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1964-1968, Volume XVIII
Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1964-67

Department of State
Washington, DC

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Amer, Field Marshal Abdel Hakim, First Deputy Vice President of the United Arab Republic and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, from 1964

Atherton, Alfred L., Deputy Director, Office of Near East Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, November 1965-June 1966; Country Director for Lebanon, Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic, and Iraq, July-December 1966; thereafter Country Director for Israel and Arab-Israel Affairs

Badeau, John S., Ambassador to the United Arab Republic until June 1964

Ball, George W., Under Secretary of State until September 1966; Representative to the United Nations, June-September 1968

Barbour, Walworth, Ambassador to Israel

Barnes, N. Spencer, Deputy Chief of Mission in Israel until December 1964

Barnes, Robert G., Ambassador to Jordan, March 1964-April 1966

Battle, Lucius D., Ambassador to the United Arab Republic, September 1964-March 1967; Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, April 1967-September 1968

Bergus, Donald C., Country Director for United Arab Republic Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, July 1966-July 1967; thereafter Principal Officer of the U.S. Interests Section in the United Arab Republic

Bohlen, Charles E., Ambassador to France until February 1968; thereafter Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs

Bruce, David K.E., Ambassador to Great Britain

Buffum, William B., Director, Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State, until August 1965; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, September 1965-December 1966; thereafter Deputy Representative to the United Nations

Bull, Lieutenant General Odd, Chief of Staff, United Nations Truce Supervision Organization

Bunche, Ralph J., United Nations Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs

Bundy, McGeorge, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs until February 1966

Bundy, William P., Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs until March 1964; Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (East Asian and Pacific Affairs after November 1, 1966) from March 1964

Burns, Findley, Jr., Ambassador to Jordan, July 1966-November 1967

Carter, Lieutenant General Marshall S., Deputy Director of Central Intelligence until April 1965

Dale, William N., Counselor of Embassy, Consul General, and Deputy Chief of Mission in Israel, September 1964-August 1968

Davies, Rodger P., Director, Office of Near Eastern Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, until October 1965; thereafter Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs

Dayan, Moshe, Israeli Minister of Agriculture until 1964; Defense Minister from June 1967

De Gaulle, Charles, President of France

Dean, Sir Patrick, British Ambassador to the United States from April 1965

Dickman, Francois M., Desk Officer, United Arab Republic-Syrian Arab Republic Affairs, Department of State, until December 1964

Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., Soviet Ambassador to the United States

Duncan, Enoch S., Officer in Charge of Economic Affairs, Office of Near Eastern Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, until April 1964

Eban, Abba, Deputy Prime Minister of Israel, 1964-January 1966; thereafter Foreign Minister

Eilts, Hermann F., Ambassador to Saudi Arabia from January 1966

Eshkol, Levi, Prime Minister and Defense Minister of Israel from December 1964; also President of the Israeli Atomic Energy Agency from 1966

Evron, Ephraim, Minister, Embassy of Israel, until December 1967

Faisal ibn Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, King of Saudi Arabia

Fawzi, Mahmoud, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the United Arab Republic, March 1964-January 1968; thereafter Defense Minister

Feldman, Myer, Deputy Special Counsel to the President until January 1965

Fisher, Adrian S., Deputy Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

Foster, William C., Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

Gaud, William S., Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Near East and South Asia, Agency for International Development, until February 1964; Deputy Administrator, February 1964-August 1966; thereafter Administrator

Gazit, Mordechai, Minister, Embassy of Israel

Goldberg, Arthur J., Representative to the United Nations, July 1965-June 1968

Grant, James P., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs until September 1964

Handley, William J., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs from September 1964

Hare, Raymond A., Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, September 1965-November 1966

Harman, Avraham, Israeli Ambassador to the United States until January 1968

Harriman, W. Averell, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs until March 1965; thereafter Ambassador at Large

Helms, Richard M., Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, April 1965-June 1966; thereafter Director

Helou, Charles, President of Lebanon from August 1964

Hoopes, Townsend W., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, 1965-1968

Houghton, Robert B., Country Director for Lebanon, Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic and Iraq, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, from January 1967

Hughes, Thomas L., Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State

Humphrey, Hubert H., Vice President of the United States

Hussein I ibn Talal, King of Jordan

Jarring, Gunnar, Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for the establishment of peace in the Middle East

Jenkins, Walter, Special Assistant to the President until October 1964

Jernegan, John D., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs until July 1965

Johnson, Lyndon B., President of the United States

Johnson, U. Alexis, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs until July 1964; Deputy Ambassador to Vietnam, July 1964-September 1965; Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, November 1965-October 1966

Johnson, W. Thomas, White House Deputy Press Secretary

Johns, Curtis F., Officer in Charge of United Arab Republic Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, until June 1965

Kaissouni, Abdel Moneim, United Arab Republic Minister of Finance until September 1965; thereafter Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic Affairs

Kamel, Mustafa, Ambassador of the United Arab Republic until 1967

Karame, Rashid, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Lebanon, July 1965-April 1966; and again December 1966-February 1968

Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., Deputy Attorney General until February 1965; Attorney General, February 1965-October 1966; thereafter Under Secretary of State

Khammash, General Amer, Director of Plans and Organization, Jordan Arab Army, until May 1965; thereafter Chief of Staff of the Jordanian Army

Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union and member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet

Killgore, Andrew I., Officer in Charge of Iraq-Jordan Affairs, Office of Near Eastern Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, until May 1965

Kinsolving, Lucien L., Officer in Charge of Iraq-Jordan Affairs, Office of Near Eastern Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, January-May 1966

Kitchen, Jeffery C., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs until February 1967

Knight, Ridgway B., Ambassador to Syria until May 1965

Kohler, Foy D., Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, November 1966-December 1967

Komer, Robert W., Member of the National Security Council Staff until September 1965; Deputy Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, October 1965-March 1966; Special Assistant to the President, March 1966-May 1967; after March 1966 also Special Assistant to the President for Peaceful Reconstruction in Vietnam; Ambassador to Turkey from December 1968

Leddy, John M., Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from June 1965

Lee, Guy A., Director, Office of Near Eastern and South Asian Regional Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, until August 1966

Macomber, William B., Assistant Administrator for Near East and South Asia, Agency for International Development, February 1964-March 1967; thereafter Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations

McCloy, John J., President's Special Emissary for Near East Arms Limitation

McCone, John A., Director of Central Intelligence until April 1965

McNamara, Robert S., Secretary of Defense until February 1968

McNaughton, John T., General Counsel, Department of Defense, until July 1964; Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, July 1964-July 1967

Meeker, Leonard C., Acting Legal Adviser, Department of State, June 1964-May 1965; thereafter Legal Adviser

Meir, Golda, Israeli Foreign Minister until January 1966

Meyer, Armin H., Ambassador to Lebanon until April 1965; thereafter Ambassador to Iran

Moyers, Bill D., Special Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff at the White House, October 1964-January 1967; also White House Press Secretary, July 1965-January 1967

Muhieddin, Zakaria, Prime Minister of the United Arab Republic, October 1965-August 1966

Nasser, Gamel Abdel, President of the United Arab Republic

Nes, David G., Charge d'Affaires ad interim to the United Arab Republic, March-June 6, 1967, when the UAR severed diplomatic relations with the United States

Pearson, Lester B., Prime Minister of Canada

Peres, Shimon, Israeli Deputy Defense Minister until May 1965

Porter, Dwight J., Ambassador to Lebanon from June 1965

Rabin, Lieutenant General Yitzhak, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces, February 1964-December 1967; Ambassador of Israel from January 1968

Read, Benjamin H., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State and Executive Secretary of the Department

Riad, Mahmoud, United Arab Republic Minister of Foreign Affairs from March 1968

Rifai, Abdul Moneim El, Jordanian Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, October 1967-April 1968; thereafter Minister of Foreign Affairs

Rockwell, Stuart W., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs from September 1966

Rostow, Eugene V., Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from October 1966

Rostow, Walt W., Counselor of the Department of State and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council until March 1966; Special Assistant to the President from April 1966

Rusk, Dean, Secretary of State

Russell, H. Earle, Officer in Charge of Lebanon-Israel Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, until June 1965; Officer in Charge of United Arab Republic-Syrian Arab Republic Affairs, July 1965-July 1966

Sabri, Ali, Prime Minister of the United Arab Republic until September 1965

Sapir, Pinhas, Israeli Minister of Finance

Saunders, Harold H., Member of the National Security Council Staff

Schultze, Charles L., Director, Bureau of the Budget

Seelye, Talcott W., Country Director for Lebanon, Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic, and Iraq Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, from July 1968

Shazar, Zalman, President of Israel

Shukairy, Ahmed, President of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization

Sisco, Joseph J., Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs from September 1965

Sloan, Frank K., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs until 1965

Smith, Bromley K., Executive Secretary of the National Security Council

Smythe, Hugh H., Ambassador to Syria, October 1965-June 6, 1967, when Syria severed diplomatic relations with the United States

Sober, Sidney, Deputy Director, Office of Regional Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs Department of State, from February 1966; Staff Director, Interdepartmental Regional Group for Near East and South Asian Affairs, from March 1966; also Director, Office of Regional Affairs, from October 1966

Solbert, Peter O.A., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs until December 1965

Spain, James W., Director, Office of Research and Analysis for Near East and South Asia, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, March 1964-June 1966; thereafter Country Director for Pakistan-Afghanistan

Stevenson, Adlai E., Representative to the United Nations until his death in July 1965

Stoddart, Jonathan D., Deputy Director, Near East and South Asia Region, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs

Symmes, Harrison M., Deputy Director, Office of Near Eastern Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, until September 1965, Director, October 1965-June 1966; Country Director for Israel and Arab-Israel Affairs, July 1966-April 1967; thereafter Ambassador to Jordan

Talbot, Phillips, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs until September 1965

Talhouni, Bahjat, Prime Minister of Jordan and Minister of Justice, from April 1964; Prime Minister from July 1964

Taylor, General Maxwell D., Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff until July 1964; Ambassador to Vietnam, July 1964-July 1965

Tel, Wasfi El, Prime Minister of Jordan and Minister of Defense, February 1965-March 1967

Thompson, Llewellyn E., Ambassador at Large until December 1966; also Acting Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs

Valenti, Jack, Special Assistant to the President until May 1966

Vance, Cyrus R., Deputy Secretary of Defense, January 1964-June 1967

Walsh, John P., Deputy Director, Office of Near Eastern and South Asian Regional Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, until May 1965; Deputy Executive Secretary until September 1967; thereafter Acting Executive Secretary

Warnke, Paul C., Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs from August 1967

Wehmeyer, Donald A., Assistant Legal Adviser for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, October 1964-August 1968

Wheeler, General Earle G., Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, until July 1964; thereafter Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Wilson, Evan M., Consul General in Jerusalem, October 1964-September 1967

Wilson, Harold, Prime Minister of Great Britain

Wolle, William D., Officer in Charge of Arab-Israel Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, August 1965-August 1967

Wriggins, W. Howard, Member of the National Security Council Staff, 1966-1967

Yamani, Sheikh Ahmed Zaki, Saudi Arabian Minister of Oil and Mineral Wealth; Secretary General, Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) from 1968

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