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Foreign Relations 1964-1968, Volume XX, Arab-Israeli Dispute 1967-1968   -Return to This Volume Home Page
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Allon, Yigal, Deputy Prime Minister of Israel and Minister for Immigrant Absorption from August 1968

Anderson, Robert B., Secretary of the Treasury, 1957-1961

Argov, Shlomo, Minister of Israeli Embassy from June 1968

Atherton, Alfred L., Jr., Country Director for Israel and Arab-Israel Affairs, Bureau of Near East and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, from January 1967

Ball, George W., Representative to the United Nations, June-September 1968

Barbour, Walworth, Ambassador to Israel

Battle, Lucius D., Ambassador to the United Arab Republic until March 1967; Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, April 1967-September 1968 

Bergus, Donald C., Principal Officer of the U.S. Interests Section of the Spanish Embassy in the United Arab Republic from July 1967

Black, Eugene R., former President of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank); Special Adviser to the President  

Bohlen, Charles E., Ambassador to France until February 1968; thereafter Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs

Boutros, Fuad, Lebanese Foreign Minister from March 1968 

Buffum, William B., Director, Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State, until August 1965; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, September 1965-December 1966; thereafter Deputy Representative to the United Nations

Bull, Lieutenant General Odd, Chief of Staff, United Nations Truce Supervision Organization 

Clark, Ramsay, Attorney General

Clifford, Clark M., Secretary of Defense from March 1968 

Comay, Michael S., Israeli Permanent Representative at the United Nations in 1967

Daoud, Colonel Muhammed, Jordanian liaison with Israel in Sandstorm talks 

Davies, Rodger P., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs

Dayan, Moshe, Israeli Minister of Defense from June 1967 

Dean, Sir Patrick, British Ambassador to the United States 

Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., Soviet Ambassador to the United States

Eban, Abba, Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs  

Edde, Pierre, Lebanese Finance Minister from February 1968

Eilts, Hermann F., Ambassador to Saudi Arabia

Eshkol, Levi, Prime Minister of Israel  

Evron, Ephraim, Minister of the Israeli Embassy in Washington until June 1968

Faisal ibn Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, King of Saudi Arabia 

Farra, Mohammed Hussein El, Permanent Representative of Jordan to the United Nations

Fawzi, Mohammed, Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Republic until 1967 

Feinberg, Abraham, Chairman of the Executive Committee, American Bank and Trust Company, New York City 

Foster, John W., member of the National Security Council staff

Freeman, Orville, Secretary of Agriculture 

Gaud, William S., Administrator, Agency for International Development

Ghorbal, Ashraf, Minister of the United Arab Republic Interests Section of the Embassy of India in the United States from January 1968 

Goldberg, Arthur J., Permanent Representative to the United Nations until June 1968

Hakim, Georges, Foreign Minister of Lebanon until February 1968 

Handley, William J., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs

Harman, Avraham, Ambassador of Israel until February 1968 

Hart, Parker T., Ambassador to Turkey until October 1968; thereafter Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs

Hassan, Crown Prince of Jordan and younger brother of King Hussein 

Helms, Richard M., Director of Central Intelligence

Helou, Charles, President of Lebanon 

Hod, Brigadier General Mordechai, Commander, Israel Defense Forces Air Force

Houghton, Robert B., Country Director for Lebanon, Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic, and Iraq, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, January 1967-July 1968 

Hussein I, ibn Talal, King of Jordan

Jarring, Gunnar, Swedish Ambassador to the Soviet Union; detailed to the United Nations to serve as Special Representative, United Nations Middle East Mission 

Johnson, Lyndon B., President of the United States

Johnson, W. Thomas, White House Deputy Press Secretary 

Jones, Jim R., Assistant to the President under Marvin Watson, February 1965-January 1968; Deputy Special Assistant to the President, January-May 1968; Special Assist-ant to the President from May 1968; also, from January 1968, served as the President's Appointments Secretary

Karame, Rashid, Prime Minister of Lebanon until February 1968 

Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., Under Secretary of State

Khammash, General Amer, Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of Jordan 

Khouli, Hassan Sabri al-, Representative of President Nasser at the Arab League; member of UAR delegation to Khartoum Conference in August 1967; also President of the Council of Ministers

Kony, Mohammed Awad El, Permanent Representative of the United Arab Republic to the United Nations 

McCloy, John J., President's Special Emissary for Near East Arms Limitation

McNamara, Robert S., Secretary of Defense until February 1968 

Meeker, Leonard C., Legal Adviser, Department of State

Murray, Robert J., Deputy Director, Near East and South Asian Affairs, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs 

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, President of the United Arab Republic

Nitze, Paul H., Deputy Secretary of Defense from July 1967 

Parker, Richard B., Country Director for United Arab Republic Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, from August 1967

Porter, Dwight J., Ambassador to Lebanon 

Rabin, Lt. Gen. Yitzak, Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces until December 1967; Ambassador of Israel from February 1968

Rafael, Gideon, Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations, May 1967- 

November 1968; thereafter Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Riad, Mahmoud, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Republic; head of the UAR delegation to the 22d Session of the UN General Assembly, September-December 1967  

Riad, Mohamed, Counselor, UAR Foreign Ministry; member of the UAR delegation to the Fifth Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly, June-September 1967, and the 22d Session of the UN General Assembly, September-December 1967

Rifai, Abdul Moneim, Jordanian Minister of Foreign Affairs from April 1968 

Rifai, Zaid, Secretary-General of the Royal Court of Jordan; King Hussein's private secretary

Rostow, Eugene V., Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs 

Rostow, Walt W., Special Assistant to the President

Rusk, Dean, Secretary of State 

Saunders, Harold H., member of the National Security Council Staff

Schwartz, Harry H., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs 

Seaborg, Glenn T., Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission

Seelye, Talcott, Country Director for Lebanon, Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic, and Iraq, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, from July 1968

Sharaf, Abdul Hamid, Jordanian Ambassador to the United States from August 1967 

Shazar, Zalman, President of Israel

Sisco, Joseph J., Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs from September 1965

Smith, Bromley K., Executive Secretary of the National Security Council

Stewart, Michael, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs from April 1968

Symmes, Harrison M., Ambassador to Jordan from November 1967

Talhouni, Bahjat, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Jordan from October 1967

Tcherniakov, Yuri N., Charge d'Affaires of the Soviet Embassy until December 1968

Tekoah, Yosef, Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations Touqan, Ahmad, Deputy Prime Minister of Jordan

Walsh, John P., Deputy Executive Secretary of the Department of State until September 1967; thereafter Acting Executive Secretary

Warnke, Paul C., Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs from August 1967

Weizman, Brigadier General Ezer, Chief of Operations, Israeli Defense Forces

Wheeler, General Earle G., USA, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Wiggins, James R., Permanent Representative to the United Nations from October 1968

Woods, George, President of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank); U.S. Coordinator on the Israeli Desalting Project

Yafi, Abdullah, Prime Minister of Lebanon from February 1968

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