, 200

Cuban missile crisis, 11, 21-22, 62, 63-64, 129, 541, 560
Cultural exchanges. See Exchange program.
Cyprus, 31, 282-283
Czechoslovakia, 121, 150, 659

Invasion by Warsaw Pact forces, 686, 701, 736

Abortive summit and, 666-668, 669, 686, 719, 722-723, 738, 757-758
International position of Soviet Union, impact on, 717-718
Soviet rationale for, 677, 687-688
Soviet relations with West and, 756-757, 786-787
Soviet-U.S. relations and, 686-687, 688-689, 718-719
Trade relations and, 715
Withdrawal of troops, 742, 752

Daniel, Yuri, 376-378, 490
Davis, Nathaniel, 408n, 567-568, 572-573, 578n, 717n
Davis, Richard H., 94n, 114n, 136n, 170-171, 180n, 184, 256n
Dawson, Thomas, 445
Dean, Sir Patrick, 427, 443-444
Defectors from Soviet Union, 383, 614-615

Alliluyeva defection case, 462-465, 467-473, 476-477, 488-490, 574

De Gaulle, Charles, 10, 26, 282, 354, 391, 393, 439, 535
Dej, Gheorghi, 162
Demichev, 276, 376
Democratic National Convention (1968), 670-671
Denney, George C., Jr., 111n
Desalinization program, 85-86, 172
Dirksen, Everett M., 397, 398, 449, 457, 692, 701
Disarmament. See Arms control.
Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., 11, 35, 49n, 71n, 85n, 147, 165n, 185, 193, 204, 210n, 229n, 290, 424, 426, 502, 510, 513, 528, 543, 595

Abortive summit (1968), 681, 693, 780n

Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces and, 719
Formulae for conference communiqué, 701-702, 711-714, 753, 769-774
Initial contacts about summit, 655-656

Arms control, 67, 87n, 177-178, 187

Anti-ballistic missile issue, 455-456
Glassboro Summit discussions re, 645-646
Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, 455-456, 677, 692-693
Strategic missile talks, 676, 690-691, 693-694, 696-697,&#Ecirc;752

Bundy’s meetings with, 8-10, 97-98, 106-108, 205-206, 356-357, 370n, 643-646
Cambodia, 97
China, People’s Republic of, 393-394
Nuclear weapons program, 96, 101, 107
Civil Air Agreement, 67-68, 388-389, 494, 581
Communications satellite systems, 678
Congressional contacts, 574-575
Consular Convention, 326, 327, 345-346, 388-389, 455
Cuba, 179-180
Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces, 686, 719

Soviet rationale for, 677, 687-688
Soviet-U.S. relations and, 688-689, 718-719
Withdrawal of troops, 742, 752

Eastern Europe, U.S. relations with, 209
Espionage, 109, 596, 598n
Exchange program, 454-455, 576

Cancellations of tours and events, 325-326, 345, 346, 453, 567
Renewals of Exchanges Agreement, 381-382

Germany and Berlin, 42, 66, 752-753
Glassboro Summit, 492, 574

Arrangements for, 495-496, 645

Glassboro Summit discussion about, 515-516, 528
Harriman’s meetings with, 176-178, 359-360, 461-462
Humphrey’s meetings with, 257-262
Informal line of communication with White House, request for, 369-371
Johnson’s meetings with, 64-68, 104-105, 127-130, 640-642
Kennedy’s meetings with, 95-96
Khrushchev’s downfall, 177
Kohler’s meetings with, 325-326, 344-346, 387-389, 418n, 464-466, 476-477, 576-577, 592-593, 606
Middle East conflict, 753-754

Six-Day War, 493
Soviet settlement proposal, 697-698
Soviet-U.S. d&#eacute;tente, possibility for, 644

NATO multilateral force issue, 97-98, 107
Presidential election of 1964, 97, 102-103, 104-105, 106-107
Presidential election of 1968, 656-657
Rostow’s meetings with, 454-456, 638, 694-702, 711-714, 739-744, 751-755
Rusk’s meetings with, 178-180, 262-269, 294-297, 301-305, 381-383, 447-448, 573-575, 638, 655-657, 676-678, 687-689, 718-719, 760, 769-774
Sino-Soviet relations, 102, 107-108, 179, 258
Soviet leadership, 177, 576
Dobrynin’s relations with, 392-393
Soviet-U.S. relations:

Alliluyeva defection case, 464-465, 476-477, 574
Chancery site exchange, 382, 394n, 503, 592-593
Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces and, 718-719
Defectors from Soviet Union, 383
East-West institute proposal, 447, 643-644
Fisheries problem, 71n, 430, 461-462, 474-475
Flexibility in Soviet posture, 359-360
Law violations by Americans in Soviet Union, 465-466
Leadership visits, proposals for, 8-10, 205-206, 214-215, 228
"Pen pal" correspondence between leaders, 432
Penkovsky Papers publication, 340-341, 346-347
Personal attacks and recriminations, 294-296, 344-345, 382, 388
Soviet Fiftieth Anniversary and, 575
Special communications issue, 328, 356-357
Television speeches, proposed exchange of, 65, 68
Transition period following Presidential election of 1968, 749-751
Vietnam war and, 243n, 257-262, 302-303, 345, 576-577

Space exploration, 296-297, 357, 693
Thompson’s meetings with, 101-103, 214-215, 243, 327, 328, 330, 340-341, 346-347, 392-394, 429n, 432, 492-494, 690-691, 692-694, 749-751
Trade relations:

East-West trade legislation, 447, 448
Wheat purchases by Soviets, 32, 330

UN Article 19 (Soviet arrearages) issue, 103, 177, 178-179
U.S. Embassy in Moscow, 243, 557
Vietnam war, 96, 233, 294-295, 296, 606

Bombing pause/cessation, 305, 356, 359, 493, 573-574, 640-642, 698, 712-713, 740-744, 745
Elections in RVN, possible outcome of, 699-700
Kosygin’s visit to Hanoi, 258-259
Mentality of DRV leadership, 698-699
Peace initiatives, 260, 480n, 676, 739-740
Sino-Soviet relations and, 258
Soviet pilots, possible involvement of, 699
Soviet-U.S. direct confrontation, potential for, 479
Soviet-U.S. relations and, 243n, 257-262, 302-303, 345, 576-577
Viet Cong’s role, 304-305
RVN-NLF talks, 645, 751-752

Voice of America, Soviet jamming of, 717n

Dominican Republic, 303-304, 405, 559
Dorr, Russell, 98
Douglas, Paul, 396
Dryden, Hugh L., 296n
Dubcek, Alexander, 688, 736
Dulles, John Foster, 91
Dymshits, Veniamin E., 123

Eagleburger, Lawrence S., 334
Eastern Europe (see also Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces), 209, 220, 282

Khrushchev’s downfall and, 121,
Soviet military movements, 239, 240n
Weakening of Soviet authority, 24-25, 590-591

East-West institute proposal, 447, 643-644
Eban, Abba, 543, 549
Economic Gazette, 277
Edgar, William H., 333n
Efremov (Soviet), 79, 80
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 63, 65, 443, 558-564
Ellington, Duke, 82
Ellsworth, Robert, 788n
Emelyanov, V. S., 157-160
England. See United Kingdom.
Erhard, Ludwig, 129, 225, 354
Eshkol, Levi, 763

Attaché controversy, 108-110, 114-118
Consular Convention and, 398, 448-450, 451-452
Ivanov spy case, 180-181, 466n, 594-595, 596-598, 728, 760
Soviet bugging of U.S. Embassy in Moscow, 72-76, 83-84, 111-114
Soviet diplomatic personnel and, 452

Exchange program, 211, 372, 454-455, 576, 728-729

Bolshoi Ballet tour, 374-375, 380
Cancellations of tours and events, 317, 321-322, 325-326, 342, 345, 346, 399-401, 406-408, 409, 453, 567-568
Delays in implementations, 316-317
Embassy attacks and, 255, 256
Law violations by Americans in Soviet Union, 445-446
Magazine distribution, 81, 373-374, 380
Middle East conflict and, 567-568
Political, economic, and military leaders, 190-193
Renewals of Exchanges Agreement, 19-20, 378-382, 640, 647-648, 650-653, 659-660
Resumption of exchanges following Czechoslovakia invasion, 786-787
Soviet "freeze" on exchanges, 336
U.S. programs and policies, 77-82

Farley, Philip J., 607n, 613n
Fawsi, 523, 549, 554
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 414
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 395, 398-399, 451
Federenko, Nicolai T., 173, 184, 187, 374, 375, 393, 400n, 502
Fehmer, Marie, 528n
Feldman, Myer, 14, 15, 16
Finney, John, 47
Firsov, Yuriy, 528, 543
Fisher, Butch, 673, 675
Fisheries problem, 71n, 423, 430-431, 461-462, 474-475, 727
Ford, Gerald R., 397
Ford Foundation, 357
Foster, William C., 187, 205, 309, 433, 674, 675
France, 26, 417, 438, 439, 552-553, 657-659, 757
Freeman, Orville L., 14, 15-16
Fulbright, J. William, 94, 170, 184, 185, 202-204, 302, 318n, 397-399, 415, 424n, 449, 765-766
Funkhouser, Richard E., 35
Furtseva, Madame, 567

Gandhi, Indira, 240n, 463, 469
Garnett, Norris D., 288
Garthoff, Ray, 419
Germany and Berlin, 282, 409, 419, 423, 626, 658-659

Documents of military personnel, procedure for checking, 49, 58, 69
Four-power talks, proposed, 187-188
FRG access to nuclear weapons. See Multilateral force issue under North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
FRG provocations, 752-753, 756
Khrushchev’s approach to, 62-63
Khrushchev’s downfall and, 146, 149, 151
Liberalization in GDR, 25
Oder-Neisse line, 354-355
Peace treaty issue, 89-94, 198, 199-200
Prospects for 1968, 622
Reunification issue, 91, 188-189, 208, 311
Revised Soviet thinking, potential for, 225-226
Soviet policy, 29-30
Soviet shootings of U.S. aircraft, 17, 41-42, 65-66, 69
U.S. violations of GDR airspace, 49-52, 55, 58, 65-66, 69-71

Ghana, 438, 584, 622
Giles, Robert, 14-15
Gilmour, Craddock M., Jr., 445
Glassboro Summit (see also Glassboro Summit discussions under specific subjects), 513, 574

Arrangements for, 495-497, 510-512, 645
Debate among U.S. officials re desirability of, 496-502
Johnson’s conversation with Eisenhower about, 558-564
Johnson’s invitation to Kosygin, 492
Johnson’s meetings with Kosygin (June 23), 514-536
Johnson’s meetings with Kosygin (June 25), 538-556
Johnson’s preparations for discussions, 500-502, 506-509
Joint statement on, 553
Kosygin’s mood and perspective, 494-495
Oral message from Johnson to Kosygin, 536-537, 554
Summary of proceedings, 512-513

Gleason, Thomas, 324, 397, 484
Goldberg, Arthur J., 369-371, 374, 375, 400n, 401-402, 423, 424, 443, 502, 505, 509, 573, 605n
Goldman, Nahum, 697
Goldwater, Barry, 41, 102-103, 129, 130, 169, 196
Golf course construction in Soviet Union, 203-204
Gomulka, Wladyslaw, 162
Goodman, Martin I., 35
Gordon, Abraham Lincoln, 414
Goulart, Joao Belchior Marques, 171
Great Britain. See United Kingdom.
Grechko, Marshal Andrei Antonovich, 599, 600
Grinstein, Gerald B., 430, 431
Gromyko, Andrei A., 4, 159, 176, 182, 360-361, 368, 388, 434, 493, 510, 528, 543, 553, 573

Abortive summit (1968), 774-778
Arms control, 187

Anti-ballistic missile issue, 578-579
Military budget reductions, 186, 335
Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, 416, 502-503, 580
Step-by-step approach, 174-175
Strategic arms control, 729-730
Troop reductions in Europe, 196-197

Asian borders and frontiers issue, 601-602
China, People’s Republic of, 175, 579
Civil Air Agreement, 415n, 504
Congressional leadership’s meetings with, 352-356
Consular Convention, 19n, 32, 503
Cuba, 200
Exchange program, 321-322, 400, 576
Germany and Berlin:

Four-power talks, proposed, 187-188
Peace treaty issue, 198, 199-200
Reunification issue, 188-189

Glassboro Summit, 513
Johnson’s meetings with, 193-200, 421-426, 428-429
Johnson’s State of the Union address (1965), 212-213
Kennan’s meetings with, 297-299
Kohler’s meetings with, 31-33, 172-176, 212-213, 253-254, 321-322, 362-363, 399-401, 415-418
Laos, 505-506
Middle East conflict, 491, 579-580
NATO multilateral force issue, 198, 353
Pueblo incident, 629
Rusk’s meetings with, 184-189, 194n, 204, 262n, 418-419, 502-506, 557, 578-581, 601n, 724-732, 737-738
Soviet-U.S. relations, 172, 213, 362, 432, 629

Chancery site exchange, 32, 187, 503
Flexibility in Soviet posture, 298-299, 334-336
Prospects for 1964, 194-196
Vietnam War and, 362-363

Space exploration, 186, 503
Thompson’s meetings with, 774-776
Trade relations, 32, 184-185
UN Article 19 (Soviet arrearages) issue, 172-174
U.S. Embassy in Moscow, 253, 333, 557
Vietnam war, 204, 280 , 579, 730

Bombing pause/cessation, 355, 504-505, 730-731, 737
Soviet-U.S. relations and, 362-363

Vietnam war peace talks, 297-298, 416, 730

Gronouski, John A., 393
Guatemala, 226
Gubitchev, Valentin, 449n
Guthrie, John C., 325, 336, 387n, 437, 438-441, 445-446, 570
Gvishiani, 291-292, 643

Haiti, 226, 559
Halaby, Najeeb, 40
Hall, Paul, 324
Harper, 2, 3, 4
Harriman, W. Averell, 7n, 14, 53n, 170n, 177, 244n, 311, 421n, 480, 543, 544n, 640, 643n, 734n

Arms control, 87n , 177, 312
Consular Convention, 18, 32
Dobrynin’s meetings with, 176-178, 359-360, 461-462
Kosygin’s meetings with, 306-315
NATO multilateral force issue, 307, 310-311
Soviet-U.S. relations, 359-360, 461-462
Trade relations, 312
Vietnam war, 307-308, 313, 359

Haynes, Eldridge, 203
Helms, Richard M., 456-457, 605n, 613n, 614n, 661, 768
Henry, David H., 18n, 35, 114n, 170n, 190n, 209n, 256n
Hickenlooper, Bourke, 396-397, 415, 766
Ho Chi Minh, 270
Hodges, Luther H., 14, 15, 17
Honduras, 226
Hoover, J. Edgar, 342, 398, 399n, 447, 448-450, 451-452, 614n
Hornig, Donald, 172n, 186, 196, 211
Hruska, Roman L., 692, 701
Huey, George, 468, 473
Hughes, Richard J., 512
Hughes, Thomas L., 163n, 314n, 334-336, 748n

Khrushchev’s downfall, 119-121
Soviet leadership, 347-351
Vietnam war, 411-412

Huizenga, John W., 244n, 384n, 661-665
Humphrey, Hubert H., 34n, 257-262, 367, 368, 443, 656
Hungary, 48, 150, 368
Hurok, Sol, 374, 375, 567, 568

Ignatius, Paul, 637
Ilichev, Leonid F., 47, 79, 278
India, 282, 384, 391, 418, 419, 548, 584, 764
Alliluyeva defection case, 462-465, 467-473
Indonesia, 219, 282, 394, 438, 584, 622
Inouye, Daniel, 352n
International Control Commission (ICC), 268, 296
Intertex International, Inc., 715
Iran, 351, 391, 584
Israel (see also Middle East conflict), 764
Italy, 23, 26, 438, 763
Ivanov spy case, 180-181, 466n, 594-595, 596-598, 728, 760

Jamaica, 4
Japan, 219, 389, 391, 764
Jarring, Gunnar, 628, 697, 710, 753, 763
Javits, Jacob, 55
Jenkins, Kempton B., 7n, 170n, 190n, 209n, 287n
Jessup, Peter, 358
Jha, C. S., 464
Johnson, Griffith, 14
Johnson, Lyndon B. (see also Glassboro Summit), 57, 170n, 289n, 305n, 306n, 316n, 331n, 332n, 364n, 367, 403, 411n, 413n, 418, 464n, 467n, 482n, 494n, 510n, 573n, 578n, 601n, 615n, 629, 643n, 661n, 676n, 687, 690, 694, 696, 701, 718n, 734n, 751, 754

Abortive summit (1968), 649, 675n, 681, 683, 692, 757, 780, 782

Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces and, 667-668, 669
Formulae for conference communiqué, 701, 704, 706, 711, 735
Johnson’s letter to Nixon about U.S. intentions, 761-762
Johnson’s loss of enthusiasm, 780, 781n
U.S. internal debate re desirability of summit, 666-675, 765-768

Arms control 487

Fissionable material production, reductions in, 66-67, 68
Glassboro Summit discussions re, 521-522, 534-535, 539-540, 544-545, 552-553, 560, 564-566
Military budget reductions, 195, 197, 210, 539-540
Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, 198-199, 416, 436, 487, 552-553, 627, 654, 765, 766
Strategic arms control, 450, 627-628, 647, 654, 673-674, 682, 691, 761-762

Civil Air Agreement, 40-41, 53-54, 56, 68, 415n
Consular Convention, 56, 679

Espionage concerns, 448-450
Ratification of, 94n, 318n, 397, 399n, 466n, 649

Cuba, 41, 200

Glassboro Summit discussion re, 553-554, 559
Interference in other countries, 486-487, 553-554

Cuban missile crisis, 129, 541, 560
Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces, 686

Abortive summit and, 667-668, 669

Dobrynin’s meetings with, 64-68, 104-105, 127-130, 640-642
Dobrynin’s request for informal line of communication with White House, 370
Espionage, 181n, 448-450, 596
Exchange program, 211, 374

Cancellations of tours and events, 342, 406, 408n
Renewals of Exchanges Agreement, 378, 647, 650n, 651

Germany and Berlin, 199

Documents, procedure for checking at boarders, 49, 58, 69
Soviet shootings of U.S. aircraft, 17, 41-42, 65-66, 69
U.S. violations of GDR airspace, 49, 55, 58, 65-66, 69-71

Gromyko’s meetings with, 193-200, 421-426, 428-429
Khrushchev’s communications with, 49-52, 69-71, 85-94, 100, 104-105
Khrushchev’s downfall, 124, 125-126
Kosygin’s communications with, 153n, 369, 437n, 450, 485-487, 491, 595, 627-628, 629, 641n, 647, 654, 675n, 682, 743
Kosygin’s meetings with. See Glassboro Summit.
Middle East conflict, 486, 595

Arms limitation proposal, 550-552, 628
Glassboro Summit discussions re, 516-520, 523-525, 526-527, 540-543, 545-552, 554-555, 558-559, 561-562
Israeli withdrawal from Suez, 525, 541-543, 546-550
Six-Day War, 491, 516-519

Nixon, letter to, 761-762
Nixon’s meetings with, 749n, 781
Peace, commitment to, 127-130
Presidential election of 1964, 104-105, 156n
Soviet leadership’s communications with, 165-168, 210-212, 229-232, 426, 428
Soviet military, 201-202, 569
Soviet-U.S. relations, 39-40, 342, 403, 420, 427, 432, 463n, 555, 629

Leadership visits, proposals for, 205, 211-212, 228n
Port restrictions on Soviet ships, 396, 484, 485n, 577
Prospects for 1964, 194-196
Special communications issue, 300, 356-357
Television speeches, proposed exchange of, 65, 67
Territorial disputes, proposal for peaceful settlement of, 1-2

Space exploration, 33, 47, 400n
State of the Union address (1965), 209, 212-213
Trade relations, 211, 312

Automotive equipment sales to Soviets, 642, 643n
Wheat purchases by Soviets, 17n, 32, 322, 343

U.S. Embassy in Moscow, attacks on, 243, 253n
Vietnam war, 130, 342-343, 486, 534

Bombing pause/cessation, 531-532, 536, 640-642, 720, 744, 745
Glassboro Summit discussions re, 522-523, 527, 531-534, 535, 545, 559
Peace initiatives, 531-534, 536, 554
U.S. force increase in 1965, 317n

Johnson, U. Alexis, 77n, 412-413
Johnson, W. Thomas, 666, 763, 767
Johnston, Eric, 562
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 414, 415n, 457, 613n, 674, 765, 675
Joint Reconnaissance Center, 42
Jones, Ralph, 18n, 190n
Jordan, 622
Judd, Thomas M., 443

Kadar, Janos, 162
Kahn, Joseph, 35
Kalugin, 371, 372
Karamessines, Thomas H., 605n
Karpov, Viktor P., 389
Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 394, 457n, 496, 508n, 614n, 643n, 736, 748n

Exchanges Agreement, renewals of, 647-648, 650n, 651-653
Ivanov spy case, 180, 181n
Port restrictions on Soviet ships, 484, 577, 578
Ships at sea, incidents involving, 637, 678-679

Kaul, T. N., 469
Keldysh, Mstislav Vsevelodovich, 297
Kennan, George F., 297-299, 480, 568
Kennedy, John F., 19n, 670
Kennedy, Robert F., 95-96, 370
KGB, 318, 377, 452, 624-625
Khrushchev, Nikita S. (see also Khrushchev’s downfall), 45, 89, 113, 331, 392, 405, 586, 670

Arms control, 29

Fissionable material production, reductions in, 67, 85
Geneva negotiations, 87-88
Troop reductions in Europe, 86-87

Cuba, 41, 88-89
Cuban missile crisis, 62, 63-64
Exchange program, 78, 79
Germany and Berlin, 49, 69

Khrushchev’s approach to, 62-63
Peace treaty issue, 89-94
Soviet shootings of U.S. aircraft, 42, 69
U.S. violations of GDR airspace, 49-52, 69

Johnson’s communications with, 49-52, 69-71, 85-94, 100, 104-105
Leadership style, CIA report on, 59-64
Sino-Soviet relations, 41, 179
Soviet economic situation, 48, 139, 148
Soviet foreign policy, 20-31, 61-64
Soviet leadership’s treatment of, 274
Soviet-U.S. relations, 1, 2-4 , 63, 85-86
Third World, 222
Vietnam war, 177, 182, 244-245

Khrushchev’s downfall, 161-162, 216-217

Emelyanov’s account of, 157-160
Intelligence reports on, 119-121, 137-141, 148-152, 338
Johnson-Dobrynin discussion re, 127-130
Klein’s analysis of, 131-132
Kohler’s analysis of, 122-123, 132-135, 141-144
NSC meeting re, 124-126
Soviet-U.S. relations and, 136-137
Thompson’s briefing for Congressional leadership, 144-148

Kirichenko, Aleksei Illarionovich, 61, 142
Kirilenko, Andrei Pavlovich, 143, 161, 276, 350
Kirk, Roger, 470, 471, 473
Kirsanov, Stefan M., 288n
Kissinger, Henry A., 790-791
Klein, David, 18n, 206-208, 299n, 630n

Attaché spy controversy, 108-110
Khrushchev’s downfall, 131-132
"Pen pal" correspondence between leaders, 249-250

Klosson, Boris H., 374n, 380n, 647n, 650
Koch, Harold, 443
Kohler, Foy D., 41, 55, 113, 193, 306, 308, 309n, 411n, 413n, 447, 450, 570, 607n, 614n, 643n

Arms control, 71, 187

Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, 416, 436, 444
Step by step approach, 174-175

China’s nuclear weapons program, 417-418
Civil Air Agreement, 40-41, 56, 389, 414, 415n
Communist international conference (1964), 133-134
Consular Convention, 19n, 32, 56, 342, 389, 449

Advantages for U.S., 319-320
Ratification of, 203, 318, 319, 320, 326, 345-346

Dobrynin’s meetings with, 325-326, 344-346, 387-389, 418n, 464-466, 476-477, 576-577, 592-593, 606
Eastern Europe, Soviet military movements in, 239, 240n
Espionage, 449

Attach&#eacute; controversy, 115n, 116-117, 118n
Ivanov spy case, 466n, 596-598

Exchange program, 255, 375, 378n

Cancellations of tours and events, 317, 321-322, 325-326, 342, 345, 346, 399-401, 407, 567-568
Delays in program implementations, 316-317
Magazine distribution, 373-374

Gromyko’s meetings with, 31-33, 172-176, 212-213, 253-254, 321-322, 362-363, 399-401, 415-418
Johnson’s State of the Union address (1965), 212-213
Khrushchev’s downfall, 122-123, 132-135, 141-144
Kosygin’s meetings with, 152-156, 434-437
Sino-Soviet relations, 41, 402
Soviet economic situation, 57
Soviet foreign policy, 360-361

West, improved relations with, 182-184

Soviet leadership, 132-134, 360

Conformity within, 156n, 162
Hot-line authorized spokesman, 176
Instability of collective leadership, 143-144, 160-161

Soviet military’s anti-ballistic missile program, 444
Soviet political system, 141-144
Soviet-U.S. relations, 172, 213 , 288, 361, 577, 637

Alliluyeva defection case, 464-465, 476-477, 488-490
Chancery site exchange, 32, 592-593
Flexibility in Soviet posture, 298-299
Freeze in relations, 316-317
Golf course construction in Soviet Union, 203-204
Johnson administration, Soviet attitude toward, 39-40
Law violations by Americans in Soviet Union, 465-466
Linkage of bilateral issues, 4-5, 7
Personal attacks and recriminations, 342, 344-345, 362, 388
Summit meeting proposal of 1964, 8n
U.S.-U.K. discussions re, 443-444
Vietnam war and, 241-242, 270-273, 317-319, 345, 362-363

Space exploration, 186, 400
Trade relations, 39n, 202-203 , 291-292, 343
UN Article 19 (Soviet arrearages) issue, 154-156, 172-174
U.S. Embassy in Moscow, 71-72

Attacks on, 235-238, 251-255, 256
Leased-line communication link with State Department, 19n, 32, 333
Press attacks on personnel, 292-294
Soviet bugging of, 72-76

Vietnam war, 297-298, 342-343, 416, 606

Bombing pause/cessation, 364-367
Kosygin’s visit to Hanoi, 240-241, 270
Peaceful settlement, 436-437
Soviet change of policy, prospects for, 285-286
Soviet countermeasures to U.S. bombing, 238-240
Soviet exploitation of, 364-367
Soviet propaganda campaign, 271-272, 317-318
Soviet-U.S. relations and, 241-242, 270-273, 317-319, 345, 362-363
U.S. propaganda campaign, 401-402

Writers, Soviet prosecutions of, 376-378

Komer, Robert W., 357, 384n
Kopytin (TASS), 655
Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, 239, 629
Korean war, 480
Korionov (Pravda), 242
Kornienko, Georgi M., 17, 321, 445, 459, 460, 594, 650, 746
Kosygin, Alexei N. (see also Glassboro Summit; Soviet leadership), 46, 146, 164, 174, 239, 331, 365, 366, 393, 411, 587

Abortive summit (1968), 675n
Arms control:

Glassboro Summit discussions re, 521-522, 529-531, 534-535, 539-540, 544-545, 552-553, 564-566
Military budget reductions, 307, 312, 539-540
Mutual trust issue, 746-748
Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, 435-436, 552-553
Strategic arms control, 450, 647, 682
Vietnam war and, 310, 311, 315, 545

Congressional leadership’s meetings with, 352-356
Cuba, 553-554
Cuban missile crisis, 541, 560
Elevation following Khrushchev’s downfall, 125-126, 136
Germany and Berlin, 311, 354
Harriman’s meetings with, 306-315
Johnson’s communications with, 153n, 369, 437n, 450, 485-487, 491, 595, 627-628, 629, 641n, 647, 654, 675n, 682, 743
Johnson’s meetings with. See Glassboro Summit.
Khrushchev’s downfall, 119, 158, 159
Kohler’s meetings with, 152-156, 434-437
Martin’s meeting with, 35-39
McNamara’s meeting with, 746-748
Middle East conflict, 547, 595

Arms limitation proposal, 550-552, 628n
Glassboro Summit discussions re, 516-520, 523-525, 526-527, 540-543, 545-552, 554-555
Israeli withdrawal from Suez, 520, 523-525, 541-543, 546-550
Six-Day War, 491, 516-519

NATO multilateral force issue, 307, 310-311, 353-354
Power and influence, 276, 440, 599, 600
Pueblo incident, 629
Reston’s interview with, 361, 372
Rusk’s meetings with, 76-77, 367-369, 510-512
Sino-Soviet relations, 140-141
Soviet economic situation, 37, 38
Soviet-U.S. relations, 250n, 307, 358, 361, 555, 629

Alliluyeva defection case, 468-469
Personal attacks and recriminations, 314-315
Port restrictions on Soviet ships, 459-460

Space exploration, 146, 454
Thompson’s meetings with, 458-461
Trade relations, 312

Expansion of trade, 35-36, 38-39
U.S. governmental interference, 76-77

UN Article 19 (Soviet arrearages) issue, 154-156
Vietnam war, 281, 355, 367-369, 454

Arms control and, 310, 311, 315, 545
Bombing pause/cessation, 368, 531-532
Glassboro Summit discussions re, 522-523, 527, 531-534, 535, 545
Kosygin’s visit to Hanoi, 240-241, 246-247, 258-259, 270, 279-280
Peace initiatives, 313, 456, 480n, 531-534, 554
Peaceful settlement issue, 436-437
Soviet criticism of U.S. policy, 434-435
Soviet military commitment to DRV, 281
Viet Cong’s role, 307-308

Kozlov, Frol, 25, 61, 119, 122, 142, 147
Kraft, Joseph, 693
Krag, Jens Otto, 497
Kraminov, D. F., 82
Krimer, William D., 35, 513, 514, 528, 531, 538n, 543
Krylov, Leonid Ivanovich, 336
Kuchel, Thomas H., 397
Kuusinen, Otto, 122
Kuznetsov, Vassily V., 19n, 73-74, 102, 251, 292, 411n, 677, 691

Laird, Melvin R., 397
Lamb, Charles, 128, 518
Landerman, Peter, 181n, 241
Laos, 13, 31, 71-72, 100, 254, 265-266, 267-268, 296, 405, 481, 505-506
Lapin, Sergei Vasilevich, 72
Latin America, 226-227, 439, 623
Lausche, Frank J., 202
Law of the Sea Conference, proposed, 639, 726
Leddy, John M., 341n, 352-353, 374n, 453, 489, 570, 614n, 627n, 638-640, 657, 716-717, 718
Le Duc Tho, 676
LeMay, Gen. Curtis, 51n
Liberman, Y. G., 169
Linen, James, 2, 3
Lin Piao, 441
Lodeesen, Jon, 630n
Logan, Alan, 293
Loginov, Yevgeny Federovich, 423
Lowenthal, David, 208
Lucet, Charles, 657-659
Lukyanov, Pavel P., 293
Lunkov, Nikolai M., 653n, 660n
Lysenko, Trofim B., 158

MacArthur, Douglas, II, 10-13
Magnuson, Warren G., 397, 415, 430-431
Malenkov, Georgy, 60
Mali, 282
Malik, Yakov Aleksandrovich, 480
Mamedov, Enver, 82
Manac’h, Etienne, 707
Mann, Thomas C., 40, 56, 328n
Mansfield, Mike, 319n, 343, 352-356, 358, 381, 397, 398, 450n, 677, 749
Mao Tse-tung, 41, 96, 102, 107-108, 122, 161-162, 441
Marcy, Carl, 397
Marks, Leonard, 572, 653
Martin, Clarence D., Jr., 35-39
Masey, Jack, 79
Matskevich, Vladimir V., 308, 309, 314
Mazurov, Kirill Trofimovich, 277-278, 756
McCammon, Vicki, 399n
McCarthy, Eugene, 657
McCloskey, Robert J., 477
McCloy, John J., 782-786
McCone, John A., 47-48, 105-106

Khrushchev’s downfall, 124, 125-126
Soviet leadership, 125-126
Soviet military, 201-202
Soviet-U.S. relations, 207-208

McConnell, Gen. John P., 764
McCormack, John W., 397
McDonald, John W., 513
McKisson, Robert, 614n
McNamara, Robert S., 1, 55, 118n, 170n, 195, 196, 206, 300n, 342, 343, 413, 415n, 443, 508n, 528, 543, 544n, 575, 613n, 627n

Arms control, 529-531, 565, 645-646, 746-748
Consular Convention, 457
Germany and Berlin, 17
Glassboro Summit, 496, 497-498, 529-531, 565, 645-646
Khrushchev’s downfall, 124
Kosygin’s meeting with, 746-748

McPherson, Harry, 496, 555n
Meany, George, 324, 484
Meeker, Leonard C., 94n, 180n, 461n, 614n, 760
Mesyatsev, Nikolai N., 213
Middle East conflict, 486, 547, 549, 573, 587 , 595, 626, 644, 753-754, 763

Abortive summit agenda topic. See Formulae for conference communiqué under Abortive summit (1968).
Arms limitation proposal, 550-552, 628
Desalinization project proposal, 561-562
Exchange program and, 567-568
Glassboro Summit discussions re, 506-507, 516-520, 523-525, 526-527, 540-543, 545-552, 554-555
Johnson’s analysis of, 558-559, 561-562
Israeli withdrawal from Suez, 520, 523-525, 541-543, 546-550
Prospects for 1968, 622
Six-Day War, 491, 493, 516-519
Soviet policy, 494, 591, 626, 663-665
Soviet settlement proposal, 697-698
Tito proposals, 579-580

Mikolinsky, Yergeny A., 35
Mikoyan, Anastas I., 40, 136, 142, 158, 179, 195, 275, 360, 392
Mikoyan, Sergo A., 168-170

Military budget reductions, 12, 23, 178, 186, 195, 197, 210, 224, 307, 312, 335, 539-540

Miller, J. Irwin, 292
Mironov, Gen., 149
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 61-62
Mondale, Walter F., 636
Monroney, A.S. Mike, 415
Mora, Dennis, 443
Morozov, Platon, 400n
Morse, Brad, 397
Mott, Newcomb, 362n, 387n
Moyers, Bill D., 14, 357, 371, 408n, 411n
Multilateral force issue. See under North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Mundt, Karl E., 202, 451
Muromcew, Cyril, 528
Murphy, Charles S., 14
Murphy, David E., 358
Murphy, Robert D., 751n, 761n, 762n, 765, 767, 768
Muskie, Edmund, 352n

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 227, 507, 509, 523-524, 541-542, 543, 550
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 33
National Intelligence Estimates (see also Special National Intelligence Estimates):

NIE 11-9-64, 20-31
NIE 11-9-65, 215-227
NIE 11-65, 290n
NIE 11-7-66, 390-392
NIE 11-12-66, 441
NIE 11-4-67, 569
NIE 11-7-67, 581-592

National Security Agency, 111, 395
National Security Council (NSC), 47-48, 59, 124-126, 686
Nehru, Braj Kumar, 240n
Neizvestny, Ernest, 79
Nguyen Cao Ky, 730
Nguyen Van Thieu, 699-700, 730
Nigeria, 623
Nitze, Paul H., 613n, 614n, 637, 678
Nivens, Lois, 653n
Nixon, Richard M., 41, 130, 656-657, 677, 746, 750, 755, 758-759, 765

Johnson’s letter to, 761-762
Johnson’s meetings with, 749n, 781
Soviet leadership’s communications with, 788-791

Non-aggression treaty, proposed, 177
Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, 12, 198-199, 416, 422-423, 432-433, 435-436, 444, 455-456, 487, 502-503, 552-553, 580, 611, 627, 654, 677, 692-693, 763-764, 765-766
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 391

Multilateral force issue, 12, 26, 97-98, 107, 198, 199, 224-225, 229-230, 303, 307, 310-311, 353-354
Soviet policy, 224-225
U.S. nuclear guarantee to NATO countries, 610-611

Novikov, Semen Mikhailovich, 203
Nuclear-free zones, 13

Organization of American States (OAS), 53-54, 171, 179, 553-554
Osborn, Howard, 111n
Outer Space Treaty, 400, 418, 423, 439, 454, 503
Owen, Henry, 604n
Owen, Robert I., 18n, 94n, 98, 136n, 287n

Pakistan, 351, 384, 391, 419, 548, 584, 764
Palewski, Gaston, 122, 145
Panama, 9
Pan American Airlines, 414
Panzer, Fred, 695n
Paraguay, 226
Patolichev, Nikolai S., 4, 35
Paustovsky, Konstantin G., 377
Pearson, Drew, 98, 126
Penkovsky Papers publication, 340-341, 346-347, 358
Petrosyants, Andronik, 158
Petrovsky, Ivan Georgievich, 297
Pham Van Dong, 313, 531
Pholsema (Laos), 506
Plotnikov, V. N., 309
Podgorny, Nikolai V., 46, 61, 132, 143, 161, 275, 360, 365, 434, 440, 524, 587, 756-757
Poland, 150, 365, 368
Polansky, Sol, 353n
Policy Planning Council, 244-249, 384-387
Polyakov, Ivan Y., 143
Polyansky, Dmitri Stepanovich, 46, 123, 143, 161, 434, 599-600
Pratt, James W., 352n, 353n, 614n, 639n
Pueblo incident, 629

Raborn, Adm. William F., Jr., 342
Radio Free Europe, 333
Radio Liberty Committee, 333
Radio Moscow, 332
Rashidov, Sharaf Rashidovich, 120
Rather, Mary, 563
Read, Benjamin H., 94n, 95n, 136-137, 333-334, 413-415, 421n, 564-566, 606, 659-660, 741
Reddy, Leo J., 786n
Reedy, George E., 57
Reinhardt, George F., 463
Rescue of Astronauts agreement, 693, 760n
Reston, James, 107, 361, 372
Reynolds, James J., 35, 36-38
Riad, Mahmoud, 770-771
Rimestad, Idar, 570
Robinson, Thomas E., 512
Rockefeller, David, 98-100, 107
Rockefeller, Nelson, 130
Romania. See Rumania.
Romanovsky, Sergei K., 321, 378n, 434, 453
Rooney, John J., 592-593
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 90, 168
Rostow, Eugene V., 431, 461, 474-475, 478-481, 753
Rostow, Walt W., 163n, 244n, 387n, 397n, 399n, 403n, 408n, 418-419, 421n, 424, 426, 464n, 478n, 482n, 485n, 494n, 495n, 496, 506n, 508n, 510n, 513, 525n, 528, 543, 544n, 567, 572, 578n, 601n, 615n, 640, 643n, 647n, 651n, 653n, 661n, 676n, 679n, 687, 717n, 718n, 734n, 761n, 762n, 781

Abortive summit (1968), 681, 692, 782

Formulae for conference communiqué, 701-702, 704-707, 711-714, 735-736, 753, 754-755, 758-759
Initial contacts about summit, 649, 655
Johnson’s loss of enthusiasm, 780-781
Obstacles to summit, 757-759
Public announcement, draft statements for, 683-686
U.S. internal debate re desirability, 765, 768

Arms control:

Anti-ballistic missile issue, 455-456
Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, 455-456
Strategic arms control, 691-692, 696-697, 752

Civil Air Agreement, 413, 415n
Consular Convention, 455
Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces, 742, 752
Dobrynin’s meetings with, 454-456, 638, 694-702, 711-714, 739-744, 751-755
Exchange program, 454-455
Germany and Berlin, 752-753
Glassboro Summit, 496, 500-502
Ivanov spy case, 596
Middle East conflict, 491, 697-698, 753-754
Soviet military’s ICBM build-up, 569
Soviet-U.S. relations, 467, 577-578
Trade relations, 642-643
Vietnam war, 411

Bombing pause/cessation, 698, 712-713, 720-721, 740-744, 745
Elections in RVN, possible outcome of, 699-700
Glassboro Summit discussions re, 501-502
Peace initiatives, 739-740, 751-752

Rowan, Carl T., 77, 371-372
Rudenko, Roman Andreevich, 45
Rudnev, Konstantin N., 309, 314
Rumania, 24, 220, 368, 584, 591, 621, 715

Soviet invasion, possible, 689, 691

Rusk, Dean, 8n, 10, 18, 165n, 202n, 233n, 244n, 300n, 314n, 341n, 364n, 387n, 399n, 419, 421n, 424, 426, 428, 443, 461n, 485n, 508n, 513, 528, 543, 544n, 604n, 607n, 613n, 643n, 661n, 696n, 734n, 751n

Abortive summit (1968), 683, 738, 778-780

Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces and, 669, 719
Formulae for conference communiqué, 706-707, 769-774
Initial contacts about summit, 649, 655-656
U.S. internal debate re desirability, 666-675, 764, 766, 767, 768

Arms control, 187, 269, 669

Anti-ballistic missile issue, 578-579
Military budget reductions, 178, 186
Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, 432, 502-503, 553, 580, 627, 677, 763-764, 766
Strategic arms control, 627-628, 658, 673-674, 676, 729-730

Asian borders and frontiers issue, 601-602
Cherokee telegraphic channel, 769n
China, People’s Republic of, 304, 579
Civil Air Agreement, 40n, 53-54, 170, 413, 415
Communications satellite systems, 678
Congo, 304
Consular Convention, 449

Opening of Consulates, 677-678, 679-680
Ratification of, 94-95, 287, 503

Cuba, 179-180, 200
Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces:

Abortive summit and, 669, 719
Soviet rationale for, 687-688
Soviet-U.S. relations and, 688-689, 718-719

Dobrynin’s Congressional contacts, 574-575
Dobrynin’s meetings with, 178-180, 262-269, 294-297, 301-305, 381-383, 447-448, 573-575, 638, 655-657, 676-678, 687-689, 718-719, 760, 769-774
Dominican Republic, 303-304
Eastern Europe, U.S. relations with, 209
Espionage, 449

Attaché controversy, 114-115, 117-118
Ivanov spy case, 180-181, 596

Exchange program, 256, 380

Bolshoi Ballet tour, 374-375, 380
Cancellations of tours and events, 406n, 453, 567-568
Renewals of Exchanges Agreement, 378-382, 653, 659
Resumption of exchanges following Czechoslovakia invasion, 786-787

Germany and Berlin, 42, 50, 187-189, 658-659
Glassboro Summit, 495-497, 510-512, 574
Gromyko’s meetings with, 184-189, 194n, 204, 262n, 418-419, 502-506, 557, 578-581, 601n, 724-732, 737-738
Khrushchev’s downfall, 119, 124-125
Kosygin’s meetings with, 76-77, 367-369, 510-512
Laos, 267-268, 296, 505-506
Middle East conflict, 491, 523, 628, 763

Tito proposals, 579-580

NATO multilateral force issue, 303
Presidential election of 1968, 656-657
Sino-Soviet relations, 48, 179
Soviet economic situation, 48
Soviet Embassy in Washington, explosion at, 638-639
Soviet leadership, divisions within, 163
Soviet military’s development of new weapons, 105-106
Soviet-U.S. relations, 1, 7, 304, 403, 432, 447, 575

Alliluyeva defection case, 462-463, 574
Chancery site exchange, 187, 382, 394-395, 503
Czechoslovakia invasion by Warsaw Pact forces and, 718-719
Defectors from Soviet Union, 383, 614-615
Leadership visits, proposals for, 10n, 205-206, 209
Personal attacks and recriminations, 294-296, 382, 677
U.S.-French discussion re, 657-659
U.S. industrialists’ trip to Soviet Union, 2-4
Vietnam war and, 302-303

Space exploration, 47, 503

Soviet-U.S. cooperation, 186, 296-297

Trade relations:

Commodities to be traded, 184-185
East-West trade legislation, 447, 448
Expansion of, 98-100
U.S. Governmental interference issue, 76-77
Wheat purchases by Soviets, 2-4

United Kingdom, 125
UN Article 19 (Soviet arrearages) issue, 178-179, 303
U.S. Embassy in Moscow, 557

Attacks on, 253n, 256

Vietnam war, 294-295, 296, 367-369, 579, 730

Bombing pause/cessation, 305, 368, 504-505, 536-537, 573-574, 730-731, 737, 744
Peace initiatives, , 480n, 536-537, 676, 730, 736, 763
Soviet-U.S. relations and, 302-303
U.S. rationale for involvement, 268-269
Viet Cong’s role, 304-305

Voice of America, Soviet jamming of, 716, 717n

Russell, Richard B., 456, 765-766

St. Denis, John, 468
Salisbury, Harrison, 572
Saturday Evening Post, 293
Saunders, Harold, 331-333
Scheuer, Robert, 715
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 41, 572
Schorr, Dan, 572
Sedov, Boris, 790
Segal, Alfred, 35
Selden, Armistead I., Jr., 397
Semenov, Vladimir Semonovich, 184, 193, 204, 494
Severeid, Eric, 343
Shelepin, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 276, 277, 317, 360, 365, 366, 368, 440, 588, 600
Shelest, Petr Yefimovich, 120
Ships at sea, incidents involving, 412-413, 629, 637, 639, 678-679, 725-726
Shvernik, Nikolai Mikhailovich, 392
Sihanouk, Prince Norodom, 355, 486
Singh, Brajesh, 463, 468
Singh, Dinesh, 463, 468, 469
Sino-Soviet relations, 41, 48, 102, 106, 169, 171, 182, 207, 279, 402, 441

Dobrynin’s analysis of, 107-108
Khrushchev’s downfall and, 121, 131-132, 140-141, 159, 161-162
Long-term problem for Soviets, 23-24
Military conflict, potential for, 219, 350, 590
Nuclear materials supplied by Soviets, 179
Prospects for 1968, 621
Soviet-U.S. relations and, 384-385
Vietnam war and, 247-248, 258, 338-339, 420, 583-584

Sinyavsky, Andrei, 376-378, 490
Six-Day War, 491, 493, 516-519
Sloss, Leon, 613n
Smirnovsky, Mikhail N., 109n, 115n, 116, 172, 184, 193, 238n, 293, 297, 306, 309
Smith, Bromley, 14, 18n, 48, 333n, 627n, 690, 717n
Smith, C. R., 643n
Smyth, Henry De Wolf, 157-160
Sobolev, Arkady A., 186
Soldatov, Aleksandr Andreevich, 388, 389
Southeast Asia (see also specific countries), 89, 230
Souvanna Phouma, 268
Soviet Communist Party Congresses:

1965, 223
1966, 339, 391, 393

Soviet economic situation, 23, 37-38, 57, 169

Agricultural program, 273, 283-284, 404, 438
Conditions in 1964, 5-6
Foreign policy and, 23, 218-219, 586
Khrushchev’s overhaul policy, 48, 139, 148
Reform programs, 348, 404, 625
Wheat shortage, 2, 3

Soviet Embassy in Washington (see also Chancery site exchange under Soviet-U.S. relations):

Explosion at, 638-639

Soviet foreign policy (see also Sino-Soviet relations; specific countries and regions), 360-361, 625

Communist solidarity as new focus of, 289-291, 349, 350
Disagreements within leadership, 587-588
Domestic concerns taking precedence over, 350, 439
Domestic economic situation and, 23, 218-219, 586
Domestic political situation and, 217-218, 585-586
Ideology problem, 404-406, 439, 626
Intelligence reports on, 20-31, 61-64, 215-227, 278-285, 289-290, 349-351, 390-392, 408-410, 581-592, 619
Khrushchev’s downfall and, 120, 150-152, 216-217, 338, 583-585
Military dimension, 569, 586-587, 588-589
Multilateral orientation, 279
Prospects for 1968, 619
Realistic approach, 391-392
Thompson’s analysis of, 403-406
U.S. Embassy reports on, 438-441, 632-636
West, improved relations with, 25-26, 182-184, 351, 438, 440, 590

Soviet Jews, treatment of, 55, 331-333
Soviet leadership (see also Brezhnev, Leonid I.; Kosygin, Alexei N.), 146, 161, 176, 230, 274, 458, 576

Arms control, 166, 230-231
Communist international conference (1964), 133-134
Conformity within, 156n, 162
Conservative orientation, 146-147, 440-441, 616
Divisions within, 163-164, 587-588
Dobrynin’s relations with, 392-393
Foreign policy consequences of collective system, 217-218
Foreign policy record (1964-1967), 583-585
Instability of collective leadership, 143-144, 149, 160-161, 457-458
Intelligence reports on, 273-278, 337-339, 347-351, 615-618
Johnson’s communications with, 165-168, 210-212, 229-232, 426, 428
NATO multilateral force issue, 229-230
Nixon’s communications with, 788-791
Personnel appointments, 277-278
Relations within, 177, 274-277, 283-284, 328, 360, 440, 598-600
Soviet-U.S. leadership visits, proposals for, 231-232, 234-235
Succession period following Khrushchev’s downfall, 120-121, 125-126, 131-134, 136, 137, 140
UN Article 19 (Soviet arrearages) issue, 167, 231
U.S. Embassy report on, 630-632
Vietnam war, 233-235

Soviet Life magazine, 373-374, 380
Soviet military, 161, 444

Development of new weapons, 105-106
Fissionable materials program, 201-202
Foreign policy, influence on, 569, 586-587, 588-589
ICBM program, 48, 569, 608
Khrushchev’s downfall and, 145-146
Reach of conventional forces, 608-609
Strategic balance with U.S. forces, 607-613

Soviet political situation (see also Khrushchev’s downfall; Soviet leadership), 45-46

Communist Party’s disconnect from Soviet society, 624-625
Foreign policy and, 217-218, 585-586
Governmental restructuring, 348-349
Khrushchev’s leadership style, CIA report on, 59-64
Succession issue, 28, 43-44, 46-47, 61, 141-144

Soviet-U.S. relations (see also Abortive summit (1968); Arms control; Civil Air Agreement; Consular Convention; Espionage; Exchange program; Germany and Berlin; Glassboro Summit; Space exploration; Trade relations; U.S. Embassy in Moscow), 207-208, 361, 403, 420-421, 665, 677

Alliluyeva book publication, 568-569, 572-573
Alliluyeva defection case, 462-465, 467-473, 476-477, 488-490, 574
Annual meetings of leaders, proposal for, 555
Brzezinski’s analysis of, 604n
Chancery site exchange, 32, 187, 382, 394-395, 503, 570-572, 592-593, 639, 725, 760
Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces and, 718-719
Defectors from Soviet Union (see also Alliluyeva defection case above), 383, 614-615
Desalinization program, 85-86, 172
Détente, 248-249, 384-387
East-West institute proposal, 447, 643-644
Fisheries problem, 71n, 423, 430-431, 461-462, 474-475, 727
Flexibility in Soviet posture, 298-299, 334-336, 359-360
Freeze in relations, 316-317, 339, 439-440
Golf course construction in Soviet Union, 203-204
Johnson administration, Soviet attitude toward, 39-40
Khrushchev’s downfall and, 136-137
Law violations by Americans in Soviet Union, 445-446, 465-466
Leadership visits, proposals for, 8-10, 205-206, 209, 211-212, 214-215, 227-228, 231-232, 234-235
Linkage of bilateral issues, 4-5, 7
Navigational equipment for Soviets, proposal re, 726
Penkovsky Papers publication, 340-341, 346-347, 358
"Pen pal" correspondence between leaders, 249-250, 432
Personal attacks and recriminations, 294-296, 314-315, 326n, 342, 344-345, 351, 362, 382, 388
Persona non grata actions, 288
Port restrictions on Soviet ships, 396-397, 459-460, 484-485, 577-578, 726-727
Prospects for 1964, 194-196
Prospects for 1968, 619-620
Revanchism charge against U.S., 307
Ships at sea, incidents involving, 412-413, 629, 637, 639, 678-679, 725-726
Sino-Soviet relations and, 384-385
Social Security payments to persons in Soviet Union, 728
Soviet Fiftieth Anniversary and, 568-569, 575, 598-600
Soviet reversal of course in 1965, 289-290
Special communications issue, 300, 328, 329, 356-357
Television speeches, proposed exchange of, 65, 67, 68, 213
Territorial disputes, proposal for peaceful settlement of, 1-2
Transition period following Presidential election of 1968, 749-751
U.S.-French discussion re, 657-659
U.S. industrialists’ trip to Soviet Union, 2-4
U.S.-U.K. discussions re, 427, 443-444
U-2 incident, 63
Vietnam war and, 241-242, 243n, 248-249, 257-262, 263-264, 270-273, 302-303, 317-319, 339, 345, 351, 362-363, 390, 409-410, 576-577
"Visa war" re media correspondents, 372

Soviet writers, prosecutions of, 376-378
Spaak, Paul-Henri, 10
Space exploration, 146

Outer Space Treaty, 400, 418, 423, 439, 454, 503
Press leaks about Soviet failures, 47
Rescue of Astronauts agreement, 693, 760n
Soviet-U.S. cooperation, 33-34, 186, 296-297

Special National Intelligence Estimates:

SNIE 11-5-64, 5-6
SNIE 11-11-65, 289-290
SNIE 11-16-66, 408-410
SNIE 11-11-67, 482-483
SNIE 11-9-68, 626

Springer, William, 397
Springsteen, George S., 786n
Sputnik magazine, 447
Stalin, Josef, 462
Stalin, Svetlana Iosifovna. See Alliluyeva, Svetlana.
Staples, Eugene, 78-79, 81, 82
Stassen, Harold, 761
Stennis, John, 765
Stevenson, Adlai E., 103, 173, 184, 204, 290-291, 343
Stewart, Michael, 352, 361
Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 45, 297, 333n, 353n, 394n, 427, 474, 502, 581, 639
Strategic arms control (see also Formulae for conference communiqué under Abortive summit), 450, 611-612, 627-628, 638, 647, 654, 658, 664-665, 673-674, 675, 676, 682, 690-692, 693-694, 696-697, 729-730, 752, 756, 761-762
Sukhodrev, Victor M., 184, 193, 306, 424, 426, 502, 514, 528, 531, 543, 544, 554
Sulzberger, Cy, 174
Suslov, Mikhail A., 147, 158, 159, 275, 277, 290-291, 350, 587
Svoboda, Ludvik, 689
Swank, Emory, 647n, 746-748
Symington, James W., 538n Syria, 508-509, 580

Tarkovsky, A. A., 80
Tarsis, Valery, 378
Tcherniakov, Yuri N., 488-490, 567, 739, 741, 788n
Thant, U, 343, 374, 400n, 546
Third World, 24, 31, 282-283

Prospects for 1968, 622-623
Soviet policy re, 26, 27, 30-31, 222-223, 584, 591-592

Thompson, Llewellyn E., 7n, 8n, 49n, 53n, 64, 71, 85n, 94n, 114n, 127, 136n, 157, 165n, 170n, 178n, 180, 184, 193, 204, 210n, 229n, 244n, 262, 287n, 302, 305, 341n, 374n, 381, 399n, 403n, 419-420, 421n, 424, 426, 502, 510, 528, 543, 544n, 605, 628n, 630n, 769

Abortive summit (1968), 693, 779

Formulae for conference communiqué, 774-778

Ambassador to Soviet Union, appointment as, 425n, 450, 461
Arms control, 531

Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, 432-433, 503, 692-693
Strategic arms control, 674, 690-692, 693-694

Asian borders and frontiers issue, 602n
China, People’s Republic of, 393-394
Civil Air Agreement, 40n, 68, 494, 581
Consular Convention, 327, 449
Czechoslovakia, invasion by Warsaw Pact forces, 687-688
Dobrynin’s meetings with, 101-103, 214-215, 243, 327, 328, 330, 340-341, 346-347, 392-394, 429n, 432, 492-494, 690-691, 692-694, 749-751
Eastern Europe, U.S. relations with, 209
Espionage, 449, 594-595
Exchange program, 256

Cancellations of tours and events, 453n
Political, economic, and military leaders, 190, 193n
Renewals of Exchanges Agreement, 650-651, 653n, 660n

Germany and Berlin, 42, 146, 208, 626

U.S. violations of GDR airspace, 51n, 58

Glassboro Summit, 492, 495-496, 508-509, 515-516, 528
Gromyko’s meetings with, 774-776
Khrushchev’s downfall, 124, 144-148
Kosygin’s meetings with, 458-461
Middle East conflict, 493
Mikoyan’s meetings with, 168-170
Presidential election of 1964, 102-103
Pueblo incident, 629
Sino-Soviet relations, 102, 420
Soviet economic reform programs, 625
Soviet foreign policy, 403-406, 625, 626
Soviet leadership, 458

Conservative orientation, 146-147
Divisions within, 163-164
Power relations within, 598-600
Weakness of collective system, 457-458

Soviet military, 145-146
Soviet political situation, 46-47, 624-625
Soviet-U.S. relations, 1, 68 , 207-208, 295, 383, 629

Alliluyeva book publication, 568-569, 573n
Alliluyeva defection case, 462, 463n
Chancery site exchange, 503, 570-572
Fisheries problem, 71n, 430-431
Leadership visits, proposals for, 206, 214-215, 227-228
"Pen pal" correspondence between leaders, 249-250, 432
Penkovsky Papers publication, 340-341, 346-347
Port restrictions on Soviet ships, 459-460
Special communications issue, 328, 329
Transition period following Presidential election of 1968, 749-751
Vietnam war and, 243n

Space exploration, 454, 693
Trade relations, 164, 169-170, 330
UN Article 19 (Soviet arrearages) issue, 103
U.S. Embassy in Moscow, 557

Attacks on, 243, 255, 256

Vietnam war, 243n, 420, 429, 454

Bombing of DRV, 233, 433
Bombing pause/cessation, 428-429, 493
Soviet dilemmas re, 405-406
Soviet interest in prolongation of war, 625-626
Soviet-U.S. direct confrontation, potential for, 478, 479n

303 Committee, 42
Tito, Marshal, 96, 106, 162, 204, 315, 579
Togliatti, Palmeiro, 106
Tolubko, 365, 366
Toon, Malcolm, 109n, 115n, 152, 212n, 251n, 293, 297, 333n, 341n, 371-372, 596, 614n, 627n, 647n, 651n, 715
Toumanoff, V. I., 638n
Trade relations, 59, 164, 211, 312, 423, 715

Automotive equipment sales to Soviets, 642-643
Commodities to be traded, 184-185
East-West trade legislation, 202-203, 430-431, 447, 448
Expansion of, 35-36, 38-39, 98-100
Fisheries problem and, 430-431
Political dimension, 169-170
Soviet unhappiness with lack of progress, 291-292
U.S. Embassy report on, 635-636
U.S. Governmental interference, 76-77
Wheat purchases by Soviets, 2-4, 14-17, 32, 322-325, 330, 343

Tran Van Huong, 730
Trippe, Juan, 414
Troyanovsky, Oleg A., 152, 309, 459
Trueheart, William, 614n
Truman, Harry S, 90
Tsarapkin, Semen K., 187, 205
Tshombe, Moise, 207
Turkey, 276, 283, 351, 391, 580, 584
Tvardovsky, 377
Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 192
Tyler, William R., 7n, 18-20, 71, 109, 163n, 178n, 190-193, 202n, 244n

Ulbricht, Walter, 93, 102, 149, 225, 687
Ullman, Bernard, 236, 237
Underdeveloped areas. See Third World.
United Arab Republic (UAR) (see also Middle East conflict), 222, 282, 508-509
United Kingdom, 23, 26, 125, 427, 443-444, 456, 756-757
United Nations, 332

Article 19 (Soviet arrearages) issue, 103, 154-156, 167, 172-174, 177, 178-179, 211, 231, 303
Exchange program and, 374-375
Middle East conflict, 545-552

United States Intelligence Board, 83-84, 457
U.S. Embassy in Moscow (see also Chancery site exchange under Soviet-U.S. relations), 557, 605

Attacks on, 184n, 235-238, 243, 251-256
Leased-line communication link with State Department, 19n, 32, 333-334
Policy assessments re Soviet Union, 438-441, 630-636
Press attacks on personnel, 292-294
Soviet bugging of, 72-76, 83-84, 111-114
State Department’s failure to provide adequate information to, 71-72

Ustinov, Dmitri Fedorovich, 278, 365, 366

Valdes, Philip H., 2
Valenti, Jack, 371
Vance, Cyrus R., 170n, 412, 413n, 496, 637
Vedeler, Harold C., 209n
Venezuela, 179, 226, 307, 486, 553-554, 559
Vershinin, Marshal Konstantin Andreevich, 192
Vickery, Raymond E., 35, 38
Vietnam war (see also Vietam war peace initiatives), 96, 294-295, 296, 342-343, 367-369, 422, 435, 454, 579, 606

Abortive summit agenda topic. See Formulae for conference communiqué under Abortive summit (1968).
"Aggressor" charge against U.S., 264-265, 271
Arms control and, 310, 311, 314, 315, 545
Bombing of DRV, 233-235, 240n, 433
Bombing pause/cessation, 281, 305, 355, 356, 359, 364-367, 368, 428-429, 493, 504-505, 531-532, 536-537, 573-574, 640-642, 698, 709-710, 712-713, 720-722, 730-731, 737, 740-744, 745
Chinese involvement, possible, 435, 603
Elections in RVN, possible outcome of, 699-700
Escalation beyond Vietnam, 486
Glassboro Summit discussions re, 501-502, 522-523, 527, 531-534, 535, 545, 559
Gulf of Tonkin incident, 100
Khrushchev’s policy, 244-245
Kosygin’s visit to Hanoi, 240-241, 246-247, 258-259, 270, 279-280
Mentality of DRV leadership, 698-699
Moscow protests re, 184n, 235-238, 243, 251-256
Peaceful settlement issue, 436-437
Prospects for 1968, 620-621
Sino-Soviet relations and, 247-248, 258, 338-339, 420, 583-584
Soviet change of policy, prospects for, 285-286
Soviet countermeasures to U.S. bombing, 238-240
Soviet criticism of U.S. policy, 434-435
Soviet dilemmas re, 405-406, 408-410, 589-590
Soviet exploitation of, 364-367
Soviet interest in prolongation of war, 603-604, 625-626
Soviet military commitment to DRV, 241, 263, 281, 410, 482-483
Soviet propaganda campaign, 271-272, 317-318, 442-443
Soviet public opinion on, 272, 326
Soviet rationale for supporting DRV, 226, 244-247, 278-281, 402
Soviet-U.S. direct confrontation, potential for, 411-412, 478-480
Soviet-U.S. relations and, 241-242, 243n, 248-249, 257-262, 263-264, 270-273, 302-303, 317-319, 339, 345, 351, 362-363, 390, 409-410, 576-577
U.S. force increase in 1965, 317n
U.S. propaganda campaign, 401-402
U.S. rationale for involvement, 130, 259-262, 268-269
U.S. troop withdrawal issue, 204, 429
U.S. "warning and offer" approach to Soviets re settlement, 478-481
Viet Cong’s role, 304-305, 307-308, 504

Vietnam war peace initiatives (see also Bombing pause/cessation under Vietnam war), 260, 297-298, 313, 314, 338-339, 416, 645, 676, 730, 763

DRV offer for talks, 531-534
News leaks about, 739-740
RVN-NLF talks, 736, 751-752
Soviet aims and tactics, 662-663
Sunflower initiative, 456, 480n
U.S. agreement to hold talks, 536-537, 554

Vinogradov, Vladimir M., 152, 594
Voice of America, 80, 326, 332, 716-717, 727
Volkov, Gen. Vladimir, 528, 543
Voronov, Nikolai Nikolaevich, 143, 161
Vorontsov, Yuly M., 528, 543, 638, 639n, 760
Voroshilov, Kliment, 60, 393

Walker, Gordon, 304
Wall, Daniel, 468
Walsh, John P., 627n, 643n, 653n, 660n
Warnke, Paul, 637
Warsaw Pact (see also Czechoslovakia invasion by Warsaw Pact forces), 220, 440
Watson, Marvin, 528, 543, 544n
Watson, Michael, 473
Westmoreland, Gen. William C., 443
Wheat purchases by Soviets, 2-4, 14-17, 32, 322-325, 330, 343
Wheeler, Gen. Earle, 675, 764, 766, 768
White, Lee, 331n
Williams, Edward Bennett, 598
Wilson, Donald M., 77-82
Wilson, Harold, 125, 456, 497, 629
Wirtz, W. Willard, 14, 15, 16-17
Wolf, Joseph J., 430
Wortham, Buel R., 445, 465-466
Wortzel, Arthur I., 374n, 453n, 647n, 651n
Writers, Soviet prosecutions of, 376-378
Wynne, Brig. Gen. P. D., Jr., 589n

Yeagley, Walter, 596, 598
Yefremov, 143
Yegorychev, Nikolai, 587
Yemen, 609, 622, 623
Yost, Charles W., 187
Yugoslavia, 204, 365, 368, 591
Yuter, Morton, 715

Zamyatin, Leonid M., 293, 528, 543
Zemskoy, T., 528, 543
Zhukov, Yuri, 479, 567, 572
Zinchuk, Alexander, 475n, 650
Zipper, Stephen, 595n
Zorin, Valerian A., 235-238, 282

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