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Foreign Relations of the United States 1964-1968, Volume XIV, Soviet Union  
Released by the Office of the Historian


Akalovsky, Alexander, Political Officer at the Embassy in Moscow September 1965-1968

Alliluyeva, Svetlana, daughter of Josef Stalin

Ball, George, Under Secretary of State to September 30, 1966; Representative to the United Nations June 26-September 25, 1968

Bator, Francis, member of the National Security Council Staff from April 1964; Deputy Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs October 1965-September 1967

Bohlen, Charles E., Ambassador to France until February 9, 1968; Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs after February 11, 1968

Bowles, Chester A., Ambassador to India

Brezhnev, Leonid I., First Secretary (General Secretary after April 1966), Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from October 1964

Bruce, David K.E., Ambassador to the United Kingdom

Brown, Harold, Secretary of the Air Force from October 1, 1965

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, member of Policy Planning Council, Department of State, June 1966-1967

Bundy, McGeorge, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs until February 28, 1966; Executive Secretary of the Special Committee of the National Security Council June-August 1967

Chou En-lai, Premier of the People's Republic of China

Christian, George, Special Assistant and Press Secretary to the President from February 1967

Clark, Ramsey, Attorney General from September 1966

Clifford, Clark M., lawyer and unofficial adviser to President Johnson; Secretary of Defense from March 1, 1968

Cline, Ray, Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, to January 1966; then Special Assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence

Davis, Richard H., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs to September 1965 (Acting Assistant Secretary April-June 1965); thereafter Ambassador to Romania

DeGaulle, Charles, President of France

Dirksen, Everett M., Republic Senator from Illinois; Senate Minority Leader

Dobrynin, Anatoli F., Soviet Ambassador to the United States

Dubcek, Alexander, First Secretary of the Czechoslovak Communist Party from January 1968

Eban, Abba, Deputy Prime Minister of Israel 1964-January 1966; thereafter Minister of Foreign Affairs

Eisenhower, Dwight D., President of the United States, 1953-1961

Erhard, Ludwig, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany until December 1, 1966

Fedorenko, Nicolai T., Soviet Permanent Representative to the United Nations to March 1968

Fisher, Adrian S., Deputy Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

Foster, William C., Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

Fulbright, William, Democratic Senator from Arkansas and Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Goldberg, Arthur J., Representative to the United Nations July 28, 1965-June 24, 1968

Goldwater, Barry, Republican Senator from Arizona and Republican nominee for President in 1964

Gromyko, Andrei A., Soviet Foreign Minister

Guthrie, John C., Director, Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, to August 1964; Deputy Chief of Mission at the Moscow Embassy June 1965-1967

Harriman, W. Averell, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs to March 17, 1965; thereafter Ambassador at Large

Helms, Richard M., Deputy Director of Plans, Central Intelligence Agency, to April 28, 1965; Deputy Director of Central Intelligence April 28, 1965-June 30, 1966; thereafter Director of Central Intelligence

Henry, David H., Deputy Director, Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State to August 1964; Director, Office of Soviet Union Affairs August 1964-1965

Ho Chi Minh, President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam

Hoover, J. Edgar, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Hughes, Thomas L., Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State

Huizenga, John W., member of Policy Planning Council, Department of State, 1964-1966; thereafter Deputy Director, Office of National Estimates, Central Intelligence Agency

Humphrey, Hubert H., Democratic Senator from Minnesota and Senate Majority Whip to December 29, 1964; Vice President of the United States from January 20, 1965; Democratic candidate for President, November 1968

Hurok, Sol, American impresario

Ivanov, Igor A., Soviet citizen convicted in 1964 of espionage in the United States and sentenced to 20 years in prison

Jarring, Gunnar, Swedish Ambassador to the Soviet Union from 1964; Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General to the Middle East from November 1967

Jenkins, Kempton B., Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State to 1965

Johnson, Lyndon Baines, President of the United States

Johnson, U. Alexis, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from November 1, 1965 to October 9, 1966

Johnson, W. Thomas, Assistant Press Secretary to the President September 1, 1966-September 1968; thereafter Deputy Press Secretary to the President

Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., Attorney General September 4, 1964-September 30, 1966; Under Secretary of State from October 3, 1966

Kennan George F., former Ambassador to the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia

Kennedy, John F., President of the United States 1961-1963

Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich, Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers to October 15, 1964

Klein, David, member of the National Security Council Staff to August 1965

Klosson, Boris H., Director of the Soviet and Eastern European Exchanges Staff, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, from August 1965

Kohler, Foy D., Career Ambassador from October 22, 1964; Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs November 29, 1966-December 31, 1967

Kornienko, Georgi M., Minister Counselor at the Soviet Embassy in Washington to 1964; Chief of the American Department, Soviet Foreign Ministry from 1966

Kosygin, Alexei N., First Deputy Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers until October 15, 1964; thereafter Chairman

Krag, Jens Otto, Danish Prime Minister until January 24, 1968; also Danish Foreign Minister, November 28,1966-October 1, 1967

Krimer, William D., interpreter, Department of State

Kuznetsov, Vassily V., First Deputy Soviet Foreign Minister

Leddy, John M., Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from June 16, 1965

MacArthur, Douglas II, Career Ambassador from August 22, 1964; Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations March 14, 1965-March 6, 1967

Mansfield, Michael J., Democratic Senator from Montana; Senate Majority Leader

McCone, John A., Director of Central Intelligence to April 28, 1965

McNamara, Robert S., Secretary of Defense to February 29, 1968

Meany, George, President of the AFL/CIO (American Federal of Labor/Congress of Industrial Organizations)

Meeker, Leonard C., Legal Adviser of the Department of State from May 18, 1965

Mikoyan, Anastas I., First Deputy Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers to 1964; Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet July 1964-December 1965; member of the Presidium (Politburo) of the Central Committee of the Communist Party to 1966

Moyers, Bill D., Special Assistant to the President to January 31, 1967; Press Secretary to the President July 8, 1965-January 31, 1967

Murphy, Robert D., former Ambassador and State Department official

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, President of the United Arab Republic

Nguyen Van Thieu, Chief of State, Republic of (South) Vietnam June 1965-October 1967; thereafter President

Nitze, Paul H., Secretary of the Navy until June 30, 1967; thereafter Deputy Secretary of Defense

Nixon, Richard M., former Vice President of the United States; Republican candidate for President, November 1968, and then President-elect

Owen, Robert I., Officer in Charge of Bilateral Political Relations, Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, until August 1964; Deputy Director, Office of Soviet Union Affairs August 1964-August 1965

Pearson, Drew, columnist and author

Podgorny, Nikolai V., member of the Presidium (Politburo) of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union; Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet from December 1965

Pratt, James W., Deputy Director, Office of the Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, August 1965-June 1968; then Political Counselor at the Embassy in Moscow

Read, Benjamin H., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State and Executive Secretary of the Department

Rooney, John J., Democratic Congressman from New York

Rostow, Eugene V., Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from October 14,


Rostow, Walt W., Counselor for the Department of State and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council until March 31, 1966; thereafter President's Special Assistant

Rusk, Dean, Secretary of State

Russell, Richard B., Democratic Senator from Georgia; Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee

Semenov, Vladimir S., Soviet Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Shelepin, Alexandr N., Deputy Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers to 1965; member of the Presidium (Politburo) of the Central Committee of the Communist Party from November 1964

Smirnovsky, Mikhail N., Chief of American Department, Soviet Foreign Ministry until January 1966; thereafter Soviet Ambassador to the United Kingdom

Smith, Bromley, Executive Secretary of the National Security Council

Souvanna Phouma, Prince, Prime Minister of Laos; after May 2, 1964, Minister of Defense

Stevenson, Adlai E., Representative to the United Nations until July 14, 1965

Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs September 1965-July 1968

Sukhodrev, Victor M., Counselor and Interpreter, Soviet Foreign Ministry

Suslov, Mikhail A., member of the Presidium (Politburo) of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Swank, Emory C., Deputy Chief of Mission at the Moscow Embassy from July 1967

Tcherniakov, Yuri N., Counselor and then Minister Counselor at the Soviet Embassy in Washington from 1965

Thieu, see Nguyen Van Thieu

Thompson, Llewellyn E. Ambassador at Large until December 26, 1966; Ambassador to the Soviet Union from January 23, 1967

Toon, Malcolm, Political Officer at the Embassy in Moscow to 1965; Director, Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, and then Country Director for the Soviet Union, Bureau of European Affairs 1965-1968

Troyanovsky, Oleg A., Soviet diplomat; Soviet Ambassador to Japan from March 1967

Tsarapkin, Semen K., Soviet Representative to the Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee in Geneva until 1966; thereafter Soviet Ambassador to West Germany

Tyler, William R., Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs until May 18, 1965; Ambassador to the Netherlands after June 23, 1965

Ulbricht, Walter, SED First Secretary and Chairman of the East German Council of State (head of state); also Chairman of the National Defense Council

Valdes, Philip H., Officer in Charge of Multilateral Political Relations, Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State, to July 1964; Political Officer at the Embassy in Moscow August 1964-1966

Valenti, Jack, Special Assistant to the President until May 15, 1966

Vance, Cyrus R., Secretary of the Army until January 20, 1964; Deputy Secretary of Defense to June 30, 1967

Vinogradov, Vladimir M., Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister from 1967

Vorontsev, Yuly M., Counselor at the Soviet Embassy in Washington from 1967

Walsh, John P., Deputy Executive Secretary of the Department of State from May 1965

Wheeler, General Earle G., USA, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from July 3, 1964

Wirtz, W. Willard, Secretary of Labor

Zamyatin, Leonid M., Chief of the Press Department, Soviet Foreign Ministry

Zhukov, Georgi (Yuri) A., columnist for Pravda

Zorin, Valerian A., Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister to 1965; thereafter Soviet Ambassador to France

Volume XIV Index | Foreign Relations Volumes Online Released Prior to January 20, 2001

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